Advanced Preferences

We saw SharedPreferences and PreferenceFragment earlier in the book. However, we can have more elaborate preference collection options if we wish, such as a full master-detail implementation like the Settings app sports. There are also many other common attributes on the preference XML elements that we might consider taking advantage of, such as allowing us to automatically enable and disable preferences based upon whether some other preference is checked or unchecked.

In this chapter, we will explore some of these additional capabilities in the world of Android preferences.


Understanding this chapter requires that you have read the core chapters, particularly the one on SharedPreferences.

Introducing PreferenceActivity

If you have a fairly simple set of preferences to collect from the user, using a single PreferenceFragment should be sufficient.

On the far other end of the spectrum, Android’s Settings app collects a massive amount of preference values from the user. These are spread across a series of groups of preferences, known as preference headers.

While your app may not need to collect as many preferences as does the Settings app, you may need more than what could be collected easily in a single PreferenceFragment. In that case, you can consider adopting the same structure of headers-and-fragments that the Settings app uses, by means of a PreferenceActivity.

To see this in action, take a look at the Prefs/FragmentsBC sample project. It is very similar to the original SharedPreferences demo app from before. However, this one arranges to collect a fifth preference value, in a separate PreferenceFragment, and uses PreferenceActivity to allow access to both PreferenceFragment UI structures.

Defining Your Preference Headers

In the master-detail approach offered by PreferenceActivity, the “master” list is a collection of preference headers. Typically, you would define these in another XML resource. In the sample project, that is found in res/xml/preference_headers.xml:

<preference-headers xmlns:android="">


(from Prefs/FragmentsBC/app/src/main/res/xml/preference_headers.xml)

Here, your root element is <preference-headers>, containing a series of <header> elements. Each <header> contains at least three attributes:

  1. android:fragment, which identifies the Java class implementing the PreferenceFragment to use for this header, as is described in the next section
  2. android:title, which is a few words identifying this header to the user

Once again, you may wish to also include android:summary, which is a short sentence explaining what the user will find inside of this header.

You can, if you wish, include one or more <extra> child elements inside the <header> element. These values will be put into the “arguments” Bundle that the associated PreferenceFragment can retrieve via getArguments().

Creating Your PreferenceActivity

EditPreferences — which in the original sample app was a regular Activity — is now a PreferenceActivity. It contains little more than the two fragments referenced in the above preference header XML:


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.preference.PreferenceActivity;
import android.preference.PreferenceFragment;
import java.util.List;

public class EditPreferences extends PreferenceActivity {
  public void onBuildHeaders(List<Header> target) {
    loadHeadersFromResource(R.xml.preference_headers, target);

  protected boolean isValidFragment(String fragmentName) {
    if (First.class.getName().equals(fragmentName)
        || Second.class.getName().equals(fragmentName)) {


  public static class First extends PreferenceFragment {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


  public static class Second extends PreferenceFragment {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


(from Prefs/FragmentsBC/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/preffragsbc/

onBuildHeaders() is where we supply the preference headers, via a call to loadHeadersFromResource().

We also need to have an isValidFragment() method, that will return true if the supplied fragment name is one we should be showing in this PreferenceActivity, false otherwise. This will only be called on Android 4.4+. However, we need to set up the project build target (e.g., compileSdkVersion in Android Studio) to API Level 19 or higher. Failing to have this method will cause your app to crash on Android 4.4+ devices, when the user tries to bring up one of your PreferenceFragments.

Each PreferenceFragment is then responsible for calling addPreferencesFromResource() to populate its contents. In this case, we now have two such resources: res/xml/preferences.xml (the original, used by First) and res/xml/preferences2.xml (used by Second).

The Results

On a wide enough screen — like that of a Nexus 9 in landscape — we get a master-detail presentation:

PreferenceActivity UI, on a Landscape Nexus 9
Figure 634: PreferenceActivity UI, on a Landscape Nexus 9

Here, we see the first preference fragment already pre-selected, showing its settings. Tapping on the second header will show the other preferences.

