Hold your fire
Keep it burning bright
Hold the flames
’Til the dream ignites
Those are lines from “Mission” by Rush, a song that is very close to my heart. Neil Peart, who wrote those words, was one of the greatest drummers and most profound lyricists of all time—and yet the song is about how he himself was amazed and humbled to see great architecture, works of art, literature, and motion pictures.
We each get inspired when we see masterpieces that we couldn’t imagine creating ourselves. I have always been inspired by music, particularly progressive rock (in particular, Kansas, Styx, the Alan Parsons Project, and Rush). As a nerdy kid in high school, when I was much more interested in Middle Earth and the sandworms of Dune than in the homecoming dance, I drew inspiration from epic songs about dystopian worlds, necromancers, spaceship expeditions to black holes, sailing ships and starships, aliens stranded on Earth.
I couldn’t sing, couldn’t play any musical instrument, but I could write, and I transformed that inspiration from music into stories (which grew increasingly better as I practiced).
After I graduated from college and got a full-time job, Rush released a new album, Grace Under Pressure. To my ears and my imagination, it was a science fiction tour de force that serendipitously aligned with the ambitious first novel I was developing, Resurrection, Inc. I listened to “p/g” (as Rush fans affectionately abbreviate Grace Under Pressure) countless times, and the songs and lyrics directly shaped my story and characters. “Distant Early Warning,” “Red Sector A,” “Afterimage,” “The Enemy Within,” “The Body Electric,” “Beneath the Wheels”—so much so that when I eventually sold the novel to Signet Books, I included an acknowledgment: “To Neal Peart, Geddy Lee, and Alex Lifeson of RUSH, whose haunting album Grace Under Pressure inspired much of this novel.” (Yes, I actually misspelled Neil’s name.)
As a naïve and optimistic twenty-five-year-old, I autographed copies to the members of Rush and sent them to Mercury Records, hoping that someone might read it.
Neil Peart did, and he wrote me back, saying that he had enjoyed the novel. “You have gone so far beyond anything I have experienced in lyrics that the dedication seems unmerited. Never mind—it’s still a very nice thing, and I’m proud of it.”
From that, we struck up a correspondence and friendship that lasted more than thirty years. We wrote a short story together in 1993, and I surreptitiously managed to work snippets of Neil’s lyrics into many of my novels, including Dune books, my Saga of Seven Suns (which Neil particularly enjoyed), and others.
He occasionally reciprocated. After reading my novel Lifeline with Doug Beason and our next book Timeline (the title was eventually changed to The Trinity Paradox), he wrote the song “Dreamline,” one of the most popular tracks on the Roll the Bones album. There are also multiple Seven Suns references in their Snakes and Arrows album.
Our greatest cross-pollination, though, came with Clockwork Angels, the last studio album from Rush. Neil had an idea for a sprawling concept album, a steampunk fantasy adventure, a coming-of-age tale in a fantastical world, and he brainstormed the story and the world with me. He sent me the lyrics as he wrote each song, and I loved the story of the domineering Watchmaker, the ruthless Anarchist, the Alchemy College, pirates and airships, the Seven Cities of Gold … and the amazing mechanical Clockwork Angels.
After all that, I would have been inspired to write something of my own, but it got even better when Neil asked me to write the novel version of the album. Published in 2012 and beautifully illustrated by Hugh Syme (Rush’s cover artist), Clockwork Angels: The Novel hit the New York Times bestseller list and has won or was nominated for several awards.
Inspiration didn’t stop flowing, though. Because the story was so visual, we adapted it into a graphic novel from BOOM! Studios, and Neil himself narrated the audiobook, the first time he had ever done so.
After such a remarkable creative experience, we talked about doing a sequel, noting several interesting characters we wanted to revisit in short stories. We had ideas, but I was reluctant to do just a collection of scattered tales. I wanted something to bind them together, but I didn’t have that spark. Not yet.
Enter more musical inspiration, through Matt Scannell, lead singer and front man for Vertical Horizon, and a close friend of Neil’s. When Neil introduced us, Matt and I hit it off immediately, and he invited me and my wife, Rebecca, to Vertical Horizon concerts, including one stadium event in Colorado Springs. Before the show, we joined Matt for some conversation, and he pressed me whether Neil and I were ever going to write more in the Clockwork universe. I explained our smaller ideas, but we just didn’t have the big one yet.
During the concert, Matt played “Save Me from Myself,” a song that consists of several dramatic stories from the news all interconnected through a focal point of a man’s personal tragedy. As I listened to that song live, the idea suddenly clicked, and Clockwork Lives—my favorite of all my novels—was born right there in the stands of SkySox Stadium.
Would I ever have come up with that twist without hearing that song? Maybe, but it likely wouldn’t have been the same. Would I have written Resurrection, Inc. without having the inspiration of Grace Under Pressure? Maybe, but it would have been an entirely different novel.
I am pleased to include one of the stories from Clockwork Lives, “The Seeker’s Tale,” in this anthology.
I draw on music for my inspiration just as flowers drink in sunshine. My muse has a soundtrack, a very loud one. Other writers draw on poetry, on paintings, on natural beauty, on staring at the waves of the ocean. Anything can light the creative fires.
Neil Peart died in January 2020 after a long struggle with brain cancer, but every time I play one of my favorite Rush songs, he is still there, inspiring me.
Life is just a candle
And a dream must give it flame.
—Neil Peart