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abduction, 156–57


costs of, 43, 49–50, 61–62

to culture, 41, 42–43, 61–63

to web content, 47, 49–50

acculturation, 106–7, 111

addictions, 46, 55–56, 140, 142

adults with autism, 37

advanced civilizations, 224–28

advertising, 43, 139–41, 211

aesthetic values, 173–92

and autistics, 173–75

canons of, 94, 190–91

and cultural criticism, 188

judgments about, 176

and neurodiversity, 189

and neurology, 174, 175–79, 184–92

role of perception in, 177

affiliations, 87

Alchian, Armen A., 49

Alchian and Allen Theorem, 49–50

Alcoholics Anonymous, 84

Alighieri, Dante, 128, 46

Allen, William R., 49, 47, 62, 85

amusia, 179–80

Anarchy, State, and Utopia (Nozick), 142

Andersen, Hans Christian, 166

animal intelligence, 224

AOL, 47

Argentina, 206–7

Ariely, Dan, 80–81, 124

articulable interests, 87

Asperger, Hans, 28, 189–90

Asperger’s LiveJournal discussion group, 35

Asperger’s syndrome

and aesthetic values, 174, 180–81

behaviors and traits associated with, 30–31

community building in, 214

and discrimination, 197

high achievers with, 23, 24, 26, 166–67

media coverage of, 34, 154

perseverations, 169

relation to autism, 22

and support groups, 23–24, 35

Atkinson, Michael, 157

atonal music, 182–86, 187, 188

attention spans, 53–55

Attwood, Tony, 213

Australia, 207

authenticity, 142–46

autism and autistic individuals, 15–40

behaviors and traits associated with, 30–31 (see also specific traits)

and Buddhism, 92–94

as a cognitive profile, 17–18, 194

cognitive strengths associated with, 15, 17–19, 21, 23, 30, 37, 39, 40, 57, 166–67, 189

cognitive weaknesses associated with, 19–20, 21, 27, 37, 57, 166

and communication, 20, 35, 73–74, 132–33, 168, 212–13, 218

defining, 16–17, 23, 39–40

diagnostic criteria for, 39

and education, 107, 109–11, 115, 215

in fiction, 147–48, 160–66 (see also Holmes, Sherlock)