On a smaller screen, the master-detail approach means that we see a list of headers first:

PreferenceActivity UI, on a Portrait Nexus 5
Figure 635: PreferenceActivity UI, on a Portrait Nexus 5

Tapping the headers give us access to the individual fragments.

Intents for Headers or Preferences

If you have the need to collect some preferences that are beyond what the standard preferences can handle, you have some choices.

One is to create a custom Preference. Extending DialogPreference to create your own Preference implementation is not especially hard. However, it does constrain you to something that can fit in a dialog.

Another option is to specify an <intent> element as a child of a <header> element. When the user taps on this header, your specified Intent is used with startActivity(), giving you a gateway to your own activity for collecting things that are beyond what the preference UI can handle. For example, you could have the following <header>:

<header android:icon="@drawable/something"
        android:title="Fancy Stuff"
        android:summary="Click here to transcend your 
plane of existence">
  <intent android:action="" />

Then, so long as you have an activity with an <intent-filter> specifying your desired action (, that activity will get control when the user taps on the associated header.

Conditional Headers

The two-tier, headers-and-preferences approach is fine and helps to organize large rosters of preferences. However, it does tend to steer developers in the direction of displaying headers all of the time. For many apps, that is rather pointless, because there are too few preferences to collect to warrant having more than one header.

One alternative approach is to use the headers on larger devices, but skip them on smaller devices. That way, the user does not have to tap past a single-item ListFragment just to get to the actual preferences to adjust.

This is a wee bit tricky to implement. However, you have two options for how to accomplish it.

(The author would like to thank Richard Le Mesurier, whose question on this topic spurred the development of this section and its samples)

Option #1: Do Not Define the Headers

The basic plan in the first approach is to have smarts in onBuildHeaders() to handle this. onBuildHeaders() is the callback that Android invokes on our PreferenceActivity to let us define the headers to use in the master-detail pattern. If we want to have headers, we would supply them here; if we want to skip the headers, we would instead fall back to the classic (and, admittedly, deprecated) addPreferencesFromResource() method to load up some preference XML.

There is an isMultiPane() method on PreferenceActivity, starting with API Level 11, that will tell you if the activity will render with two fragments (master+detail) or not. In principle, this would be ideal to use. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be designed to be called from onBuildHeaders(). Similarly, addPreferencesFromResource() does not seem to be callable from onBuildHeaders(). Both are due to timing: onBuildHeaders() is called in the middle of the PreferenceActivity onCreate() processing.

So, we have to do some fancy footwork.

By examining the source code to PreferenceActivity, you will see that the logic that drives the single-pane vs. dual-pane UI decision boils down to:

onIsHidingHeaders() || !onIsMultiPane()

If that expression returns true, we are in single-pane mode; otherwise, we are in dual-pane mode. onIsHidingHeaders() will normally return false, while onIsMultiPane() will return either true or false based upon screen size.

So, we can leverage this information in a PreferenceActivity to conditionally load our headers, as seen in the EditPreferences class in the Prefs/SingleHeader sample project:


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.preference.PreferenceActivity;
import java.util.List;

public class EditPreferences extends PreferenceActivity {
  private boolean needResource=false;

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (needResource) {

  public void onBuildHeaders(List<Header> target) {
    if (onIsHidingHeaders() || !onIsMultiPane()) {
    else {
      loadHeadersFromResource(R.xml.preference_headers, target);

  protected boolean isValidFragment(String fragmentName) {

(from Prefs/SingleHeader/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/pref1header/

Here, if we are in dual-pane mode, onBuildHeaders() populates the headers as normal. If, though, we are in single-pane mode, we skip that step and make note that we need to do some more work in onCreate().

Then, in onCreate(), if we did not load our headers we use the classic addPreferencesFromResource() method.

The net result is that on Android 3.0+ tablets, we get the dual-pane, master-detail look with our one header, but on smaller devices (regardless of version), we roll straight to the preferences themselves.

