Facebook, BBM, E-mail, and Other Non-Texts

“Texting is the best b/c there is no pesky ‘BLOCK’ feature like on IM. The only way to stop a text is with a restraining order ... and who has the time to go thru the hassle to get one of those?”



Text messaging is the most widely used and recognized tool in dating today. It begins and ends with the text messaging. Its universal accessibility and popularity has proven staying power greater than any technology fad. We do however find it necessary to acknowledge our other techno-dating and-relating friends. Modern times have supplied us with a few supplements that we found also enhance our social calendars. Enter stage left: e-mail, BlackBerry Messenger (or, as the cool kids say, BBM), Facebook, MySpace, and instant messenger or IM. These are all ways we stay in touch, network, and of course, flirt. From a dating standpoint, determining which avenue a boy approaches you says a lot about them. Read below to see what each means.

BBM: Stands for BlackBerry Messenger. It’s portable instant messenger for people with BlackBerrys and it’s free. If you can believe it, BBM is even more instant than text messaging. It works like instant messenger for BlackBerrys. It shows when someone is typing you a message and confirms when someone has read your message, adding a whole new component to communidating.



texting tell-all

BBM is just like a text!

Secret unveiled: How to check a BBM without getting the “R?” Someone BBMs you and you want to read it but don’t want them to see that you read it, aka the “R” you get once you know someone read your messgage. Here’s what you do: you go to another BBM conversation and wait till the bottom bar notifies you that Dave wrote you “Hey what are you . . .” and you can’t make out the rest. You roll over this part and right click “copy”—go into a blank message box and “paste.” Your entire message Dave sent you will be pasted without him ever knowing you read it. Now rest assured you have all the time in the world to write back. You took the time clock off a BBM which makes it a text again. You’re welcome.

Now say you met a boy the other night and didn’t get a chance to exchange phone numbers. You most likely will receive a Facebook alert inviting you to become his “friend” the following day. That is, if you don’t beat him to it. From there, a friendly poke or message trail begins that can lead to exchanging numbers, an official date invite, or joining his Facebook entourage! Facebook has alleviated the stress of shoula coulda woulda asked you out, because before you know it, you’ve been “Facebooked” (a term widely used among Facebook faithfuls). All you need to know in order to find a boy on Facebook is his name or a mutual friend; the rest involves some digging on your end.

texting tip

Facebook: This started as a social network for college kids and has recently grown and expanded. From students to business professionals to celebrities, everyone who knows what’s good for them has joined the ranks of the largest social network today. You create profiles according to your “network,” which consists of the school you attend/ed, the city you reside in, and the job you have.

This makes for an instant connection between people who went to the same school, are from the same town, or work at the same corporation. The beauty is you can put as much or as little information as you deem necessary on your profile page. If a PBF checks out your page and likes what he sees, expect a friend request and message soon thereafter. Facebook is also a great way to keep dibs on any boy by checking his status (where he is, who he’s dating, what he ate for breakfast), recent photos, wall posts, and mutual friends.



MySpace: The first and still widely popular online social network. Open to anyone and everyone who has Internet access. It started as a way to help people connect to those they have lost touch with. If you don’t have their number anymore, chances are you can find them on MySpace. You can also see what they’ve been up to since second grade (i.e., where they live, what they do for a living, if they’re married, or if they’ve gotten fat!). A lot of lame boys also use MySpace to pick up girls. For some reason they think that if you are on MySpace it is okay to hit on you, but hello, if we don’t know you it’s creepy.



E-mail: More often these days, people prefer to give out their e-mail address, instead of their phone number, to someone they just met. E-mailing is a more neutral means of connecting that doesn’t blatantly read “I want to date you!” This form of communication is most popular amongst the thirty and up boy bracket. Boys who e-mail are usually those who didn’t have cell phones in college and at one point relied on e-mail to feel out a girl’s interest before asking her out. It is not uncommon to be asked on a date over e-mail and to accept.



Pin: Also exclusive to BlackBerrys, this is your individual code you use to begin a BBMing dialogue. Alternately, you can send someone a message, much like a text, via their pin. Meaning you can use their pin as their number and send a text that way. You are still able to see whether or not that person read your message and all of your past messages to that person will show up in the log. This is a less popular method, though used more frequently in the case that someone doesn’t want to commit to the time sensitive pressure of BBM.



Instant Messenger or IM: IM is a way to have quick conversations with your friends over the Internet. Usually when you log onto your e-mail account, you are able to instantly IM with other people who are logged on. Don’t be surprised if while you are checking your e-mail, you get an IM from your crush, who is most likely also checking his e-mail or stalling from working on company time. As it was most popular in the nineties, the use of IM is dwindling and giving way to other techno-dating methods. However, once upon a time, boys would ask you on dates, express their love for you, and madly flirt over IM. Following the three-hour telephone conversation era, boys and girls resorted to “IMing” from their home computers because most likely they were writing a paper and enjoyed the sideline conversation that allowed them to “take a break.” Since dating has gone mobile, so must the ways we date. Instant Messaging is no longer the way to a girl’s heart. It’s just used for quick sideline conversations.


