In the Beginning
I DIDN’T yearn for a career, or maids and a fur coat, or a trip to Europe. All in the world I wanted was a happy, normal little family. Perhaps, if God could arrange it, Carl and I could have a boy first, and after that, a little girl.
God didn’t arrange it.
In fact, as our doctor regretfully informed us, Carl and I couldn’t have any children of our own. No children, no sticky fingerprints on the woodwork, no childish tears and laughter, no small beds in the other bedroom. Just barren, empty years, stretching aimlessly into a lonely future.
I felt quite provoked with God about this, at first. Most of my friends were having their first babies, and some were starting on their second round. The interminable stork showers, where I had to watch complacent Madonnas in maternity clothes preside over their tissue-wrapped gifts, always sent me home for equally interminable weeping spells in my pillow. I couldn’t pass a layette display in a store window without getting a lump the size of a baby rattle in my throat. Every time I walked down the street and saw a fulfilled mother strutting along the sidewalk behind a baby buggy, I was possessed with violent jealousy, envy, and acute self-pity.
Carl, who is a patient man, finally had enough.
“For heaven’s sake stop mooning, or you’ll have us both neurotic,” he said. “If having a baby is that important, why don’t we adopt one?”
The more I mulled the idea over, the better I liked it. Wasn’t motherhood compounded more of love than biology? Once I made up my mind, I was eager to cradle our adopted baby in my arms, to bathe him and give him his bottle, to dress him in fuzzy kimonas and little sweater sets. Warmed with a breathless, motherly inner glow, I planned what must be done.
First, the nursery. I cleared out the extra bedroom and began work on the drab, stucco-finish walls. All the old calcimine had to be scrubbed off, and the walls scraped clean. Carl, who had recently quit his job as a journeyman painter and gone into business as a painting contractor on his own, was obviously too busy to help; so I borrowed brushes and some pale-pink paint, and did the nursery walls and woodwork myself. Then I sailed around downtown Santa Ana, the southern California town where we lived, on a buying spree. A secondhand store yielded a crib and chest of drawers, which I painted blue. Mother Goose decals came from the dime store, to march around the dado and intrigue the future owner of the room. The best crib mattress money could buy, some pink and blue blankets, small white sheets—everything must be ready.
“All right,” I told Carl, the morning after the pink and blue rag rug had been laid, the room aired, the crib made, and the sheets turned down, waiting. “Let’s go adopt our baby today.”
I thought it would be easy. All we would have to do was to walk into the nearest orphanage, specify size, shape, sex, and color, and carry our new infant home.
I was bitterly disappointed.
The so-called “orphanages,” we discovered, weren’t full of homeless waifs, just waiting to be adopted. Most of the children were living there on a temporary basis, because their homes were broken by divorce, prolonged illness, or other incapacities of parents. Even bona fide orphans usually weren’t free for adoption; somewhere for each child there was a relative or guardian, unable or unwilling to provide a home at that particular time.
“If you’re looking for a baby,” the orphanage superintendent told us kindly, “most couples find one through a licensed adoption agency.”
He gave us the addresses of the two which had offices in Los Angeles. I visited them with high hopes; again my hopes were flattened. Each agency had a waiting list as long as from here to the moon, and a dozen eager couples clamored for every baby needing a home.
“We’ll send a social worker to make a preliminary study of your home,” one agency director said. “We must warn you, however, that it may be two or three years, possibly more, before a baby is placed with you. We must find a child whose background is perfectly matched to yours, and it must also be a child who is not a better match for anyone ahead of you on our waiting list.”
It was a dim and distant hope to cling to, but I clung. That is, until the social worker finally made her visit.
“I’m afraid we can’t even put you on the waiting list at this time,” she told us. “From the information you have given me—no money in the bank, no insurance, a huge mortgage on your house, in debt for your painting truck and equipment—” She raised her eyebrows. “I am sure you can plainly see that, at this point, you are financially unstable.”
“But Carl is doing so well,” I protested, “considering that the depression is still on! Anyway, he has all the jobs coming in he can handle, and already he’s one of the top painting contractors in Santa Ana.”