Note that this sample application uses a single PreferenceFragment implementation, named StockPreferenceFragment:


import android.os.Bundle;
import android.preference.PreferenceFragment;

public class StockPreferenceFragment extends PreferenceFragment {
  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    int res=


(from Prefs/SingleHeader/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/pref1header/

StockPreferenceFragment does what it is supposed to: call addPreferencesFromResource() in onCreate() with the resource ID of the preferences to load. However, rather than hard-coding a resource ID, as we normally would, we look it up at runtime.

The <extra> elements in our preference header XML supply the name of the preference XML to be loaded:

<preference-headers xmlns:android="">


(from Prefs/SingleHeader/app/src/main/res/xml/preference_headers.xml)

We get that name via the arguments Bundle (getArguments().getString("resource")).

To look up a resource ID at runtime, we can use the Resources object, available from our activity via a call to getResources(). Resources has a method, getIdentifier(), that will return a resource ID given three pieces of information:

  1. The base name of the resource (in our case, the value retrieved from the <extra> element)
  2. The type of the resource (e.g., "xml")
  3. The package holding the resource (in our case, our own package, retrieved from our activity via getPackageName())

Note that getIdentifier() uses reflection to find this value, and so there is some overhead in the process. Do not use getIdentifier() in a long loop – cache the value instead.

The net is that StockPreferenceFragment loads the preference XML described in the <extra> element, so we do not need to create separate PreferenceFragment implementations per preference header.

Option #2: Go Directly to the Fragment

The advantage of the above approach is that it works with Android’s own logic of whether to display the master-detail fragments or just one at a time. However, that logic — the fact that onIsHidingHeaders() || !onIsMultiPane() determines the look of the activity — is not documented, and therefore may change in future Android releases.

Another option is to launch your PreferenceActivity in such a way that tells Android to skip showing the headers. This approach is better documented and therefore perhaps more stable. This can also be used in cases where you do want headers sometimes, but at other times you want to route the user to a specific PreferenceFragment. The downside is that this technique only works on API Level 11+.

To see how this works, take a look at the Prefs/SingleHeader2 sample project.

Our EditPreferences class is the same implementation as in the original sample for this chapter, except that we only load up the single XML resource’s worth of preferences:


import android.preference.PreferenceActivity;
import java.util.List;

public class EditPreferences extends PreferenceActivity {
  public void onBuildHeaders(List<Header> target) {
    loadHeadersFromResource(R.xml.preference_headers, target);

  protected boolean isValidFragment(String fragmentName) {

(from Prefs/SingleHeader2/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/pref1header/

However, there is a change in our main activity (FragmentsDemo). Before, when the user chose the “Settings” action bar overflow item, we would just call startActivity() to bring up EditPreferences. Now, we delegate that work to an editPrefs() method on FragmentsDemo, which will have the smarts to control how we bring up the EditPreferences activity:

  private void editPrefs() {
    Intent i=new Intent(this, EditPreferences.class);


    Bundle b=new Bundle();

    b.putString("resource", "preferences");

    i.putExtra(PreferenceActivity.EXTRA_SHOW_FRAGMENT_ARGUMENTS, b);


(from Prefs/SingleHeader2/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/pref1header/

Here, we will add two extras to our Intent:

Those extras will be automatically handled by PreferenceActivity (on API Level 11+) and will have the effect of directly taking the user to our one-and-only fragment, bypassing the headers.

Dependent Preferences

In the Settings app, or in other apps that appear to be using PreferenceFragment-based UIs, you may have noticed that there are times when preferences are disabled. They become enabled when you check a CheckBoxPreference or toggle on a SwitchPreference.

That is handled via the android:dependency attribute on the to-be-disabled preferences. The value of android:dependency is the key of a TwoStatePreference subclass, such as a CheckBoxPreference or a SwitchPreference. The enabled/disabled state of the preference with the android:dependency attribute depends on the checked state of the named dependency.

