Originally published in 1954 by Little, Brown & Company.

Reprinted 2001 by arrangement with Helen Doss.

ISBN–10: 1–55553–502–X

Doss, Helen Grigsby.

The family nobody wanted / Helen Doss ; with a new introduction by Mary Battenfeld, and a new epilogue by the author.

   p.   cm.

Originally published: Boston: Little, Brown, 1954.

Includes biographical references.

ISBN 1–55553–503–8 (alk. paper) — ISBN 1–55553–502–X (pbk. : alk. paper)

1. Doss, Helen Grigsby—Family.   2. Doss, Carl—Family.   3. Interracial adoption—California.   4. California—Biography.   I. Title.

CT275.D8653 D6     2001

306.85—dc21         2001037018