high achievers with, 23, 24–26, 28–30, 166–68, 180–82

mobilizing talents of, 214–15

and politics, 194–200, 203, 209

public perception of, 15–16, 22, 31, 32–33, 176, 221–22

rates of, 36, 37–38

“recovery” from, 26–27

social hostility toward, 38–39

social intelligence and interactions, 20–21, 27, 31–35, 170, 212

and stories, 129–32, 135–36, 140–41

variance of outcomes in, 21, 23, 39

See also Asperger’s syndrome; neurodiversity

Autreat conference, 152

Baggs, Amanda, 35

Bailenson, Jeremy, 86–87

Bainbridge, David A., 34

Barber, Benjamin R., 198

Baron-Cohen, Simon, 24

Bartók, Béla, 166

beauty, 41. See also aesthetic values, 11–12

behavioral economics, 124–25, 126

Bell, Gordon, 98

Bell, Joseph, 160

Belmonte, Matthew, 28–29

Bewitched, 128

Bildungsroman (life development story), 119

Bittman, Mark, 56

BitTorrent, 24

Black, Fischer, 96–97

Blackburn, Jared, 170, 47

blogs, 45–46, 74–78, 85–86, 119

Bollywood, 127

Boswell, James, 168

Bourdieu, Pierre, 177

Boyden, Ed, 97

Brafman, Ori, 124

Brafman, Rom, 124

Bridgewater Treatise (Roget), 29, 12

Brochet, Frederic, 79

Buddhism, 91–96, 99–100, 105, 191

Buffett, Warren, 30

Burke, Edmund, 203

business meetings, 114

Canada, 207

Carr, Nicholas, 54

Carroll, Lewis, 166

catastrophe in art, 175

Cavendish, Henry, 166

The Celestine Prophecy (Redfield), 101

cell phones, 72, 76

Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 120

Chapman, Sandi, 32

children with autism, 37

Chile, 206–7

choice at the margin, 143, 144, 145

Chopra, Deepak, 101

Cicero, 89, 135

Cohen, Bram, 24

collecting, 102–5

communication, 65–89

and autistics, 20, 32, 35, 73–74, 132–33, 168, 212–13, 218

email, 66, 67–68, 70, 71, 78

Facebook, 81–84

and framing effects, 78–81, 82–83, 89

importance of the medium, 65, 67, 69

instant messaging (IM), 50–51, 66–71, 84

micro-blogging, 74–78

print media, 43–44, 66, 201

RSS (Really Simple Syndication), 85–86

texting, 72–74

verbal communication, 20, 35

written communication, 35, 213

community building, 214

compassion for others, 32–35

competition, 89, 142

complements, problem of, 102–3

concentration. See focusing

Constitution of Liberty (Hayek), 201

consumer satisfaction, 120

control of information, 4–5

conversation summaries, 97

coordination, 132–33, 134

corruption, 208

cosmopolitanism, 196–99, 201, 203

“The Costs of Autism” (Ganz), 34

countries, travel to, 104–5

Cowansage, Kiriana, 173–75, 187–88

Cowen, Tyler (nine-year-old), 86

Craigslist, 24, 47

creativity, 58

Critique of Pure Reason (Kant), 205


access to, 41, 42–43, 61–63

and acculturation, 106–7

addiction to, 55–56

and attention spans, 53–55

costs of, 43

cultural literacy, 59

culture of small bits, 43–44, 50–51

diversity in, 198, 218–21

effect of the internet on, 46

and information overload, 50–51

and instant messaging, 70–71

and least-common-denominator effect, 134

and multitasking, 51–53, 56–57

romance compared to, 42, 60–62

sampling of, 41, 44–48

self-assembled blends of, 51–52, 56–58, 65, 67, 154

term, 41–42

ugliness of, 41, 59–60, 62, 63

value in, 9

Dalai Lama, 92, 95, 96, 156

Danto, Arthur, 191

Darwin, Charles, 25, 166

Dawson, Michelle, 27–28

daydreaming, 108–9

Declaration of Independence, 200

Delicious, 10–11

De Martino, Benedetto, 195

democracy, 207

detail-oriented personalities, 148–49, 176, 189

Dickinson, Emily, 166

difficulties experienced by autistics, 110, 212

Digg lists, 55

Dirac, Paul, 25, 166

discrimination aimed at autistics, 197, 221–22

Distinction (Bourdieu), 177

diversity, 198

division of labor, 215–16

Don Giovanni (Mozart), 57–58

Donohoo, Mark, 3

Don Quixote (Cervantes), 120–21

Doyle, Sir Arthur Conan, 148, 153, 154, 155–56, 160

Drake Equation, 224–25

Dudley, Leonard, 65

Dylan, Bob, 166

Dyson, Esther, 49

eating habits, 31

eBay, 47, 85

echolalia, 31, 168

Eco, Umberto, 156

economics, 121–22, 123–26, 129, 202

Edison, Thomas, 25, 166

education, 105–15

and acculturation, 106–7

and aesthetic values, 177

and autistic cognitive skills, 107, 109–11, 115, 215

and face-to-face instruction, 111–15

and focusing, 108–9, 115

limits of, 211

rate of return on, 115

signaling model of, 106, 110, 9

Einstein, Albert, 25, 166

email, 52, 78

e-memory, 98

employment, 69

endowment effect, 195–96, 199

engineering, 24

ethics, codes of, 199

evangelical Protestants, 107, 12

exchange, benefits of, 218

expectations, 60–61, 81–82, 124

experience machine, 142–46

“Explaining Enhanced Logical Consistency During Decision Making in Autism” (De Martino et al.), 195

