There were days writing this book when I felt like I had a thousand hands at my back, pushing and encouraging me to move forward. In fact, this was true: my blog readers are the heart and soul of my work, and for this I am thankful to all of you for your generosity, friendship, advice, and encouragement.
A select group of 150 people took a step further and volunteered to be bothered with frequent e-mails with questions ranging from “What does it feel like to be stuck in a cube?” to “What are your biggest worries about securing benefits?” Escape from Cubicle Nation Advisory Council, you are a gift and I am eternally grateful for your detailed recommendations and feedback.
My Twitter buddies endured eight weeks of nonstop questions. Thanks for your great advice, humor, and late-night support.
My clients are some of the bravest people on earth, navigating personal fears and business challenges with gusto and grace. I am so honored to know you and work with you. Thanks for your trust and support. I have already seen, and will continue to see, great things from all of you.
Staunch allies (in no particular order) include Marilyn Scott-Waters, Lisa Evans, Matthew Scott, Andy Pels, Brooke Castillo, Philippa Kennealy, Andy Wibbels, John Fritz, Ramit Sethi, Sophfronia Scott, Havi Brooks, Naomi Dunford, John Dodds, Robert Bruce, Bob Walsh, Michelle Woodward, Meadow De Vor, Tina Forsyth, Nathan Bowers, Colleen Wainwright, Jonathan Fields, and Glenda Watson-Hyatt. Thanks for pulling me back from the brink many times and for being such exemplary friends, smart people, and human beings.
I am not embarrassed to admit that I am a devout fangirl of my High Council of Jedi Knights, which includes Guy Kawasaki, Seth Godin, Rich Sloan, Andrea Lee, Tim Berry, Kathy Sierra, Hugh MacLeod, Garr Reynolds, Bob Sutton, Srikumar Rao, Lynnette Khalfani, and John Jantsch. Your work inspires me so much and pushes me to do my very best while serving my tribe with an open heart.
Suzanne Falter-Barns, you were so right—developing a killer brand is the secret to the universe. Thanks for your perfect advice and teaching.
Martha Beck, I know you understand more than anyone the magical mystery tour that happened when I aligned my deepest purpose with my right work. The fact that I get to work with you and be your friend after admiring your work for so long is a testament to the message of this book.
My editor, Emily Rapoport—what can I say? You made this happen. The fact that you made an author out of a scrappy blogger speaks to your faith, capacity, and willingness to take risks. I am truly blessed to work with you. Joelle Delbourgo, my agent, you gave me the exact advice I needed with just the right combination of strength and support. I am exceptionally glad to be a Penguin/Portfolio author and will wear the brand proudly.
Barb, Mary Jo, Kris, MaryAnn, and Leslie, you made the first decade of my business a true joy, and for this, I will be eternally grateful. Skip, Mark, and Peter, thanks for your trust and willingness to share business with me!
Suzanne and Laura, you made my transition to Arizona and all the wildness that ensued a true hilarious adventure. I love you both. Desiree Adaway, my best friend on the planet, my life is permanently better because of you. Dear departed Carlos Aceituno, your life inspires me. All my capoeira “kids,” you are always with me. Cecilia, your loving care of Angela is a tremendous blessing.
Ed, Madelyn, Todd, and Trisha Smith, your support and generosity are truly awe-inspiring. Thank you for your belief in Darryl’s business and our family.
Mom, Larry, Gretchen, Gary, Brian, Rose, Dad, Dee, Mom Slim, Gerri, Ronnie, Cilla, Dean, Steve, Rose, Monte, Patty, Maria Jose, Jimmy, and all my nieces and nephews, you are my strength and pride.
And my precious family, Darryl, Jeffery, Joshua, and Angela, you are in the very center of my heart. Your love made this book happen. I am the luckiest woman in the world.