Some alphas would call the tone Cole took, just shy of defiant, disrespectful, especially with the fire that burned in his bright blue eyes.
But Trent knew what this was really about. After everything they’d been through today, the things they’d witnessed and the choices they’d made. Finding Aki alive and well was cause for celebration, not punishment.
No matter what the omega had done, this was, as Akito unpleasantly reminded him, the last time they’d have with him as a human. Perhaps, the last time they’d have with him ever. If Raj won.
While Akito seemed confident he wouldn’t, the omega didn’t know Trent’s younger brother or what drove him as well as Trent did.
It’s the same thing that drove both of them.
And Cole was right.
Cherishing what little time they had left was better than proving how much of an alpha he was. There was more than one way to do that.
“What do you want, Aki?” Trent asked.
Akito’s dark eyes were fever-bright, and beads of sweat clung to his skin, dripping over the scars on his back—the ones his first alpha made. The ones that twisted Trent’s gut each time he saw them. The sensation never dulled like he thought it would. Even though Trent taught that alpha a very permanent lesson.
“Both of you,” Akito breathed and opened his mouth. His wet pink tongue darted out and lapped at Trent’s forefinger, sucking it inside that hot mouth.
Heat shot up Trent’s spine and desire flared in his groin.
How could something that brought so much pleasure be a weakness?
“Then we’ll indulge you, just this once,” Trent said.
A smile, small and devious, crept over Akito’s lips. He wouldn’t have minded the punishment as long as he eventually got off.
“And the cork?” Cole asked. His hands slipped over Akito’s skin, the touch gentle.
Akito shivered under it, his chest heaving. “Leave it in. For now.”
Trent couldn’t help the laugh that rumbled from his chest. “And what else do you want?”
“Your cock. My mouth,” Akito said and his palms pressed over Trent’s thighs. The yukata still hung from his shoulders, and he shed it. The material pooled on the floor at his feet as Akito’s mouth reached the alpha’s throbbing shaft.
Trent smoothed Akito’s hair from his brow. In the dim light, his inky eyes were lost in the darkness. If he were a fellow wolf, they’d glow with their own light. “And what else?”
“I want you both to do whatever you want with me. Please.” Akito’s breath brushed the dripping head of Trent’s cock. It singed him to the core.
He fisted the root and inhaled it once more—all heat and glorious pleasure.
Trent didn’t fight the moan that rose from his throat. There was no use fighting this—not anymore. Not when all his careful preparations put him at Raj’s mercy.
His wolves were smart and resourceful. They’d survive without him for a few days. Until then, he’d enjoy this while he had it.
Cole needed no prompting to move. Before, Trent would have guessed the beta would go straight for Akito’s delectable ass. Instead, he spread Akito’s thighs and wormed between them until Akito straddled his chest. Cole’s hands gripped Akito’s taut ass, digging into the flesh.
From that angle, Trent couldn’t see exactly what Cole was doing, but he guessed by the moan that rose in Akito’s throat. And the sharp thrusts of his hips.
Akito whimpered the closer Cole moved toward the cork, and soon the beta pulled it free and dipped a finger into the oil at his side. That slick finger met little resistance as it disappeared into the omega’s ass. A shudder of pure pleasure danced across Akito’s skin. He never hid his desire the way Cole and Trent did. His was always so close to the surface—so honest—it snagged on Trent’s heart.
With every drag of Akito’s lips across Trent’s cock, the need for release rushed closer. Nearer.
“I want to fuck you,” Trent groaned and kept his hips still. He could, if he wanted, force himself into the omega’s throat. Because Akito would take it. He always would with a smirk on his lips.
But not tonight.
The heat of Akito’s mouth released him, and he leaned back. “Like this?”
Trent nodded, the urge to kiss Akito’s swollen lips surged through him, and he leaned down and did it. They tasted like his own semen, and that particular taste that was all Akito’s own.
Akito’s mouth bit into Trent’s, those long fingers wrapped around his biceps and squeezed, pressing into the muscle. When he pulled away, panting, he nodded.
