I’ve loved writing this series. It’s been so much fun exploring Buttonville and the old button factory. Ben, Pearl, Dr. Woo, and Mr. Tabby have all found a very special place in my heart. And Metalmouth is the kind of puppy that I would love to play fetch with.

When an author creates characters and spends years with them, as I have with this series, the characters become a part of the author’s being. And although I’ll move on to other stories, my characters will stay with me forever. After all, I breathed life into each and every one of them.

But so have you. You have also breathed life into my characters, because you’ve spent time with them, and thus, they’ve become a part of your being as well. And I hope that as you grow up, you will always remember Ben and Pearl, and the lovely time you all shared together.

Happy reading to you, dear friends, in both the Known and Imaginary Worlds.

