Chapter Nine
“Did you love Nicole?” Michael asked innocently.
“Yes, more than words can describe, more than I knew,” James replied. For so long I had no idea what love was or how it fit into anything. As I think back, the only person I truly loved for most of my life was Geoffrey, and that was probably because we were the perfect reflection of each other. But with Nicole, she completed me. She was so much more than a friend.”
“That is hard for me to understand, though I have heard it said often,” Michael commented thoughtfully.
“I have to say that two are better than one for many reasons. They are more productive, provide mutual support, and I think, provide each other with a reason for being.”
“A reason for being?” Michael asked with a raise eyebrow.
“Yes. All that I achieved had meaning only in as much as I could share it with someone in a personal way. At first it was my friend Geoffrey. Then as I drew closer to Nicole, she was the one with whom I wanted to share it. Otherwise everything seemed empty or perhaps vain.”
“I see,” Michael commented. Then looking at James’ work he asked, “What do you think will be your next step?”
“I’ve been thinking about that. Before anything can be done, there must be an atmosphere similar to Earth’s. In fact it must be considerably thicker to make up for the lack of heat from the sun. I think volcanic activity might provide the catalyst for beginning the process. Once we create a thicker atmosphere, we can begin introducing plant life. I can’t wait to see a little more color here. Aesthetically varied colors will add to the project on several levels and will require more creativity.”
James was now both scientist and artist consumed in the task at hand. As James spoke and considered the work before him, he thought back to that weekend in New England with Nicole. That seemed to be the point at which things began to turn around in his life. It was the colorful landscape that really impressed me, he thought.
James had been back in New York for only a few weeks and already felt like he needed to get away. Nicole, upon whom he depended more and more for support suggested a trip to New England would be a relaxing get away.
Together James and Nicole drove out of New York toward New Hampshire, taking a series of expressways and roads through upstate New York. They knew the trip should take about four and a half hours, but they decided to take their time and travel some country roads. As they traveled away from urban areas into upstate New York the colorful fall foliage seemed to jump out at them.
“I never paid much attention to all the color around here,” James commented as they drove long.
“It’s here every year for people like us to enjoy,” Nicole noted with a smile that reflected a happiness that up until recently James had never seen.
“So this is what it means to stop and smell the roses,” James commented as they walked along a nature trail they found along the way.
“Yes, and they are magnificent!” Nicole responded as she took in a deep breath.
As they sauntered along James took Nicoles’ hand for the first time since she had known him. Suddenly she wondered if she had ever known him at all. “Have you found what you are looking for, James?”
“Part of it,” James replied.
“What is that part?”
“You are, Nicole,” James said as a tear ran down his cheek. “I need someone but not just anyone; I need you. I don’t mean because you’re a beautiful and famous model but, because you are you, and there is no one else in the world like you.”
Nicole was awe struck as she watched one of the wealthiest and most powerful men in the world weep because of his need for her.
James continued, “While there is no human being who can take your place, there remains a profound emptiness that I think only God can fill, and at this point I still don’t know how to get to God.”
“We’ll find the way,” Nicole said as tears of joy ran down her cheeks.
“And Nicole,” James added.
“Will you marry me and have children with me?”
“I will,” she said as she tightly held on to James. “When?”
“Right away, Nicole. I don’t want to waste another minute. We can find a preacher in New Hampshire and be married before we return to New York.”
“No large wedding?”
“Would you rather?” James asked.
“We can always do that later,” Nicole replied with a great smile.
James and Nicole continued their drive to New Hampshire. Taking the offbeat roads they bypassed Manchester and drove to Franconia instead. There they found an inn overlooking the White Mountains.
“Good evening,” James said as he and Nicole walked into the lobby.
“Good evening, sir,” a gray hair gentleman replied from behind the desk. “How may I help you today?”
“We would like a suite for a few days,” James replied.
“Sir, the only suite we have is $200 per night.”
“That will be fine,” James said as he began to fill out the typical forms associated with travel lodging.
The gentleman at the desk looked over the paper work then looked up at James and Nicole. “Mr. Gilgamesh, Ms. Fitzgerald, welcome to our inn. I had no idea that we should expect you.”
“Of course not,” James said laughing. We are just spending time away, and we have no itinerary or plans except to relax.”
“In that case this should be your place. We begin serving breakfast at six o’clock in our dining room. Please feel at home. Can I help you with any luggage?”