“Yet his business still is a new one,” she said. “Let it get out of the red and on its feet. Wait until your debts are cleared up and you have money in the bank. Then come back and apply again.”
That looked far enough away to be forever. My last flicker of hope went out like a snuffed candle, and I started weeping into my pillow again.
“Pull yourself together and find something else to think about,” Carl said. “Why don’t you get some friends and start a junior women’s club in Santa Ana? Or take some postgraduate work at the junior college?”
Although he was gentle with my grief, he was not particularly disappointed that we couldn’t adopt a child. He liked children well enough, but he wasn’t in any hurry to have one; he had problems enough at that time, without taking on any new ones. It would have been simple if only it were debts worrying him, or the high cost of pig-bristle brushes, or trying to keep good painters on his crew. No, his problems were bigger than that. He was having a tussle with God, too.
Back in his high-school days, Carl had felt a call to the ministry. Either the call was too faint or the pressure of environment too strong; after several frustrated tries, he had given up the idea of working his way through college, and had gone to work as an apprentice painter. He was president of the Epworth League at Santa Ana’s First Methodist Church when I joined the group and first met him. I never suspected then, in fact not until several years later, when we married, that Carl was taunted by urges to be something more than a house painter.
“It was just a wild dream,” he laughed, when he told me. “Just an idealistic kid’s daydream.”
As the first months of our marriage passed, and then the first years, I knew it was more than that. I might be troubled because we had no children; but Carl was troubled over the one thing that could be deeper, a man’s searching of his soul to find its purpose and meaning. He came home from work every night tired, looking older than his twenty-eight years, his face and hands flecked with paint, and dropped with great weariness into his chair.
“Painting doesn’t satisfy the whole you, any more than the Junior Women’s Club or my classes at the college satisfy the whole me,” I said, one summer evening. Carl was active in the Junior Chamber of Commerce and was heading up Santa Ana’s official Clean-Up, Paint-Up drive, but I knew that these things were not enough for him, either. “If we get the business out of the red and the mortgage paid on the house, if our application for adoption is finally accepted . . . After a few years, if we finally get a child—”
Carl took my hand. “That would make you pretty happy, wouldn’t it?”
“That’s what I’m trying to tell you,” I said. “Even if we eventually do have one or two children—what I want most in the world—I couldn’t be happy. Not unless you were satisfied with life, too.”
“Distressing, isn’t it?” Carl said wryly. “A man just two years short of being thirty, who still hasn’t found himself! At least I know what’s wrong.”
“It’s hard to explain, exactly, in words. But I feel there’s a voice down inside of me, inside all of us. Call it God speaking to us, call it the soul, call it conscience or whatever you like. If we turn to it, we can find help in knowing how to make the most of our lives. But that voice doesn’t speak very loud. If we aren’t still, if we don’t provide solitude for listening—if we don’t try to listen, then we can’t hear it. It’s easy to drown out that voice. Just the bustle and noise of everyday living can drown it out.”
“Yes,” I said. “I know.”
“A man can be so busy making a living, he puts off making his life. And then one day he wakes up and finds he’s too old, and it’s too late.”
“You’re not too old,” I said.
“Maybe not,” Carl said. “Maybe not.”
The next day I bicycled out to the apartment house which Carl and his crew were painting. I leaned on the handlebars, watching Carl hoist huge ladders and planks as if they were toys, adjusting a swing stage. I liked to come watch him when he was painting; he handled his brush with the quick, sure strokes of an artist. While I was watching, the noon whistle blew. As Carl climbed down the ladder and went for his lunch pail in the truck, he saw me.
“Hi,” I said.
He brought his lunch over, pushed the standard down on my bicycle, and dusted off an upturned bucket for me to sit on. He sat on the grass beside me and took off his paint-spattered white cap; the tight band had pressed a mark on his prematurely thin blond hair. He smelled of turpentine and paint thinner.
“I didn’t sleep much last night,” he said. “Here, have a sandwich.”
“I’ll eat one when I get back to the house,” I said. “I know you didn’t. Every time I woke up, I knew you were awake, too.”
