Of Kerry B. Collison’s other best-selling novels, reviewers wrote:

“If the international community had heeded Kerry’s writings, it is possible that the present drama (in Indonesia) could have been better understood and dealt with.” – Defense and Foreign Affairs Strategic Policy Journal, Washington.

“…it has reawakened a passion for discussion of what really did happen in the heady days that shaped modern Indonesia.” – Lavonee Chea, Men’s Review, Malaysia

“…inspired by his long experience…intriguing plot and vivid descriptions. – Sydney Morning Herald

“Vignettes will fascinate historians.” – The Age

“Collison puts the Indonesian experience into perspective.” – Sydney Telegraph

“Collison’s knowledge of the region is unmistakeable.” –The Cairns Post

“Authentically experienced and geographically recalled…” –The Canberra Times

‘Kerry Collison demonstrates a keen observation of the forces which motivate the military and corporate elite.’  The West Australian

‘…certainly a powerful thriller.’ – Australian Book Review

‘…written about Osama bin Laden and the Muslim militant/ terrorist presence in Indonesia three years before events of September 11th.’ – Tracy Boyce, Men’s Review, Malaysia.