My favorite works, from art and literature to music and film, are those expressions that were born out of experience. Such projects are not thrown together haphazardly, nor are the authors passionate to steward their creation just to bring in a quick buck. They were hit with something and could not function as normal until that “something” was captured through their unique medium of creativity.

In the Kingdom of God, my favorite books, music, and sermons are those birthed out of the place of encounter with God. Such is Breakthrough Faith. Even though it has only taken months to put these words into a document, the journey of this message has been at least ten years in the making—and still ongoing even as I write.

I do not dare claim to be some final authority on the topic of faith. Not even close. There are several incredible works on the subject that have been absolutely instrumental in building my personal understanding of what faith is and how it is expressed. All I know is that it was God’s perfect time for me to share these thoughts with you. So my humble prayer is that beyond mere information or even inspiration, you would encounter the Presence and Person of Jesus Christ throughout these pages.

I cannot continue without extending brief acknowledgment to those who were vital in helping me bring this work to fruition. After all, the work and the worker are vitally interconnected. Those who invested in my personal journey with God have, in turn, invested into the unfolding of this project.

To my mentors, both far and near: Pastor Bill Johnson, you continue to inspire me through your humility and hunger for God. Your lifestyle of risk is what has paved the way for me to receive and carry a message like this. And the most incredible thing is that the supernatural culture you are sowing into at Bethel is one powerful example that makes the message of Breakthrough Faith possible for believers to embrace as a sustained lifestyle. You witness it on a daily basis.

Pastor Todd Mullins, God strategically placed you in my life back in 1999 to be a mentor, a dear brother in Christ, and an example of great integrity. I know how busy your schedule has been over the years, so know full well that every lunch, word of encouragement, and meeting you have so graciously invested into me has been key in cultivating this message of breakthrough faith.

And to Pastor Tom Mullins, I have had the great honor of calling both you and Todd my pastors since July of 1999. It was during this time that I had an encounter with the Holy Spirit (at a Saturday night service over at the South Campus) where I was left with no other option but to surrender everything to Jesus. A million “thank yous” for continuing to faithfully host His Presence until this very day. All it took was that one meeting with God, and everything changed.

To my family: Mom and Dad, you truly had ears tuned into Heaven when you enrolled me in Holy Spirit Catholic School back in 1988, and I’m continually grateful that I am still getting a tremendous education in “Holy Spirit school” every day of my life. Know that because of your continuous support and encouragement, I am able to pursue the vision God has placed in my heart.

To my Destiny Image family: Ronda and Nathan, words cannot express how overwhelmed I am at your belief, your support, your encouragement, and your willingness to get this message out. Mykela, you have been instrumental in this process—without you, this work would not have gotten finished and would not be in print! You, along with the entire Destiny Image team, carry an incredible mandate from Heaven to declare the uncompromised, due season word of the Lord. It is an absolute privilege to be part of a company that has published so many of the trailblazers and pioneers that have invested in my life.

To my dear friends: Andrew, Kyle, and Caleb. In chapter 24 I wrote with the three of you in mind as I described “faith friends” who have the desire for the impossible etched into their very DNA. The gift of your friendship is truly priceless. How many people can you talk to about anything and, without strain or difficulty, transition right into celebrating the greatness and limitlessness of God? Caleb, even though you are no longer with us on the earth, I know your view of God’s world is mind-blowing. You constantly see what is available in Heaven and are always cheering us on to make withdrawals from God’s limitless supply.

Finally, to those of you who have sown into my life over the past ten years as this message was being cultivated within me: you do not merely speak or write nice words. What you speak and what you write carries the very power of God to bring about supernatural transformation. I am always inspired by how your lives consistently represent King Jesus and demonstrate His Kingdom. To Jack Hayford, Karen Wheaton, Darlene Zschech, Reinhard Bonnke, Randy Clark, Corey Russell, John Bevere, Joyce Meyer, Mike Bickle, Dr. Michael Brown, David Sprague, Vinson Synan, R.T. Kendall, Jack Taylor, the Adrian Rogers Family, Allen Hood, Chauncey Crandall, John Piper, and the countless others I have surely missed.

Dear Reader: May the words shared in the following pages give you license to pursue and experience everything God has made available for you in the Lord Jesus Christ.