
Copyright © 1970 by Jack R. Benjamin and C. Allin Cornell

All rights reserved.

Bibliographical Note

This Dover edition, first published in 2014, is an unabridged republication of the work originally published by McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, in 1970.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Benjamin, Jack R. (Jack Ralph), 1917–1998, author.

        Probability, statistics, and decision for civil engineers / Jack R. Benjamin, C. Allin Cornell. — Dover edition.

              pages cm

        Reprint of: New York : McGraw-Hill, 1970.

        Summary: “This text covers the development of decision theory and related applications of probability. Extensive examples and illustrations cultivate students’ appreciation for applications, including strength of materials, soil mechanics, construction planning, and water-resource design. Emphasis on fundamentals makes the material accessible to students trained in classical statistics and provides a brief introduction to probability. 1970 edition”— Provided by publisher.

        eISBN-13: 978-0-486-31570-6

           1. Probabilities. 2. Mathematical statistics. 3. Bayesian statistical decision theory. I. Cornell, C. Allin, author. II. Title.

    TA340.B45 2014



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