“And this morning I’ve been trying to let my soul talk to me, instead of telling it to shut up and quit bothering me. If you’re with me, Helen, I’m going to give up my business. I want to go back to college and study for the ministry.”
“I’m with you,” I said.
“It’s asking a lot. I’ll need four years of college, then three years postgraduate work at seminary. I don’t know when you’d get the baby you want.”
I shrugged. I had let my maternal feelings become numb, because it didn’t hurt so much that way. “That’s all right. It would be a long time anyway.”
“We’re just on the verge of making the business a financial success,” Carl said. “If I sell out now, I’ll sell at a terrific loss. We’ll be lucky to break even.”
“We’ve started from scratch before.”
“Our friends will laugh at us,” he warned. “Our relatives will think we’ve lost our minds.”
“What was it somebody said? ‘If God be for us, who can be against us. . . .’”
“That’s Paul, I think.” He laid down his sandwich and took my hands in his. “It won’t be easy.”
“I know,” I said. “I’ve found that out. The things you want most out of life are never easy.”
Carl and I enrolled at the University of Redlands for the fall semester. After selling our house, truck, equipment, paint supplies, and all, and with the remaining payments on everything settled, we had barely enough money to get started. We paid one semester’s tuition apiece, one month’s rent on a little cottage in an orange grove, and bought enough groceries to stock the shelves. Our remaining few dollars purchased about half the books we needed, and then we were flat broke.
“Everybody says we’ll never make it,” Carl said. “We’ll show them.”
There were many times during that first year at Redlands when I thought that maybe we wouldn’t make it. We tackled any kind of odd job we could find, so that we could keep eating. Carl cleaned chicken houses, and painted for the university on Saturdays; I had a part-time desk job in one of the women’s dormitories, and wrote free-lance articles for the American Girl magazine. For weeks on end we lived on boiled dry beans, and it was a gay day when we splurged by adding a dime’s worth of hamburger. I gleaned dandelion leaves and other edible wild greens, to cook or eat raw, as a vitamin balance to our restricted diet.
We were closest to going without food the time we ate the rattlesnake meat. I had a small can of it, acquired many years ago as a souvenir, and I kept it on my kitchen-window shelf because it was so pretty. I never intended to eat it.
The minister of the University Methodist Church teased us about my souvenir. Carl was helping him out as youth director, and the minister was often at our house for either business or pleasure. The first time he saw the can, he picked it up and admired it.
“When are you and Carl going to open this?” he asked.
I laughed. “As far as I’m concerned, that’s purely for decoration. You’ve no idea how hungry we’d have to be to eat that!”
Then came the day when our cupboards were as bare as old Mother Hubbard’s. We had nothing for breakfast and nothing for lunch. That evening, when classes were over, we stood in our kitchen and looked around, and when our eyes met we knew what we had to do. Carl reached for my gaily colored little can, with the gold lettering that said: Rattlesnake à la king—canned in Florida. I took two cards and scraped enough flour from the corners of the flour drawer to make a couple of biscuits. They were a little hard, since I had no shortening or milk, but they weren’t too bad. That was more than I could say for the à la king.
Rattlesnake is supposed to taste like a cross between chicken and tuna fish. Any resemblance ours might once have had to either certainly had been lost in the long passage of years since it had been canned. It turned out to be something closer to cotton strings in a curdled cream sauce. We ate it because, after all, it had calories.
The minister dropped by that night for a visit. When he went to the kitchen for a drink of water, he reached for the can, which was back in its usual place on the window shelf.
“When are you two going to eat this rattle ” he began, and then broke off in surprise when the can came up light in his hand. He turned it over and stared. Carl had reamed it open from the bottom, washed it out, and replaced it on the shelf for me; a few drops of water still clung to the inside. The minister shook his head, then took out his wallet and laid ten dollars on the kitchen sink.
“Don’t argue with me,” he said. “I know what your cupboards are like, without looking. Go buy some groceries.”
At the end of that school year, Carl attended his first Methodist Annual Conference, the statewide meeting where church business is taken care of and appointments of pastors to churches of the area are made for the coming year. When Carl came back from the conference he announced, “Our money worries are over, honey! Start packing, we’re going to Cucamonga!”