For example, the Prefs/Dependency sample project is a clone of the original SharedPreferences demo app with one slight change: all the preferences other than checkbox are now dependent upon checkbox:

<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="">





(from Prefs/Dependency/app/src/main/res/xml/preferences.xml)

When you run the project, the dependent preferences are disabled while the checkbox is unchecked:

Dependent Preferences, Disabled
Figure 636: Dependent Preferences, Disabled

…but become enabled once the user checks the checkbox:

Dependent Preferences, Enabled
Figure 637: Dependent Preferences, Enabled

Nested Screens

Perhaps you have more preferences than you want to collect on a single screen, but you do not feel that a master-detail presentation is the right structure. Or, perhaps you have lots of preferences to collect, and even collecting preferences into groups by header is insufficient.

Another possibility is to nest preference screens. One screen holds another. On the outer preference screen, the user has a “preference” entry that simply displays the nested screen, as opposed to directly collecting any preferences.

A <PreferenceScreen> element in your preference XML can hold another <PreferenceScreen> element. That inner <PreferenceScreen> can come in one of two forms:

  1. Inside the inner <PreferenceScreen> you have more preference XML elements. This means there is only one PreferenceFragment for the whole structure (outer <PreferenceScreen>, including the inner <PreferenceScreen>). However, visually, the user will “drill down” from the outer screen into the inner one by tapping on an entry.
  2. The inner <PreferenceScreen> has an android:fragment attribute, just like a preference header might. This points to a Fragment — typically a PreferenceFragment — that will be responsible for the “inner” content. This is a bit more complex to set up, as it requires a couple of fragments. However, it gives you greater flexibility. Plus, it is fairly easy to then switch from using preference headers and the master-detail approach to using nested preference screens, or back again, as you are simply reusing the same PreferenceFragment implementations in either case.

The Prefs/NestedScreens sample project takes the master-detail approach shown earlier in this chapter and switches it to having a top-level screen and a nested screen. This is accomplished by adding a <PreferenceScreen> element to res/xml/preferences.xml, pointing to our Second PreferenceFragment:


(from Prefs/NestedScreens/app/src/main/res/xml/preferences.xml)

Here, the android:title (and optional android:summary) will be shown on the outer screen, as an entry that the user can tap on to get to this inner screen. While in this sample, we are not using android:key, in principle you could use this to get at the PreferenceScreen itself to manipulate it at runtime (e.g., disable it).

For this style of <PreferenceScreen> to work, the preference XML must be used by a PreferenceFragment in a PreferenceActivity — you cannot use it with a regular Activity. However, just because you use PreferenceActivity does not mean that you have to opt into the master-detail structure. We can use the same onCreate(), show-the-PreferenceFragment approach that we use with a regular Activity.

However, there is one big catch: when the user taps on the entry that will launch the inner screen, the Android framework will start another instance of our PreferenceActivity. It will give us the same EXTRA_SHOW_FRAGMENT value as we saw earlier in this chapter. However, PreferenceActivity will automatically show that fragment; we do not need to show it ourselves.

But, this means that our onCreate() needs to distinguish between the “show the outer screen ourselves” case and the “show the inner screen automatically” case, which we can do by seeing if EXTRA_SHOW_FRAGMENT exists:

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    if (getIntent().getStringExtra(PreferenceActivity.EXTRA_SHOW_FRAGMENT)==null) {
      if (getFragmentManager().findFragmentById( {
                new First()).commit();

(from Prefs/NestedScreens/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/preffragsbc/

The result is that we see the outer screen first, containing our entry for the inner screen:

Nested Preferences, Outer Screen
Figure 638: Nested Preferences, Outer Screen

Tapping on that entry brings up the inner, nested, screen:

Nested Preferences, Inner Screen
Figure 639: Nested Preferences, Inner Screen

Listening to Preference Changes

Sometimes, you may need to take steps when the user interacts with a preference in your PreferenceFragment-based UI.