eye contact, 31, 36

eyesight, 18


and advanced civilizations, 227–28

and framing effects, 81–84

groups in, 86, 87

and mental ordering, 7–8, 12, 13

popularity of, 47

facial recognition, 25, 132

Fasanella, Kathleen, 1

Fauron, M., 104

FeedDemon, 85–86

Fein, Deborah, 26

Feldman, Morton, 44

Fermi, Enrico, 223

Fermi Paradox, 223, 225, 227

films, 114, 134

Finding Angela Shelton (Shelton), 86

Finland, 219–21

Finland: Cultural Lone Wolf (Lewis), 220

Flickr, 11

focal points, 130–32, 133, 136


of Adam Smith, 168

of autistics, 92–94, 109, 111

and education, 108–9, 115

folksonomy, 11

food preferences, 31

framing effects

and articulable interests, 89

and autistics, 196

and communication, 78–84

defined, 6

and the experience machine, 143–44

and Facebook, 81–84

and mental ordering, 6–7

freedom, 200–201, 208–9

Freud, Sigmund, 103, 179

Friedman, Milton, 179

FriendFeed, 9

friendship, 81–82, 85, 208

Fuser, 9

Ganz, Michael L., 34

Garmin Forerunner 305 GPS, 12

Gates, Bill, 25

Gathera, 9

gender imbalances, 69–70

genetic component of autism, 36

The Glass Bead Game (Hesse), 160–66

Gödel, Kurt, 202

Godfather series, 134

Gogh, Vincent van, 25, 166

goods, 139–40


and articulable interests, 88–89

and attention spans, 53, 54–55

and dress code, 130

and mental ordering, 13

popularity of, 46

Google Earth, 10, 131

Googlegänger, 86

Google Reader, 85–86

Google Sky, 10

Gore, Thomas, 25

Gould, Glenn, 25, 166, 167

Grandin, Temple, 24–25, 180, 216, 219

Great Depression, vii

groups, 87

groupthink, 197

Guevara, Ernesto “Che,” 179

Guinness World Records, 105

Halberstadt, Germany, 44

Handbook of Autism and Pervasive Developmental Disorders, 38

Hanson, Robin, 193–94

Harlequin novels, 127

Harry Potter series, 128, 133

Hart-Davis, Guy, 5

Hassan, Mohammed, 86

Hayek, Friedrich A., 201–3

Heidegger, Martin, 142

Herodotus, 199

Hesse, Hermann, 160–66

historical figures, 166–67

Hofstetter, Steve, 8

Holmes, Mycroft (fictional character), 151–53

Holmes, Sherlock (fictional character), 148–60

brother of, 151–53

commercial success of series, 156, 165

detail-oriented personality of, 148–49, 156, 158–59

orderliness of, 150, 159

powers of reasoning of, 152, 153, 156–57

social intelligence and interactions of, 149–50, 154, 156, 157

Holt, Molly, 26

The Holy Grail, 137

homo ordo, 13

House, Gregory (fictional character), 154

household production, 141

House M.D., 154

HowManyAsMe website, 86

HTML, 71

Hume, David, 177, 204

humor, 31

Hussain, Zakir, 187

Hussein, Saddam, 122

identity, 120, 134, 136–37

incentives, 122, 123–24

Indian classical music, 187

individual, respect for the, 222–23

Inferno (Dante), 128

information, 50–51, 55

information technology, 213

infovores, 2–3, 7, 10, 45

in-group relations, 197–99

Innis, Harold, 65

instant messaging (IM), 66–71, 84


animal intelligence, 224

and autism and autistic individuals, 18–19, 21, 27–28

and Google, 54

and multitasking, 52–53

non-human, 223–28

interiority, 117, 223, 226–28

internet. See web

