Testing with JUnit4

Presumably, you will want to test your code, beyond just playing around with it yourself by hand. Android offers several means of testing your app, covered in this next series of chapters.

The first Android SDK testing solution we will examine is the JUnit test framework. This is a standard Java unit testing framework. Originally, Android itself “baked in” a copy of JUnit3. This has since been deprecated, and modern Android testing is done with a separate copy of JUnit4, in the form of a AndroidJUnitRunner class.

In this chapter, we will review how to apply the AndroidJUnitRunner to run JUnit4 tests for our Android apps.


Understanding this chapter requires that you have read the chapter on Gradle dependencies.

This chapter also assumes you have some familiarity with JUnit, though you certainly do not need to be an expert. You can learn more about JUnit at the JUnit site, from various books, and from the JUnit Yahoo forum.

Instrumentation Tests and Unit Tests

There are two places in Android app development where we use JUnit4: instrumentation tests and unit tests. Both serve the same objective: confirm that our code runs as expected. What differs in where the code lives (androidTest versus test sourcesets) and where the code runs (inside of Android or on your development machine directly).

The following sections outline the differences between the two, though there is a separate chapter dedicated to unit testing, with the bulk of this chapter focused on instrumentation testing.

Where Your Test Code Lives

One common problem with testing is determining where the test code should reside, relative to the production code being tested. Ideally, these are not intermingled, as that would increase the odds that you might accidentally ship the testing code as part of your production app — at best, this increases your APK size; at worst, it could open up security flaws.

With Gradle-based projects, including those created for Android Studio, we have a dedicated sourceset for our instrumentation tests, named androidTest, where the code for those tests would reside.

As with any sourceset, androidTest can have Java code, resources, etc. It does not need an AndroidManifest.xml file, though, as that will be auto-generated.

Unit tests, by contrast, will go in a test sourceset.

Where Your Test Code Runs

Ordinarily, each code base (e.g., project) is packaged in its own APK and is executed in its own process.

In the case of instrumentation tests, your test code and your production code are combined into a single process in a single copy of the virtual machine.

This will allow your JUnit test methods to access objects from your production code, such as your activities and their widgets.

However, this does limit instrumentation testing to be run from a developer’s computer. You cannot package JUnit tests to be initiated from the device itself, except perhaps on rooted devices.

Unit tests, on the other hand, bypass Android and run straight on your development machine. As a result, they cannot use much of the Android SDK, and so these tests are limited in terms of what they can test. However, they will run much more quickly, and so it may be worthwhile to set up a subset of your tests as unit tests.

Writing JUnit4 Test Cases

As noted in the intro to the chapter, modern Android testing — both instrumentation testing and unit testing — is done through JUnit4.

This book does not attempt to cover all aspects of JUnit4. For that, you are encouraged to read the JUnit documentation or other books on Java testing. This chapter will cover some of the basics of using JUnit4 tests, plus some of the issues with using JUnit4 tests in Android.

The Class

In JUnit terminology, “test case” is a Java class that represents a set of tests to run.

Any Java class can serve as a test case, so long as it has a zero-argument public constructor and is known to the test runner that it contains tests to be run. In the case of JUnit4 on Android, that comes via a @RunWith(AndroidJUnit4.class) annotation on the class, to signal that this class contains tests:

public class ICanHazTests {
  // test code goes here

The Test Methods

In JUnit, a “test method” is a method, in a test case, that tests something in some production code base.

In JUnit4, a test method is any public method that is annotated with the @Test annotation:

public class ICanHazTests {
  public void kThxBye() {
    // do some testing

A test method can then execute code to see if it works, and “assert” some conditions (“the response from the foo() method should be 1”). JUnit4 supplies an Assert class with static assertion methods that we can employ:

public class SillyTest {
  public void thisIsReallySilly() {
    Assert.assertEquals("bit got flipped by cosmic rays", 1, 1);

assertEquals() takes either two parameters of the same type for comparison (e.g., two int values), or three parameters, where the first is a custom assertion failure message.