A common scenario for this comes with the summary. In some cases, is it handy to have the summary reflect the current value of the preference. While some preferences naturally show their value inline (e.g., a CheckBoxPreference), those that extend from DialogPreference only show their value when the user taps on the preference to display the dialog. Putting something in the summary that reflects the value can save the user a click.

However, by default, the summary is static, populated by the android:summary attribute in your preference XML. If you want it to reflect the current preference value, you not only need to be able to set the summary in Java, but to be able to respond when the user changes the value, so you can update the summary again.

The Prefs/CustomSubtitle sample project demonstrates how this works. This is yet another clone of the original SharedPreferences demo app. This time, the preference XML is unchanged from the original. However, we have a slightly more elaborate PreferenceFragment implementation:

  public static class Prefs extends PreferenceFragment
      implements Preference.OnPreferenceChangeListener {
    public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {


      Preference pref=findPreference("text");

          pref.getSharedPreferences().getString(pref.getKey(), null));

    public boolean onPreferenceChange(Preference pref, Object newValue) {
      updateSummary(pref, newValue.toString());


    private void updateSummary(Preference pref, String value) {
      if (value==null || value.length()==0) {
      else {

(from Prefs/CustomSubtitle/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/preffrag/

In onCreate(), after addPreferencesFromResource(), we call findPreference() to retrieve the Preference object that manages the snippet of UI for a particular preference. The flow here mimics that of setContentView() and findViewById(): first you inflate the resource, then you find the Java object corresponding to some XML element out of that resource. findPreference() takes the key of the preference that you are looking for; in this case, we are looking for the EditTextPreference, whose key is text.

We then call a private updateSummary() method, which takes the Preference and the current value of that preference and updates the summary. To get the current value, onCreate() can ask the Preference for its backing SharedPreferences (via getSharedPreferences()), then retrieve the value using standard getters (e.g., getString()). updateSummary() then shows the string representation of the current value, or a canned message if there does not appear to be a current value.

We also register the fragment itself as being the OnPreferenceChangeListener, and register the fragment with the preference via setOnPreferenceChangeListener(). This means that when the user manipulates this preference, we will be called with onPreferenceChange(). This is done before the SharedPreferences are updated. Our options are either to return true and have the normal persistence process continue, or return false and manage persistence ourselves (e.g., perform some conversion on the raw value before storing it). In our case, we are just using this to call updateSummary() again.

If you install the app and run it, you will not have an existing value for the preference, and so the summary shows a stock message:

Custom Subtitle Demo, Before Editing Text
Figure 640: Custom Subtitle Demo, Before Editing Text

After you tap on the EditTextPreference and fill in some value in the dialog, the summary updates to show what you typed in:

Custom Subtitle Demo, After Editing Text
Figure 641: Custom Subtitle Demo, After Editing Text

Defaults, and Defaults

When you use SharedPreferences to retrieve a value, you can usually provide a default value along with the key for the value that you want. If there is no preference value for that key, you get the default that you supplied.

A preference in preference XML also has an android:defaultValue attribute. This is, roughly speaking, the preference UI counterpart to that second parameter to the SharedPreferences getters. If the user interacts with the preference, the android:defaultValue value will be presented to the user if there was no preference value stored for that key in the underlying SharedPreferences.

To synchronize these, you can call setDefaultValues() on the PreferenceManager class. Given the resource ID of some preference XML, PreferenceManager will find all android:defaultValue attributes and then persist those default values to the SharedPreferences under their respective keys.

Listening to Preference Value Changes

Sometimes, you will have components that need to know when preference values are changed elsewhere in your app. For example, you may have a Service that is using information from SharedPreferences, and the Service may need to know when those values change.

One approach, used in all the sample apps, is simply to re-read the preference values as needed, rather than caching them in data members or something. After the first time SharedPreferences are accessed, the SharedPreferences themselves are held in heap space, and so accessing them can be fairly cheap. So, the sample apps’ launcher activities just re-read the preference values in onResume() and update the UI that way.