introversion, 26, 31

intuition, 156


and aesthetic values, 192

and autistics, 213

and communication formats, 71

and focal points, 131

and self-assembled bits of culture, 59

iPods, 4–5, 58, 81, 84

Iran, 122

Iraq War, 122

“Is Google making Us Stupid?” (Carr), 54

iTunes, 4, 5, 43

Jaiku, 74

James, Jamie, 182

Japan, 74, 207, 218–19

Jefferson, Thomas, 25, 166, 200

Johnson, Samuel, 25, 166

Jordan, Rita R., 195

Joyce, James, 166

Kant, Immanuel, 203–4

Keillor, Frank, 103

Kendall, Joshua, 29

Kidmondo, 9

Kindle, 43, 62

Klein, Naomi, 198

Knecht, Joseph (fictional character), 160–66

Krugman, Paul, 111–12

Lamoureux, Hugo, 190

late-talking children, 26

Laurie, Hugh, 154

least-common-denominator effect, 134

libraries, 43

Lil’Grams, 9

LinkedIn, 83

literature, 139, 146, 147–48, 170–71. See also Holmes, Sherlock

LiveJournal discussion group, 35

Living to Tell the Tale (Márquez), 120

local processing or perception, 18, 19, 36

Locke, John, 177, 204

The Lord of the Rings (Tolkien), 127

loss aversion, 196

lunch, duration of, 43

Mackenzie, Henry, 168

macroeconomics, 138

magazines, 44

manipulation, 139–41

Mankiw, Greg, 111–12, 114

mantras, 95

The Man Who Made Lists (Kendall), 29

Marginal Revolution blog, 1

market economy, 201

Márquez, Gabriel García, 120

marriage, 217–18

Marx, Karl, 216

mathematics, 19, 24, 153

Maxim, 44

McLuhan, Marshall, 65–66

media coverage, 34, 135–36

meditation, 94–95, 96, 131

Mehrling, Perry, 96–97

Melville, Herman, 166

memory, 18, 130, 195

Mendel, Gregor, 25, 166

mental ordering. See ordering of information

metaphysics, 203–5

Michelangelo, 166

micro-blogging services, 74–78

Microsoft Network (MSN), 47

Midnight Economist, 49

migrants, 106

“The Mind as a Consuming Organ” (Schelling), 117–19, 138–39

mindfulness, 95, 100

minorities, 212

mobility, 216–17

monotonizing existence, 141–42

Monty Python’s Holy Grail, 137

morality, 206

Moriarty, James (fictional character), 153

Mormons, 107, 105

movies, 114, 134

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus, 57–58, 166

multitasking, 51–53, 56–57


access to, 43

and amusia, 179–80

atonal music, 182–86, 187, 188

and autistics, 18, 26, 180–81, 187–91

duration of, 42, 44

live music, 114

music industry, 4–6

order in, 186

pitch perception, 18, 180

and self-assembled bits of culture, 57–58

serialist music, 188

and social validation, 84

subscription services, 6

Musicophilia (Sacks), 179

MyLifeBits, 97–98

My Mile Marker, 12

MySpace, 46

Napkin Fiction, 44

Napster, 6

narrative psychology, 126

National Association of Blind Lawyers, 25

nationalism, 197–99

Nausea (Sartre), 142

Nazeer, Kamran, 12

nerds, 22–23, 110–11


and aesthetic values, 189

and atonal music, 182, 184, 185

historical figures with, 166–67

importance of, 125

and politics, 198

relation to autism, 22

and respect for the individual, 223

and support groups, 23–24

understanding of, 211

See also autism and autistic individuals, 35

neuroeconomics, 125, 202


and aesthetic values, 174, 175–79, 184–92