“No thank you,” James replied, “We’ll be fine. Oh by the way,” James added as an after thought, “Is there a justice of the peace or preacher nearby who can marry us?”
“As a matter of fact, I can perform a wedding ceremony if you like,” the inn keeper replied. “I am an ordained minister.”
“Let’s make it happen, Reverend …?”
“John Kennerly,” the inn keeper said as he smiled and reached out his hand, “but please just call me John. You’ll need to apply for a marriage license at the courthouse Monday morning, and I can then officiate your union together.”
“That sounds good, John,” Nicole replied.
“I know you want to get to your room and relax, but I would like to discuss this with you,” John said softly.
“Of course,” James replied, “What would you like to discuss?”
“Well, let’s just say I like to know the people I marry.”
“What time is dinner?” James asked.
“The dining room will open at five-thirty.”
“Can you join us for dinner at six-thirty?”
“Yes, I would love to join you.”
“Then six-thirty it is,” James said as he clapped his hands together and looked smilingly at Nicole.
At six-thirty James and Nicole met with John over a dinner of fresh Maine lobster. The dinner conversation began on a light note with John describing the local landmarks and the natural beauty of New Hampshire before moving to the reason for their meeting.
“Have you been planning your marriage for a long time?” John asked.
“Actually, we just decided to do this yesterday,” James replied almost flippantly.
Nicole noted a look of concern on John’s face and quickly added, “James and I have been together for more than two years and we believe it is finally time to take this step.”
“Oh, I hope I didn’t sound frivolous,” James added. “We have thought about this, and now is the time.”
“Good,” John said as he folded his arms and leaned on the table. “Are you Christians?”
“No,” James said, I was born a Catholic but now I don’t know what I am but I think Nicole is a Christian.”
“I was raised in a Baptist church but like James, I don’t know what I believe.”
“Something happened; can you tell me what it was?”
James eyes started to tear up as he related the story of his life and sudden loss of Geoffrey. He went on to describe his quest to find God and his need for genuine companionship. “There is a hole inside of me that I cannot fill,” James said as he tried to explain what he felt inside.
“James, I hear you saying that you need a relationship with God. My question is, and I don’t want to offend Nicole, but where does she fit into this need?”
“No offense taken, John,” Nicole interjected.
“Perhaps I should have said she completes a part of me other than that hole that Saint Augustine said only God can fill.”
“So then, you’ve tried Jewish mysticism, Buddhism, and Catholicism and except for Nicole, you feel like you’ve come up short?”
“Yes, that’s pretty much it.”
“Why haven’t you at least given Jesus a chance to fill that void?” John asked as he looked at James and Nicole together. “You will keep looking all your life, and you’ll continue to fill yourself up with worldly knowledge that does have good aspects such as the golden rule, but like water in a container, if left alone it will evaporate into nothing. Only a meaningful relationship with the Creator of the universe can satisfy once and for all.”
“How can Jesus do what Buddha or any other master couldn’t do in my life?”
“James, as you and Nicole have noticed, you were not born with a natural relationship with God; the whole concept of the supreme being is otherworldly to us all. Essentially, God is out of reach. So why do you think this is, James?”
“I think God wants us to look for Him, but it’s like He keeps hiding. I don’t know.”
“Have either of you lived a perfect life?”
“No, I’ve made mistakes, and there have been times I’ve actually been less than honest with people,” James replied. “Yet I think that basically I’m a good person.”
“I know I haven’t lived a perfect life,” Nicole added pensively.
“Now let me ask you this question. Is God perfect?”
“Of course,” James and Nicole said together.
James looked contemplatively at the table for a moment and then up at John. “I do believe that God is perfect, but how is it that there is so much evil in the world? Where did it all come from?”
“Yes this is quite a problem isn’t it?” John answered. “I don’t have the answer except to say that people make choices that separate them from God and from each other many times. This is the problem. God is perfect and there is no imperfection in Him. If God was less than perfect or unsure of His purpose, the entire universe would fall apart or at best what we know as the laws of physics would be forever changing. Therefore if, as I believe, God is perfect, the only way we can have a relationship with God is if He initiates it, and even then there has to be a means by which our own imperfections or sins can be overcome.”
“But John,” James interrupted, “How did a perfect God create an imperfect universe and creatures?”
“Excellent question, James. Again, most of this goes to free choice on the part of people. What if in creating angels and people God had a choice? He could create obedient robots who would never do anything contrary to what He wanted or He could give them free will, the ability to choose whether or not they wanted to have fellowship with Him. Which decision do you think a perfect God would make?”