“Cuckoo—what?” I said. This was several years before Jack Benny and other comedians began using Cucamonga as a gag name on the radio, and I had never heard of the place.
“It’s a little village between here and Los Angeles, on Foothill Boulevard,” Carl told me. “They raise grapes in the valley, oranges and lemons toward the mountains. I’ll have the student church there, preach on week ends, go to school on week days.” He hugged me. “Just think, a salary of nine hundred dollars a year! And that’s not all, because there’s a house to live in, too!”
We moved into the parsonage, a sagging one-story house across the drive from the square-towered stone church on Archibald Street. The first month was busy, with fixing up the house, trying to marshal my weak memory into remembering the right names to go with the right faces in our little congregation, and, above all, getting used to the idea of being a minister’s wife. When I began to feel at home in my new role, with a little time on my hands, I found that my old dreams of having a family just wouldn’t stay suppressed any longer.
“This little sleeping porch, right next to our bedroom,” I told Carl—“wouldn’t it make a wonderful nursery?”
“Stop looking so wistful,” Carl said. “No agency in its right mind would give us a baby, now.”
“No harm in asking, is there?”
“Now just wait a minute,” he protested. “I’m making nine hundred a year, not a month. I’ve got three more years at Redlands. After that, three more doing graduate study at seminary. It’s going to be all I can do, just to get through school. How do you think we could support a baby?”
“Would you let me have one, if they offered us one?”
“You’re being silly,” Carl sputtered. “Of course, after the way you’ve stood behind me, and all I couldn’t—But anyway they wouldn’t, and even if they did, we’d never—”
“You know what you kept quoting from Matthew, whenever we hit the low spots last year,” I reminded him. “You said that if we had the faith of a mustard seed, we could move obstacles as big as mountains. I think we need a child, and somewhere a child needs us. And I’ve got the faith.”
My letters to the adoption agencies were filled with the poignancy of my longing. When the summer was over, a social worker came to call. She visited pleasantly in our small, tan-papered parlor, the worn rug on the floor between us, rain drumming wet fingers on the tall, skinny Victorian windows. She took our case history from her brief case and checked over the details with us.
BORN: Long Beach, California
AGE: 29
EDUCATION: Graduated from Santa Ana High School; one year at the University of Redlands
WIFE’S MAIDEN NAME: Helen Louise Grigsby
BORN: Sanderstead, Surrey, England, of American parents
AGE: 27
EDUCATION: Graduated from Maine Township High School at Park Ridge-Des Plaines, Illinois; one year each at Eureka College in Illinois, Santa Ana Junior College, and the University of Redlands.
The social worker droned on, going down the two pages of the questionnaire we had filled in. Here it comes, I thought, ready for a last-ditch argument about the things that are more important than money, such as families and love. I waited for her to suggest that we apply again in seven or eight years, when Carl was through college and seminary and settled in the full-time ministry.
She didn’t.
God bless her, she shut her portfolio, smiled like an angel, and said, “I have a baby for you.”
Just like that. “I have a baby for you.”
I couldn’t believe my ears. Then I shut my gaping mouth and tried to look reasonably bright. I knew I couldn’t have heard right.
The angel smiled indulgently. “He’s a chubby little fellow with blue eyes, and a perfect match for you two.”
“Where—where is he?” I stammered. “When can we have him?”
“He’s in the city,” she said. “I’ll give you a note for the hospital, and you may pick him up any time in the next few weeks.”
“Weeks!” I shouted, running to the coat closet. “We’ll go right now!”
Carl studied the storm outside. “We’d better wait until tomorrow. The car—” He smiled an apology at the social worker—“the roof on our Model A leaks.”
I flung my arms into my coat and grabbed an umbrella, waving it. “No matter,” I shouted. “I’ll hold this over the baby. Carl, you can wear my rain hat!”
An hour later we were sitting on the edges of our chairs in the hospital and a nurse was laying our Donald in my arms. I had to blink a few times before I could see him clearly. He was six weeks old, and his blue eyes looked at me with a charming, blank stare. Even to the nearly bald blond head, he was a chip off his adopted daddy.