If, however, that is inappropriate, inconvenient, or otherwise not what you want to do, you can call registerOnSharedPreferenceChangeListener() on a SharedPreferences object, supplying an instance of an implementation of the OnSharedPreferenceChangeListener interface. That object will be called with onSharedPreferenceChanged() every time a preference value changes. You are given the key to the changed value, so you can implement a filter to only pay attention to keys that matter to you. When one of those keys is reported to have changed, you can ask the SharedPreferences for the new value.

Dynamic ListPreference Contents

Many times, the items that the user can choose from in your ListPreference or MultiSelectListPreference are fixed, allowing you to populate them from <string-array> resources. However, sometimes, the items (display names and corresponding values) are dynamic, based upon information held elsewhere: database, server, or something at a system level. For those, we need to be able to define the preference in XML, but configure its contents in Java code.

For example, the Introspection/SAWMonitor sample project is a monitor for new and upgraded apps that ask for the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission. Such apps have the right to draw over top of other apps, for anything from Facebook “chatheads” to tapjacking attacks.

However, some apps may request this permission that you are perfectly fine with having it. By default, SAWMonitor will point out this permission on each subsequent update, which can get tiresome after a while. Hence, SAWMonitor allows you to add apps to a “whitelist”; those apps will be ignored, even if they request SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW.

To that end, we have a settings.xml resource describing some preferences to collect from the user:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="">
    android:title="@string/msg_whitelist" />
(from Introspection/SAWMonitor/app/src/main/res/xml/settings.xml)

Here we have two preferences: a SwitchPreference for whether we should be monitoring for SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW at all, and a MultiSelectListPreference to allow the user to control the whitelist.

In onCreate() of our SettingsFragment, we load up those preferences into the UI via addPreferencesFromResource(), use findPreference() to retrieve both of the Preference objects, and use setOnPreferenceChangeListener() to be notified about changes to the enabled preference:

  public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    SwitchPreference enabled=(SwitchPreference)findPreference("enabled");



(from Introspection/SAWMonitor/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/sawmonitor/

The populateWhitelist() call is where we fill in the details for the MultiSelectListPreference. In our case, the possible values are the apps presently installed that have requested the SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW permission. So, we use PackageManager to find those, then use that information to populate the whitelist preference:

  void populateWhitelist(MultiSelectListPreference whitelist) {
    List<ApplicationInfo> apps=pm.getInstalledApplications(0);

      new ApplicationInfo.DisplayNameComparator(pm));

    ArrayList<CharSequence> displayNames=
      new ArrayList<CharSequence>();
    ArrayList<String> packageNames=new ArrayList<String>();

    for (ApplicationInfo app : apps) {
      try {
        PackageInfo pkgInfo=

        if (pkgInfo.requestedPermissions!=null) {
          for (String perm : pkgInfo.requestedPermissions) {
            if (SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW.equals(perm)) {
      catch (PackageManager.NameNotFoundException e) {
        // should not happen, quietly ignore

        .toArray(new CharSequence[displayNames.size()]));
        .toArray(new String[packageNames.size()]));

(from Introspection/SAWMonitor/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/sawmonitor/

Most of the code is determining which applications have that permission. However, MultiSelectListPreference complicates matters, by having two separate setter methods for its contents:

These each take arrays of CharSequence implementations, like String. Hence, we need two parallel arrays of values, rather than a single ArrayList of Pair objects or something.

With that in mind, populateWhitelist():

The resulting SettingsFragment has the two preferences:

SAWMonitor SettingsFragment
Figure 642: SAWMonitor SettingsFragment

Tapping on the “Whitelist” entry brings up the MultiSelectListPreference:

SAWMonitor Whitelist MultiSelectListPreference
Figure 643: SAWMonitor Whitelist MultiSelectListPreference

If you run the app on your device or emulator, you will wind up with different possible entries in the MultiSelectListPreference, as the mix of apps requesting SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW will be different for different devices and users.

Note that, in addition to this section and the next one, you can learn more about SAWMonitor elsewhere in the book.

Dealing with External Changes to Preferences

What happens if you have a PreferenceFragment in the foreground, and the preference changes “behind the scenes” by some other component of your app?