With a slick pop, Cole looked at them both. His cheeks were as flushed as Akito’s, and his cock was just as achingly hard as Trent’s. A smile spread over his lips. “I’ll turn around.”
Akito smirked. “I love that idea.”
Trent moved into position, his skin tingling with something he’d never felt before. Is this what Akito and Cole felt like when Trent gave them orders? The anticipation that hung in the air and clung to his skin like humidity? For alphas, pleasure was always where they wanted it to be, but putting the control in Akito’s hands changed everything. And not in an unpleasant way.
Cole and Akito rearranged themselves with plenty of kisses and touches, while Trent slicked his cock with the remaining oil. Akito’s ass already glistened with it.
The alpha moved forward, his heat slid over Akito’s back and his mouth pressed into Akito’s hair.
Akito leaned over Cole, who was beneath him, legs spread and cock at attention.
They’d never tried this particular position before. It should be fun.
Cole fisted Akito’s length, his mouth nursing the tip, as Trent eased the tip of his cock into Akito’s heat. It plunged inside, deeper and deeper, until Trent’s brown pubes tickled the base of the omega’s spine.
The groan that clawed out of Akito’s lips was primal—pure animal—and it released some of the fear that clogged Trent’s thoughts earlier—that still clogged them after seeing Raj again and getting the stupid ultimatum.
Akito was ready to be a wolf, and Trent had been too afraid to see that. Too unsure. He couldn’t be any longer.
Then Akito leaned forward, over Cole’s shaft, and his mouth sucked it in.
Watching them pleasure each other was a temptation, but Akito’s body begged for something more, and Trent couldn't help but give it to him.
This is what his omega really deserved.
Every thrust and moan turned into a blur. His peak was already so close, and Akito’s body was so hot and needy, that he could hold off no longer.
It crept under his skin and flowed through his veins, the burst of pleasure as his seed spilled in his omega.
Not Raj’s omega.
Not his father’s omega.
Trent’s alone.
Akito trembled as he came a few moments later, and his head bobbed faster, deeper, swallowing all of Cole until the beta gave in as well.
The two of them collapsed on the pillows, and Trent slid behind them, not bothering with their sticky mess. They’d bathe in the morning.
For now, he had to prepare himself for the chase to come.
* * *
Movement woke Trent several hours later. It wasn’t morning, and the light in the ceiling had gone out long ago, but Cole shuffled in the darkness near the wine and water bottles. He picked up the water and took a drink.
Akito sprawled over the cushions and breathed deeply, dead to the world.
“You never said you had a brother,” Cole said carefully and set the bottle of water down with a slight crinkle.
Trent took a deep breath before he answered. Cole would be the one to ask. Akito never cared about things of that nature. It was good to have them both around to keep Trent in check.
“Half-brother. Sari wasn’t my mother. My mother came from Russia, or so my father said. I never met her.” Trent kept his gaze locked on the beta, and his lips curled into a snarl the way they always did when he spoke about his family. “Sari was lucky, I suppose, because she survived Boss Yagami. He never kept the female alphas he impregnated for long. Just enough to get what he wanted from them.”
“Why don’t you get along with Raj?” Cole asked and moved closer.
Trent smiled. “I never said we didn’t get along. We grew up together, but with our father around, we couldn’t be allies or he’d have seen it as a threat. Still, I never hated Raj. Also, I thought he was dead until today. Sari left him in our father’s care, and when Boss Yagami turned us loose, Raj went back to her. After what our father did to her, I can’t imagine why. She couldn’t love Raj like an actual son. No alpha could after being humiliated like that. I heard she killed him. It’s part of the reason I chose her territory. To avenge him.”
Cole nodded. “Thank you for telling me. I think Aki’d like to know more about you too.”
Trent grabbed him by the back of the neck and pulled him close. Smashed their mouths together and brushed his tongue across Cole’s full lips. “Then he can ask me himself.”
“You’d better be the one to bite him,” Cole breathed.
“I know,” Trent growled. “I know.”