There are countless other methods on Assert (e.g., assertNotNull()) for testing objects, collections, etc.

Setup and Teardown

A JUnit test case can also have methods that represent “setup” and “teardown” work. A “setup” method is one that executes before test methods and helps establish a common environment to be used by all of the test methods. A “teardown” method is one that is run after test methods and is used to clean up things created by the “setup” method. The objective is to ensure that each test method has a consistent and expected environment (e.g., contents of databases).

In JUnit4, you can annotate methods with @Before and @After for per-test-method setup and teardown work. The @Before method will be invoked before each test method is called; the @After method will be invoked after each test method is called.

JUnit4 also offers static @BeforeClass and @AfterClass methods, which are invoked once for the entire test case, designed for setting up immutable starter data for test methods and avoiding the overhead of doing that work on each test method invocation.

The Testing/JUnit4 sample project illustrates the basics of setting up JUnit4 instrumentation tests.

We start off with a test case that is, well, silly:

package com.commonsware.android.abf.test;

import android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.junit.After;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

public class SillyTest {
  static public void doThisFirstOnlyOnce() {
    // do initialization here, run once for all SillyTest tests

  public void doThisFirst() {
    // do initialization here, run on every test method

  public void doThisLast() {
    // do termination here, run on every test method

  static public void doThisLastOnlyOnce() {
    // do termination here, run once for all SillyTest tests

  public void thisIsReallySilly() {
    Assert.assertEquals("bit got flipped by cosmic rays", 1, 1);
(from Testing/JUnit4/app/src/androidTest/java/com/commonsware/android/abf/test/SillyTest.java)

All we have is a single test method — thisIsReallySilly() — that validates that 1 really does equal 1. Fortunately, this test usually succeeds. Our SillyTest also implements @Before, @After, @BeforeClass, and @AfterClass methods for illustration purposes, as there is little preparation needed for our rigorous and demanding test method.

Testing Activities

JUnit4 offers “test rules”, which are packaged bits of reusable code for testing certain scenarios. For example, the Android rules artifact has an ActivityTestRule to help you test your activities.

For example, DemoActivityRuleTest tests an activity from the main app, where the activity has a ListView with 25 Latin words in it:

package com.commonsware.android.abf.test;

import android.support.test.rule.ActivityTestRule;
import android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4;
import android.widget.ListView;
import com.commonsware.android.abf.ActionBarFragmentActivity;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

public class DemoActivityRuleTest {
  private ListView list=null;
  @Rule public final ActivityTestRule<ActionBarFragmentActivity> main
      =new ActivityTestRule(ActionBarFragmentActivity.class, true);

  public void init() {

  public void listCount() {
    Assert.assertEquals(25, list.getAdapter().getCount());
(from Testing/JUnit4/app/src/androidTest/java/com/commonsware/android/abf/test/DemoActivityRuleTest.java)

The @Rule annotation tells JUnit4 that this data member represents a JUnit4 rule that should be applied to the tests in this test case. ActivityRuleTest takes over the work of creating and destroying an instance of our ActionBarFragmentActivity as part of standard @Before and @After processing. The true in the ActivityTestRule constructor simply indicates that we want the activity to start off in touch mode.

We then use a @Before method to retrieve the ListView itself. We retrieve the activity created by the rule by calling getActivity() on the rule itself (here called main). Anything that is public on our activity — including most of the methods that we inherit from Activity — is usable here, such as findViewById().

Our test method — listCount() — just confirms that our ListAdapter has 25 items in it.

Testing Context-Dependent Code

Sometimes, you do not need an activity, just some Context, for testing code that takes one as input (e.g., file I/O, database I/O, resources, assets). In those cases, you can just create a plain JUnit4 test case, but use the InstrumentationRegistry to get at a suitable Context for your test methods.