For preferences with dialogs — ListPreference, EditTextPreference, etc. — the pattern seems to be “transaction by dialog”. Whatever the preference value is at the time the dialog appears is what the user sees, and that does not change (and cannot readily be changed) if the preference changes while that dialog is on the screen.

However, for inline preferences — CheckBoxPreference, SwitchPreference, etc. — while the UI will not automatically update based on the external change, you can handle that yourself.

For example, there is another version of SAWMonitor known as Introspection/SAWMonitorTile. This sample project is a clone of SAWMonitor with one added feature: an optional notification shade tile using a TileService on Android 7.0. The tile allows the user to enable and disable the monitoring, just as the user can from the SwitchPreference. So… what happens if the SettingsFragment is on the screen, the user slides open the notification shade, and taps the tile? By default, the SettingsFragment would be oblivious to this, with the result of the SwitchPreference being out of sync.

But, we can fix this.

In the SAWMonitorTile rendition of SettingsFragment, in onStart(), we register for preference changes, plus call a syncEnabledStates() method. We unregister from preference changes in onStop():

  public void onStart() {


  public void onStop() {


(from Introspection/SAWMonitorTile/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/sawmonitor/

The onSharedPreferenceChanged() method on our SettingsFragment will be called when any of our preferences changes. If the enabled preference changes, we call syncEnabledStates():

  public void onSharedPreferenceChanged(SharedPreferences prefs,
                                        String s) {
    if (PREF_ENABLED.equals(s)) {

(from Introspection/SAWMonitorTile/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/sawmonitor/

syncEnabledStates() simply updates the checked state of enabled based upon the now-current value in SharedPreferences:

  void syncEnabledStates() {
    enabled.setChecked(prefs.getBoolean(PREF_ENABLED, false));

(from Introspection/SAWMonitorTile/app/src/main/java/com/commonsware/android/sawmonitor/

This therefore also handles the case where our SettingsFragment was displayed, the user navigated elsewhere, one of our preferences changes, and then the user returns to our running SettingsFragment. Normally, the SettingsFragment might miss that preference change, but with this implementation, the SettingsFragment will be kept in sync with the actual preference value.

Preferences in Device Settings App

On Android 7.0+, you can have the Settings app show a “gear” icon on your activity that collects preferences. When the user taps that gear, the Settings app will launch your designated activity:

Settings Activity Gear Icon
Figure 644: Settings Activity Gear Icon

To offer this, you need to add an <intent-filter> for your desired activity, with an <action> of android.intent.action.APPLICATION_PREFERENCES:

    <action android:name="android.intent.action.APPLICATION_PREFERENCES" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

However, by default, there is a cost to this: any app can start your settings activity, whenever another app wants to. Your settings activity is exported once you add the <intent-filter>, and it needs to be exported for the Settings app to be able to start the activity.

However, it is fairly likely that this activity was not exported before you added this <intent-filter>. And while you may not mind it if the Settings app starts this activity, or if your own application code starts this activity, you may not want arbitrary other apps to start this activity. A general rule of thumb in modern development is to keep your “attack surface” low. Having an activity be exported for little value is an unnecessary increase in your app’s attack surface.

There is no officially-documented solution for this, though perhaps they will add one someday.

There are two candidate approaches. An unexpected one works: you can mark the activity as being not exported, via android:exported="false". For some reason, the Settings app can still start up that activity, perhaps due to some system-level privilege. However, other apps will be unable to start the activity. This would result in an <activity> element like this:

    <action android:name="android.intent.action.APPLICATION_PREFERENCES" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

Another approach that should work is to use android:permission to limit what other apps can start your activity, choosing a permission that the Settings app is sure to have but that most other apps will lack. WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS is one candidate:

    <action android:name="android.intent.action.APPLICATION_PREFERENCES" />
    <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />

Now, the only other apps that can start your activity must hold the WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS permission, which ordinary Android SDK apps cannot hold.