I pulled back the blanket and touched his narrow head with tenderness. “Is he a forceps baby?” The nurse gave me a curious look, so I added lamely, “I just thought his head seemed sort of pinched in.”
This brought a big laugh from the nurse. “He has a most normal and beautiful head. You don’t know much about tiny babies, do you?”
“I never even held a tiny baby before,” I confessed.
“You’ll learn,” she smiled.
“Yes,” I said, laughing and crying at the same time in my great happiness. “Yes, I’ll learn.”
That night Carl helped me fix a makeshift crib beside our bed. For his first few weeks, little Donald slept in a big drawer laid across two facing straight chairs. A quilt folded in the bottom was the mattress, a piece of oilcloth cut from my kitchen tablecloth provided a waterproof cover, and pillowcases were just the right size for sheets.
Donny slept like a doll that first night; the next morning, when I took him up and dressed him for the first time, he seemed unbearably fragile, with arms and legs like matchsticks. I was afraid his limbs might break if I weren’t careful, and I picked him up and laid him down as if he were made of glass. The first time I took Donny for his medical check-up, I gasped when the doctor grabbed our baby by one elbow and the opposite leg and swung the poor infant up on the scales. The good doctor was amused at my wide eyes, my hand over my mouth.
“His arms and legs won’t come off,” he soothed. “Babies are more durable than you think.”
Nevertheless, I couldn’t bring myself to take chances. It was a month before I could trust myself to lower a soapy baby into a tub of water, and I was nearly as nervous about those first daily sponge baths. Not only did I need space on the round oak dining table for towels, the dishpan filled with warm water, clean diapers, pins, soap, talcum, swab sticks, baby oil, and all the rest of the requirements for the ritual of the bath, but I also needed space to prop my indispensable baby book. Unless I followed the book one step at a time, I was afraid I might leave something out or do something wrong. I was as serious as a small child at a circus, but Carl thought I was uproariously funny.
“Don’t just stand there and laugh,” I told him the first day. “You could at least hold this book and read off the directions to me as I go.” I was testing the water with my elbow and worrying because I didn’t have a bath thermometer. The book said you ought to have a bath thermometer.
“You don’t need one,” Carl said. “Put Donny in, and if he turns red it’s too hot, and if he turns blue it’s too cold.”
“That’s an old joke, and not even funny,” I said. “Read what comes next, after the part where I remove his clothes and let him kick for five minutes.”
“Wring the washcloth in warm, clear water,” Carl read, after finding the place, “and gently wipe the baby’s face. Take a fresh cotton swab for each ear and nostril, being careful to—”
“Stop!” I cried. “You’re going too fast.”
“By the time you get to the end of the chapter, the poor little fellow will turn blue,” Carl said, laying down the book. “Here, let me do it.”
As the oldest in a spread-out family of six children, Carl had observed enough about babies to add to the natural self-confidence he had about any new venture. Without hesitation he soaped, rinsed, and dried Donny, slipped him into a shirt, neatly pinned the diaper, then tied on a white kimona.
“Nothing to it,” Carl grinned, as he kissed his shining son.
That week the women’s society in our church gave a surprise baby shower, with enough blankets and baby clothes to make Donny a well-dressed young man for the rest of his babyhood. The church people took Donny into their hearts, and Donny loved them right back. He was a most sociable baby, perhaps because he went everywhere with us, in his basket or in our arms, to church services, board meetings, house calls, and potluck suppers.
By the time he took his first steps, he was a confirmed explorer, and his exploring nearly always got him into trouble. He was the original little Dennis the Menace.
Since he was no longer able to sit reasonably still during the worship service, his roaming was confined to our fenced back yard during church time. One broiling summer Sunday, the high-school girl who was watching him in the back yard became engrossed in her Sunday school paper, and Donny climbed over the gate. Leaving his sunsuit where it had caught on the fence post, he toddled across the driveway and up the tall front steps to the open door of the church. Completely and unselfconsciously naked, he made a beeline for the pulpit, calling out cheerily, “Hi, Daddy!” as he eluded my frantic clutch from the front pew.
