We All Need to Be Independent

Bob has always been self-sufficient. I think it stems from his days on the streets, looking after himself.

He seems to have learned that, if you need something in life, it is usually best to rely on yourself to provide it. The chances are that no one else will.

Early on, for instance, he learned to open cupboard doors so that he could look for food. He also learned to go to the toilet on his own, and once – to my amazement – used the toilet in my flat.

In recent years, he has got even more resourceful. In my new house, Bob can turn the handles on doors, especially the one leading into the kitchen, where I keep his food and water bowl on the floor.

Even more impressively, he has learned how to turn the tap on one of the sinks upstairs. He loves watching the running water and, when he’s feeling a bit over-heated, will dip his paw in and lick it to quench his thirst.

It always makes me smile. But it also reinforces something important. We all need to be independent. We all need to feel like we can control our lives.