“My greatest goal has been to work with people I genuinely respect and who genuinely respect me for who I am not what I have. So I can understand how God would decide to give His creatures the ability to choose.”
“So James, Nicole, have you always made the best choice?”
“No,” they said together.
“There we have the problem we are all free to choose and from the beginning the decision was to go our separate ways. This has separated the human race from God and the only way to rectify this was for God to make a way of reconciliation. This reconciliation came through Jesus Christ who was God Himself sacrificing Himself to make a way for us to turn to God.”
As John spoke, a torrent of memories flooded through James’ mind. Otis Remington, Maalick, Julius and Isabella Lebewitz , and Father McGinty. With crystal clarity he remembered their words as if they were speaking in unison about the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
“I’ve heard this before,” James interrupted. “How is it that Jesus dying on the cross paid the price for our sins and made us right with God?”
“James, according to the Scriptures before there can be forgiveness of sin, there has to be bloodshed as in the animal sacrifices of ancient Israel. The problem was that these sacrifices cannot really atone for the sin, and for this reason the sacrifices had to be made continuously. However, what if someone lived a perfect life and then died? In this instance the death would be illegal because Biblically the penalty for sin is death and then judgment, so if a person does not sin, he or she has not earned the death penalty. This is what Jesus did. He was God incarnate, lived the perfect life, and sacrificed Himself to pay the price of the sin of the world. The wonderful thing is that because He died illegally, it was impossible for the grave to hold Him so He was raised from the dead, but our sins remained buried. What is just as wonderful is that because He paid the price for our sins, He has now clothed us with His righteousness. So now, when God sees us, He does not see our sinful selves but the righteousness and perfection of Christ.”
“John, I’m on overload. There is no area of business or technology I cannot master, and I believe I have tremendous vision but I’m having a hard time getting my head around what you are telling me.”
“It is hard to understand, I admit, but once you do comprehend what God is offering you, it will be the greatest thing in the universe. To think that God loves you so much He would sacrifice Himself to get you into His presence is too wonderful to ever fully comprehend.”
“So how do you have this relationship with God through Jesus?” Nicole asked.
“Imagine I’m offering to give you a pearl of great price,” John began. “What would be the next step?”
“I suppose I would either accept it or refuse it,” Nicole replied.
“It’s just that easy. God has already paid the price; the arrangements are complete. It’s up to you to accept it or reject it.”
“So if I understand, Jesus paid the price for the sins of everyone in the world throughout all time?” James asked.
“That’s right. There is no need for anyone to miss spending eternity with God. All anyone has to do is accept the gift. There is no way for anyone to get into God’s presence on their own, clothed in their own good deeds. You have to be clothed in the righteousness of Jesus Christ. When you accept what he has done for you and believe on Him, you are saved and headed for glory.”
It was as if a light turned on in Nicole’s mind. Finally, after years of hearing about Jesus, she finally understood who he was and what he did for her. Suddenly, in light of this revelation nothing in her life was as important as the free gift of really knowing God and being with him. Modeling, fame, fortune, even James: all were secondary to Nicole. “I accept,” she said abruptly. “I want to have Jesus in my life.”
“I need Jesus, too,” James said as he leaned forward, looked at Nicole, then at John.
“In that case let’s pray together,” John responded. “Our Heavenly Father, we praise you for who you are, the Creator and sustainer of all things, and we thank you for the grace you have shown us through our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. We confess that we are sinners, that we have fallen short of your perfection and holiness, and we accept the free gift of eternal life you have offered us through Jesus Christ or Lord. Now Lord, please clothe us with the righteousness of Jesus Christ and give us grace to grow into his likeness. For this we thank you through our Lord and Savior Jesus, Amen.”
James and Nicole had tears in their eyes as they looked up at each other, took each others’ hands, and put their foreheads together. “I finally found it,” James laughed. “We’re ready to wed.”
James and Nicole wasted no time assembling the required legal documentation for their wedding. As soon as the government offices were open, they were there ready to complete the required documentation.
“I always expected to have a rather large wedding,” Nicole commented as they stood before John.
“Well, I never expected to get married,” James said with a smile and a squeeze of her hand.
John began the informal ceremony with a brief word, “James and Nicole you have come here to give your lives to each other and to dedicate your marriage to your Savior Jesus Christ. James, you in particular were asking what is life all about. Today you are entering into one of life’s key aspects and that is holy matrimony. You will take nothing from this world with you, and your legacy will not endure forever. The writer of Ecclesiastes said it is good to enjoy your life with the wife God has given you and to enjoy the gifts He has given you.”
