REMY LOOKED AROUND the sitting room of Dalrymple House where his family was gathered for Christmas. His grandfather was sitting grumbling about the stock market fluctuations with a very patient Robert Mappleton. Raoul was sitting on the sofa with his legs up on an ottoman. Lily was tucked in close to his side, looking up at him with such rapt attention it made Remy’s chest feel warm. Rafe was helping Poppy carry in egg nog and nibbles but stopped in the doorway to give her a lingering kiss under the mistletoe.

Remy looked across at Angelique who was on the floor in front of the Christmas tree cuddling all three of Poppy’s cute little dogs. Chutney, Pickles and Relish were instantly besotted with her and had no shame about showing it. Pickles—who according to Rafe was a hard nut to crack—had even snuck in an extra couple of licks.

Angelique laughed as she got off the floor to come over to Remy. ‘Did you see that, darling? I won Pickles over straight away. He couldn’t resist me.’

‘I saw you sneak him a treat,’ Remy said. ‘In my book, that’s cheating.’

She gave him a grin as she wound her arms around his middle. ‘You’re just jealous because you didn’t think of it first.’

‘I’m not jealous.’

‘Yes you are.’

‘Am not.’

‘Will someone tell those two to stop bickering?’ Rafe said from over by the mistletoe.

‘They’re not bickering,’ Raoul said from the sofa. ‘They’re just warming up for a kiss. See, what did I tell you? Any second now. Bingo.’

* * * * *

Keep reading for an excerpt from A DANGEROUS SOLACE by Lucy Ellis.