List of Maps

1. The east coast theatre of operations, 1810–1813

2. The Iberian Peninsula – French axes of advance 1810

3. French encirclement of the city of Valencia, December 1811

4. Spanish approach routes, 20 July 1812

5. Cartagena, 1812

6. Alicante, 1808

7. Alicante, 1812

8. French advance 10 – 13 April 1813

9. Suchet’s retreat from Valencia, June 2013

10. Operations in Catalonia, July–September 1813

11. Combat at Ordal, 13 September 1813

Colour Maps (in colour plate section):

1. The French siege of Tortosa, 16 December 1810 – 2 January 1811.

2. The French siege of Tarragona, 4 May – 30 June 1811.

3. The French siege of Sagunto, 23 September – 26 October 1811.

4. The battle of Sagunto, 25 October 1811.

5. The battle of Castalla, 13 April 1813.

6. The Allied siege of Tarragona, 3–12 June 1813.