His insatiable curiosity continually drove him to try out new things for taste. He’d put anything into his mouth that would fit and wouldn’t bite him first. I knew enough to keep such obvious dangers as iodine, laundry bleach, and kerosene out of his reach, but his imagination was more inventive than mine. To my knowledge he sampled everything from laundry soap to grasshoppers and shoe polish; and it was probably a good thing that many of the un-doubtable other things weren’t in my knowledge. I worried enough as it was.
One day I found him on the floor with a torn-open package of winter woolens, playing marbles with the moth balls. Suspicious, I looked closer. There were sugary crumbs around his mouth. My heart started to panic in my throat as I snatched him up and smelled his breath. It reeked.
“Donny,” I cried, “quick, tell Mama! You didn’t eat any of those white balls?”
“Naughty, naughty, not eat nassy stuff,” he said solemnly. “Don’t taste good, nope.” He pointed to a chewed-up moth ball, spit out under the bed.
I dashed to the phone and frantically dialed the doctor. Our doctor was used to this.
“He couldn’t have eaten enough to harm him,” he reassured me. “Give him lots of bread and milk to wash it down. He’ll be all right.”
Donny’s special weakness was for bottles. They fascinated him; if he had been Alice in Wonderland, he would have drunk himself tall, short, and clear out of sight in no time. He tried hair tonic, ink, concentrated vitamins, vanilla, vinegar, liquid shampoo, and anything else he could lay his chubby little fingers on when no one was looking.
“I keep things put away,” I sighed, as I dressed Donny in his little white suit to go see the judge. “About the only thing else I can do is to keep my fingers crossed. It’s a wonder we’ve raised him this far.”
After Donny had first been placed in our home, a preliminary petition for adoption had been filed at our county superior court. For a year our home had been supervised by regular visits from the social worker. Now her report on Donny’s adjustment, and the agency’s approval of the adoption, had also been filed at the court; after several delays because of a crowded court docket, we had an appointment with the judge for the granting of the final adoption decree.
As is customary in most adoption cases, the hearings were held in private session in the judge’s chambers, instead of in open court. We arrived early and waited in the corridor, restraining Donny from dashes to investigate the elevator buttons, dropped cigarette butts, and a spittoon.
“I feel as tense as I did when I was waiting in the minister’s study before our wedding,” Carl said. “Of course the social worker said that there would be no trouble, that the adoption would go right through. But I’ll still be glad when this is over, and Donny is actually all ours.”
When the judge received us in his chambers, it was something like a wedding, except that it was more in the mood of a civil one, rather than a church ceremony. The clerk of the court came in and asked us to raise our right hands and solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, which we did. Then the judge talked to us, pointing out what we already knew, that this was a lasting and permanent obligation, that adoption would grant us the same legal relationship to our son as if he had been born to us, with all the mutual rights, privileges, and responsibilities of natural parents and children.
This should be a ceremony in a church, I thought, with organ music and candles lighted, and flowers. These vows, which Carl and I were taking, were just as sacred and enduring and meaningful as the marriage vows we had taken six years before. Would it not be more fitting if we were all standing before an altar, the minister saying, “Do you take this child to be your lawfully adopted son, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do thee part?” And Carl and I could answer, with deep feeling, “We do.”
The adoption completed, we each took one of Donny’s hands and went back along the corridor, down in the elevator. As we walked down the outside courthouse steps, Donny hopping between us and singing a tuneless song, Carl said, “Well, Helen, have you everything you need to make you happy, now?”
“Almost,” I said.
“What else?”
“A little girl,” I said. “Donny’s such a sociable little boy. He ought to have a little sister.”
“Oh, no,” Carl groaned. “Give my wife an inch, and she wants a mile.”
“I don’t want a mile. I just want one more little baby.”
“In the first place,” Carl said, “I’m much too busy going to school to be bothered by such a family load. In the second place, you know we absolutely couldn’t afford another one. And in the third place, lucky for me, I’m positive that no agency would let us have a second child in the first place.
“I’m remembering that mustard seed,” I said. “I’ve still got faith.”