Saturday, October 25, 2003, 12:43 A.M.,
Houston Police Department,
Interrogation Room #6,
1200 Travis Street,
Houston, Texas.
The following text is the transcript from the actual interrogation of and confession on tape by Anthony Allen Shore in regard to the murder of Diana Rebollar:

Tony Shore (TS): The Diana Rebollar case, Rebollar, however you say it.
John Swaim (JS): Rebollar.
TS: Rebollar. At that point in time I was living in The Heights on East 18th Street, corner house at East 18th Street and Beverly behind the elementary school with my, she wasn’t a wife, but a live-in. Girlfriend. She had two sons and I had two daughters when we were living there.

Her car had broke down. I didn’t have transportation at that time. She had an old Dodge van. I have no idea what year it was. Sports van.

JS: What’d it look like?
TS: It was beige with white trim down the center. And it had one big door on the back and it—
JS: And whose was this?
TS: . . . Was an extended van. Yolanda Elizabeth Martin. She was a live-in. Not married.
JS: Elizabeth Martin.
TS: Elizabeth Martin.
JS: This van was . . . ?
TS: This van belonged to her. It belonged to her dad. It belonged to somebody but we were using it. It didn’t have a transmission. I put the transmission in.
JS: It was a Dodge you said?
TS: It was a Dodge sports van. It was an older model. It was an extended van. It had the long rear end.

Anyway. She and I had been on the rocks, up and down. It was a bad rollercoaster kind of relationship. We had four kids living in the house and we had a two bedroom house, not enough space, ’cause Lizz had come out of a lesbian relationship to be in our relationship and she was going out, sometimes with her gay friends and stuff and I was unhappy and things weren’t going well.
And, uh, Diana Rebollar. That was a freaky pack of specifics I don’t understand exactly. Too young. Not developed. That was an opportunity, a freaky thing that I don’t know why I did that. I remember seeing this girl walking alone.

JS: Do you know what street you’re on?
TS: I wanna say on Main Street. North Main somewhere around 21 st to 26th. I’m not really sure where in there. I know there is a parking lot and I pulled in and I talked to her and . . . there wasn’t anybody around and I don’t know what the hell. I’m sitting there going . . . the girl. I just picked her up, put her in the van. Nobody saw shit. And I told her to be quiet—
JS: Did you wrap anything around her or anything or just took her into—
TS: I just threw her in initially and I told her to be quiet and that it was kidnapping and that she wasn’t gonna get hurt, this and that. She made like she was gonna not cooperate so I remember using duct tape to bind her. Hands and feet.

Then we drove around. I don’t know where we ended up. I remember this was a big, big parking lot and a building. Looks like it had been vacated. And, uh, in the bay area where the trucks come back up and stuff. And I was gonna molest her and she fought like hell. Strangely, she fought like hell. Just couldn’t go on with anything.

JS: Hispanic girl?
TS: Yeah, Hispanic girl. And I knew it wasn’t gonna happen and she was so afraid, I’m sure, but she shit herself on her underwear. Made a huge mess. And I remember using her clothes and stuff to clean her off.

She fought and fought and I don’t recall what type of cord or strand, a piece of wire or something. And the same thing, I knew I was fucked and I don’t know why the shit kept happening. I couldn’t stop it. I could say, “Yeah, there are voices in my head,” but it’s my own sickness.

JS: You don’t remember what, it was a cord or . . . ?
TS: That I don’t recall. It seems like there was a pencil that I used to twist.
JS: But you don’t know what the cord looked like, what color it was?
TS: No, that I don’t recall.
JS: Okay.
TS: But, uh, then I tried to have sex with her but it wasn’t happening, wasn’t happening. She just fought so bad, and she’s so small, and I just said, “God, you sick fuck. What the hell is wrong with you? Why have you lost your fucking mind?” And I just wanted, I just wanted it to end. I just couldn’t, every time I’d tell myself, I’d just kept saying, “Oh, this has gotta stop. I’m a sick, sick puppy.”

There wasn’t anybody around. I could’ve taken time, I could’ve done this or I could’ve done that and I had this sick, sick [thought] going through my head but I just wanted it to be over. I just wanted to get away from there.
I knew I couldn’t just let her go because I knew that, well obviously, she’s gonna go tell and then my life would be all fucked up. Just selfish, self-centered, fucked-up thinking, I know.
So, I did the ligature and she was [messy] because of shitting herself. I cleaned up the mess. I used her clothes. I don’t remember. I think I left her t-shirt on. She was wearing a black t-shirt as I recall. I used the rest of it to clean her up.
She bought a bag of sugar and she cleaned it and I took that and cleaned that up and there was shit in her hair and I cleaned that up as best I could.

JS: So, you took the shit and threw it away?
TS: Yeah, I just took all the shit, what was left in the van, and I took it to a car wash and I tried to scrub the fuck out of it.
JS: What’d you do with the shit in—
TS: Uh, I drove around with it the day before I got rid of it. And, once again, I threw it in a trash bag and I threw it in a Dumpster somewhere.
JS: So you remember having a black t-shirt on her and you left that on her and then you took her pants?
TS: Pants and underwear and shit. I had to clean up the shit that was everywhere. And it seems like I stopped at a resell shop somewhere and bought myself a t-shirt and used my t-shirt to clean her up good. I ended up going to a car wash to try to clean up the mess. It was a big mess.
JS: How much was that mess?
TS: I didn’t want anybody to know that there was shit in the van or the smell and everything.
JS: Okay. Alright. It’s now about twelve minutes to one. 12:48 A.M.