
To Michael Jordaan, the man who suggested I ask Benedict Evans to help with this book. To Ben Evans, the man who said, ‘Sorry, I’m too busy, but perhaps you should chat to John Tysoe.’

To John, for the superhuman physical and emotional energy invested in writing this book, for a lifetime of notes taken and history recorded, and for his friendship.

To Louise, Russell and Tracey, for their blood, sweat and tears.

Most of all, to my wife, Sibella. Without her, nothing.

Alan Knott-Craig

I’d like to thank Alan Knott-Craig for providing me with the necessary motivation to write this story; Tracey Hawthorne for her excellent editing (which has left me with enough material to contemplate a second volume) and Benedict Evans, for his thoughtful agency.

Thanks are also due to those who offered me their insights at various stages over the years, most notably Sir Christopher Gent and Sir Julian Horn-Smith, but also many others, including Ken Hydon, Geoff Varrall, Ross Cormack, Chris McFadden, Tim and Melissa Brown, Jason Crisp and Terry Barwick.

Finally, I would like to thank my four children for their continuing support and inspiration.

John Tysoe

Alan Knott-Craig can be contacted at, or visited at 156 Dorp Street, Stellenbosch, South Africa