and Dalai Lama, 95–96

and Kant, 205

and politics, 201

and respect for the individual, 222

neuroplasticity, 96

New Age religions, 101–2

Newmark, Craig, 24

Newton, Isaac, 25, 166

The New Yorker, 44

The New York Review of Books, 44

The New York Times, 34, 56, 104

New Zealand, 207

Nordic counties, 207

Nordon, Pierre, 160

novelty, 141–42

Nozick, Robert, 142–45

Nudge (Thaler and Sunstein), 124

Obama, Barack, 87

objectivity of autistics, 194–95

obsession, 103

Odadeo, 9

Oe, Hikari, 181–82

Oe, Kenzaburo, 181

“Of the Standard of Taste” (Hume), 177

optical illusions, 18

ordering of information, 2–14

and autistics, 2–3, 10–14, 20, 24, 36, 57, 140–41, 213

and Buddhism, 91, 92, 94, 96, 99–100, 105

collecting as form of, 102

and education, 111

in fictional characters, 148–49

and importance of the medium, 67

and information overload, 55

and Kant, 203–6

and multitasking, 56–57

and music, 186

and recording daily life, 96–98

in social networking contexts, 6–9

and stories, 126–29, 140–41

and web, 4–9, 10–12, 13

Orwell, George, 166

Ostwald, Peter, 167

otaku culture, 218–19

Overcoming Bias website, 193–94

Page, Tim, 180–81

pain relief medication, 81

pain tolerance, 19

Paradiso (Dante), 128

parents of autistic children, 36

patience, 53, 54

patriotism, 197

pattern recognition, 18, 150, 189, 201

PDF documents, 71

peers, 87


and aesthetic values, 177

effect on human behavior of, 121–23

perceptual abilities of autistics, 36, 148–49, 176, 189

perseverations, 31, 169

Pessoa, Fernando, 120, 141–42

phone, talking on, 31

photographs, 11

Pierrot Lunaire (Schoenberg), 183

pitch perception, 18, 180

placebo effect, 80–81, 115

Poe, Edgar Allan, 160

political connections, 87–88

politics, 193–209

and abstract reasoning, 199–203

and cosmopolitanism, 196–99, 201, 203

and endowment effect, 195–96, 199

and human cognition, 193

and objectivity, 194–95

and ordering, 203–6

and rule-governed behavior, 206–9

postmodernism, 45

Pownce, 74

Predictably Irrational (Ariely), 124

The Princess Bride, 127

print media, 43–44, 66, 201

production, 9

propaganda, 140

prosopagnosia, 25, 132

prosperity, 1, 228

psychology, 124

Psychology Today, 174–75

quests, 126–28

Quine, Willard Van Orman, 166

Rae, John, 168

Raffman, Diana, 185

Rain Man (film), 15

Rangaswami, J. P., 78

Raven’s Progressive Matrices IQ test, 27–28

reading, 19, 48, 54, 62, 139

real estate bubbles, 138

reality, 122–23, 204–5

recording daily life, 96–98

Reid, Donna, 73

Reid, Fraser, 73

religions, 84, 101–2, 197–98

Renaissance, 58

repetitive tasks and routines, 31, 215–16

Rhapsody, 6

Roget, John, 29

Roget, Peter Mark, 29

Roget’s Thesaurus (Roget), 29

romance, 42, 60–62

routines, 135–36

RSS (Really Simple Syndication), 85–86

Rubin, Sue, 92–94, 190

rule-governed behavior, 206–9

Russell, Bertrand, 25, 166

Russia, 207–8

Sacks, Jonathan, 218

Sacks, Oliver, 179

sacrifice, 81

sampling of culture, 41, 44–48

Sartre, Jean-Paul, 142

Savage, Michael, 34

savants, 18

scarcity, 126

Schelling, Thomas C.