As John spoke, James felt as if his soul was feeding for the first time in his life and that the emptiness was filling up. James was finally healing.
Immediately after the ceremony, James kissed Nicole and pulled out his wallet from which he drew out a worn business card. James looked at it for a moment and then said, “Please excuse me while I keep a promise.”
Nicole looked at him quizzically while John stood back smiling. “What promise?” Nicole asked.
“Otis Remington,” James replied. “I met him on my flight to Dar Es Salam. He shared the Gospel with me and asked that I give him a call when I found what I was looking for.”
James held his phone to his ear as Nicole and John looked on. “Hello, Otis?”
“Yes,” an elderly voice replied.
“James Gilgamesh here.”
“James! You remembered me.”
“Otis, I promised I would call you when I found God, and I have found what I was looking for.”
“Tell me about it, James,” Otis exclaimed suddenly sounding much younger.
“Otis, Jesus Christ is my Lord and Savior. That empty space inside me is now filled.”
“James, I am so excited for you, and I want you to know that I have prayed for you since the day we met. The Lord has answered my prayers.”
James concluded his call to Otis and looked at Nicole. Nodding his head James said, “That is one promise that was a joy to keep.”
James and Nicole settled into their honeymoon suite, which provided a magnificent view of the mountains of New Hampshire. Their weekend getaway turned into a week long honeymoon which required them to make several calls to cancel appointments and meetings without providing any explanation. They wanted to spend as much time as they could experiencing the surroundings and enjoying this time together. For the next several days, they traveled through and around the mountain pass, Franconia Notch from the Flume Gorge to Echo Lake. The scenery was fantastic and for the first time, James saw things he had never seen before. It was as if nature came alive and spoke to him.
“Did you ever believe in Pantheism?” James asked Nicole as they rode the tramway at Cannon Mountain.
“What?” Nicole asked with a curious frown as she looked at James.
“I’ve never experienced the way nature is speaking to me right now, and I feel connected to it,” James commented as he continued taking in the scenery.
“Yes, but what do you mean about pantheism?”
“You know it’s the idea that God is in everything. Before we believed in Jesus Christ, I would probably have thought that maybe that’s why I have this connected feeling. But now it’s like I know the artist and understand his work.”
“I understand what you’re saying,” Nicole responded thoughtfully. “Besides, the pantheism idea doesn’t make a lot of sense to me. I mean if God is the Creator and everything is God, then did God create himself? It is just not logical to me.”
“Hmm, I hadn’t thought of it that way. The fact remains that I feel a real connection with you and with the surroundings.”
James now had a new faith, a new wife, and a fresh outlook on life. These new aspects of his life worked together to enhance his ability to enjoy their time in the White Mountains as they hiked and enjoyed nature together. When they came to a spot from which they could see the old man of the mountain, James commented, “I came here once as a student when there was actually a face on the mountain, and I remember a teacher quoting Daniel Webster as saying, ‘Men hang out their signs indicative of their respective trades; shoe makers hang out a gigantic shoe; jewelers a monster watch, and the dentist hangs out a gold tooth; but up in the Mountains of New Hampshire, God Almighty has hung out a sign to show that there He makes men.’”
“What happened to the face?” Nicole asked.
“The actual face, and it did look like one collapsed for some geologic reason just a few years ago. Now we just have to try and remember what it used to be like.”
“Do you think God was sending a message by tearing down the image?”
“I hope not,” James replied as he smiled at Nicole. “That would mean God has given up on us, and I don’t want God to give up on me.”
“I don’t think that’s going to happen,” Nicole commented as she squeezed his arm and leaned closer to her new husband.
It was soon time for the newlyweds to return to their busy lives in the city and begin planning their lives together. As they drove back to New York, they discussed their new faith and how they would integrate it into their professional lives. James seemed reenergized as he discussed new ideas about his projects and ways to reorganized Uruk Enterprises. Life was good and the future bright.
As James and Nicole drove along a country road, James’ cell phone rang. Looking down at his phone, he saw that it was Joe Perkins. “I guess I better answer this,” James said as he glanced at Nicole and back at his phone. In a split second as James took his eyes off the road and looked down at his phone, he swerved off the road into a large tree. Joe on the line expected to hear James say hello, but all he heard was a crashing noise.