Specifically, wherever you need a Context tied to your app that you are testing, call InstrumentationRegistry.getTargetContext().

The InstrumentationRegistry also has getInstrumentation() (which returns the Instrumentation object that we are using for testing) and getContext() (which returns the Context for our test code’s package).

DemoContextTest demonstrates this:

package com.commonsware.android.abf.test;

import android.support.test.InstrumentationRegistry;
import android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnit4;
import android.test.AndroidTestCase;
import android.test.UiThreadTest;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import com.commonsware.android.abf.R;
import junit.framework.Assert;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

public class DemoContextTest {
  private View field=null;
  private View root=null;

  public void init() {
    InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().runOnMainSync(new Runnable() {
      public void run() {
        LayoutInflater inflater=LayoutInflater

        root=inflater.inflate(R.layout.add, null);

    root.measure(800, 480);
    root.layout(0, 0, 800, 480);


  public void exists() {

  public void position() {
    Assert.assertEquals(0, field.getTop());
    Assert.assertEquals(0, field.getLeft());
(from Testing/JUnit4/app/src/androidTest/java/com/commonsware/android/abf/test/DemoContextTest.java)

Here, we manually inflate the contents of the res/layout/add.xml resource, and lay them out as if they were really in an activity, via calls to measure() and layout() to simulate a WVGA800 display. At that point, we can start testing the widgets inside of that layout, from simple assertions to confirm that they exist, to testing their size and position.

Note that the act of inflating the layout is performed inside a Runnable, which itself is passed to runOnMainSync() on an Instrumentation. runOnMainSync() says “run this code on the main application thread, then block the current thread until that code has completed”. On some versions of Android, layout inflation needs to happen on the main application thread, and therefore the test is more reliable if we do that inflation via runOnMainSync(). Test methods themselves run on a background thread, not the main application thread.

Configuring Gradle

Beyond having test code, we also need to provide some configuration information to Gradle to allow us to run these tests, eventually.

The Test Dependency

First, you need to add a test dependency — a dependency that will only be used as part of instrumentation testing. That can be accomplished via an androidTestCompile statement in the dependencies closure, instead of a compile statement, to limit the scope of the dependency to the case where the androidTest sourceset is in use.

Specifically, we need the com.android.support.test:rules artifact from the Android Support Repository:

dependencies {
    androidTestCompile 'com.android.support.test:rules:0.5'

(from Testing/JUnit4/app/build.gradle)

As of the time of this writing, the latest version of this artifact is 0.5.

However, the rules artifact also depends upon some other artifacts available in public repositories, like Maven Central or Bintray’s JCenter. If you have one of those set up already — and a typical Android Studio project will via the top-level build.gradle file — then Gradle will be able to search those repositories for the dependencies.

The Test Runner

A “test runner”, in JUnit terms, is a piece of code that knows how to plug into JUnit, execute tests, and collect any exceptions or assertion failures that result from those tests.

JUnit4 uses a test runner named AndroidJUnitRunner, which we gain access to through the aforementioned test dependency.

In the defaultConfig closure, we can teach Gradle to use that test runner, via the testInstrumentationRunner value:

android {
    compileSdkVersion 19
    buildToolsVersion "21.1.2"

    defaultConfig {
        testApplicationId "com.commonsware.android.gradle.hello.test"
        testInstrumentationRunner "android.support.test.runner.AndroidJUnitRunner"

(from Testing/JUnit4/app/build.gradle)

The Test Application ID

That defaultConfig closure also specifies a testApplicationId. This is a replacement value for our applicationId when we are running our tests. This allows our test build to run without disturbing any other builds (e.g., standard debug builds) on our test device or emulator.

The convention is to have the testApplicationId be your regular applicationId (or package from your <manifest>) with .test on the end, but that is merely a convention.

Running Your Instrumentation Tests

Writing tests is nice. Running tests is nicer. Hence, it would be useful if we could run our JUnit4 tests.