on focal points, 130, 131, 133

on human limitations, 138–39

and Nozick, 145

utilization of stories, 117–19, 126

Schoenberg, Arnold, 182, 183

science, 95–96, 9

Second Life, 85, 212

The Secret (Byrne), 101

Seidel, Kathleen, 35

Seinfeld, 102

self-deception, 144

self-injury, 31

self-narratives, 136–37

self-similarity, 86–87

self-stimulation or “stimming” behaviors, 31, 168

Seneca, Jason, 33

SenseCam, 98

sense data, hierarchy of, 12–13

The Sensory Order (Hayek), 202

sensory perception of autistics, 19–20, 144, 184

serialist musics, 188

sex lives, 11–12

Shelton, Angela, 86

Shirky, Clay, 55

Silicon Valley, 213

Simone, Nina, 179

Sinclair, Jim, 32–33, 130

Skinner, B. F., 222

Smith, Adam

cognitive profile of, 167–71

on division of labor, 215–16

on framing effects, 81

and neuroeconomics, 202

psychological understanding of, 124

on social validation, 85

Smith, Vernon, 23, 39

Snowball: Warren Buffett and the Business of Life (Schroeder), 30

social hierarchies, 203

social networking, 7–9

social status, 177

social validation, 84–85

solar systems, 223

Sony Reader, 62

Soviet Union, 207

Sowell, Thomas, 26

speech, manner of, 31

Spielberg, Steven, 25

Stapledon, Olaf, 213

Star Maker (Stapledon), 213–14

Stephenson, Neil, 49

stereotypes of autism, 17, 20, 135 -36

Stewart, Dugald, 168, 169

Stoicism, 81, 124

stories, 117–46

and autistics, 129–30, 140–41

consumption of, 119–20

dual and conflicting functions of, 136 -39

economics of, 129

and the experience machine, 142–46

and focal points, 130–32, 133, 136

in literature, films, and television, 127–28

manipulative powers of, 139–40

oversimplification issue in, 133–36

quests, 126–28

role of, 129

salience in, 130, 133

and story-bound nature of life, 120–21

See also literature

String Quartet Number Two (Feldman), 44

Sunstein, Cass, 87, 124

Sway (Brafman and Brafman), 124

Swift, Jonathan, 25, 166

sympathy, 167, 169–70

Tantric Buddhism, 100–101

The Teaching Company, 112

technology, 45. See also specific technologies, including web

Technorati, 55

teenagers, 73

television, 114, 119

terrorists, 84

Tesla, Nikola, 25, 166

texting, 72–74

Thaler, Richard H., 124

theater, 114

The Theory of Moral Sentiments (Smith), 81, 124, 167–68, 169

ThinkTank, 96

TiVo, 142

“Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius” (Borges), 85

Tokyo, Japan, 218–19

Tolkien, J. R. R., 127

tone of voice, 31

Totspot, 8–9

Tourette’s syndrome, 168

Tower Records, 5

trade, 218

transportation, 216–17

travel, 104–5, 216–17

Turing, Alan, 25, 166, 167

Turkle, Sherry, 49

Twist, 77

Twitter, 7–8, 13, 74–78, 95

überbias, 83, 89

überdistortion, 79

ugliness of contemporary culture, 41, 59–60, 62, 63

United Kingdom, 207

United States, 207

The Universe in a Single Atom (Dalai Lama), 92

University Economics (Alchian and Allen), 49–50

University of San Diego, 109

U.S. Department of Education, 109

U.S. Marines, 107


in culture, 9

and framing effects, 79–81, 84–85

and interiority, 63

of stories, 129, 146

Veley, Charles, 104–5

verbal communication, 20, 35

violence in art, 175

Virtual Human Interaction Lab, 86

Wal-Mart, 4, 59

war, 196–97

Warhol, Andy, 166, 191

Watson, John H. (fictional character), 155, 156, 157–59

“weak central coherence” of autistics, 20

“weak executive function” of autistics, 20

The Wealth of Nations (Smith), 124, 167, 215


access to content, 47, 49–50, 62–63

and attention spans, 53–55

and autistics, 57, 132, 212, 213, 218

and cognitive performance, 52

currency of, 45–47

and education, 112, 113–14

groups and affiliations on, 87–89

and mental ordering, 4–9, 10–12, 13

and political connections, 87–88

popular websites, 46–47

rewiring effect of, 10

size of content, 48

See also specific sites such as Facebook

Webern, Anton, 182

Wikipedia, 11, 47, 98–99

“Williams syndrome,” 179

Windows Live, 47

wine experiments, 79–80

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 166

workplace, 69

written communication, 213. See also print media

Yahoo!, 46

Yeats, William Butler, 166

Yemen, 217

YouTube, 10, 43, 46, 85

You’ve Got Mail, 128