Android Studio Ad-Hoc Test Runs

You have few options for quickly running one of your instrumentation tests.

In the Android Studio editor for your test case, each test method will have a green “run” icon in the gutter. Clicking that will run that test method on your chosen device or emulator:

Android Studio Per-Method Test Option
Figure 372: Android Studio Per-Method Test Option

You can also right-click over a test case class, or a Java package containing test cases, and choose to run the tests cases from the context menu:

Android Studio Per-Class or Per-Package Test Option
Figure 373: Android Studio Per-Class or Per-Package Test Option

Android Studio Run Configuration

You will see your ad-hoc runs appear in the drop-down list to the left of the run button in the Android Studio toolbar. That drop-down list represents your “run configurations”, and you can set one of those up yourself directly if you wish.

To do that, choose Run > “Edit Configurations” from the main menu. That will bring up a dialog showing your current run configurations:

Android Studio Run Configurations Dialog
Figure 374: Android Studio Run Configurations Dialog

Towards the upper-left corner of the dialog, you will see a green plus sign. Tapping that will drop down a list of configuration types to choose from:

Android Studio, Adding a New Run Configuration
Figure 375: Android Studio, Adding a New Run Configuration

Choose “Android Tests”, and a new empty configuration will be set up for you. You can name it whatever you want via the “Name” field (e.g., “Instr Tests”). Choose your project’s module that you wish to test in the “Module” drop-down (e.g., app). You can also choose the scope of the testing (e.g., “All in Module”), where to run the tests (e.g., “Show chooser dialog”), plus other settings.

Android Studio, Showing New Unit Tests Run Configuration
Figure 376: Android Studio, Showing New “Unit Tests” Run Configuration

At that point, you can choose your run configuration from the drop-down to the left of the “play” button in the toolbar:

Android Studio Toolbar, Showing Instr Tests Run Configuration
Figure 377: Android Studio Toolbar, Showing “Instr Tests” Run Configuration

Note that the context menu for a class or package containing test cases has a “Create …” option for creating a test run configuration specific for that class or package.

Examining the Test Results

Regardless of how you run the tests, the output will be shown in the Run view, normally docked in the bottom of your IDE window:

Android Studio, Showing Run Unit Tests Results
Figure 378: Android Studio, Showing Run Unit Tests Results

If a test fails an assertion or crashes, the test results will show the test case and test method that failed, along with the associated stack trace:

Android Studio, Showing Run Unit Tests Results With a Failure
Figure 379: Android Studio, Showing Run Unit Tests Results With a Failure

Gradle for Android

The primary Gradle task that you will use related to testing is connectedCheck. This task will build the main app, then, build the test app (using a generated manifest to go along with the code from your androidTest sourceset).

At that point, the task will iterate over all compatible connected devices and running emulator instances. For each such Android environment, the task will install both apps, run the tests, and uninstall both apps.

Raw test results, in XML format, will be written to build/outputs/androidTest-results/connected. These will primarily be of interest to toolsmiths, such as those adding support for Android Gradle-based builds to continuous integration (CI) servers.

For others, the HTML reports will be of greater use. These will be written to build/outputs/reports/androidTests/connected, with an index.html file serving as your entry point. These will show the results of all of your tests, with hyperlinked pages to be able to “drill down” into the details, such as to investigate failed tests.

Testing Android Library Projects

The above procedures are aimed at testing Android application projects. If you are creating an Android library project, you can also use JUnit for testing.

A Gradle-built Android library project can have an androidTest sourceset, just like a regular app. And, a Gradle-built Android library project can be tested via the connectedCheck task. However, that task will create and install a single APK, consisting of the code from the androidTest sourceset combined with the library project’s own code.

From the standpoint of what you do as a developer, though, it works just like testing an app: add your test cases to the androidTest source set and use connectedCheck to run the tests.