SHANE ALLISON is the editor of Hot Cops, Frat Boys, Brief Encounters, Middle Men, Cruising, Straight Guys and the Gaybie Award–winning College Boys. His stories have graced the pages of Surfer Boys, Beach Bums, Best Gay Erotica, Best Black Gay Erotica and many more. He is at work on new stories and a novel.

Born in Los Angeles, BEARMUFFIN lives in San Diego where he enjoys watching the local surfers, sailors and Marines that inspire his erotic stories. You’ll find his work in the gay anthologies Sexy Sailors, Straight Guys and Cruising.

MICHAEL BRACKEN’s short fiction has been published in Best Gay Romance 2010, Beautiful Boys, Biker Boys, Black Fire, Boy Fun, Boys Getting Ahead, Country Boys, Freshmen, The Handsome Prince, Homo Thugs, Hot Blood, The Mammoth Book of Best New Erotica 4, Men, Muscle Men, Teammates and many other anthologies and periodicals.

JULIAN MARK is the “out” alter ego of a best-selling mystery writer. Julian’s books include Little Boy Lavender, Midtown Queen, Bath Boy, Shoretown, Games of Summer, Bummer Boy, Special Duty and Jump Squad. His mystery author persona is, of course, a mystery.

AARON MICHAELS (aaron-michaels.com) is a romantic at heart. When he’s not writing, he’s watching way too much television and too many movies, which means his video game skills have pretty much fallen by the wayside. He is the author of the popular Wiseguys series.

EMILY MORETON published her first short story in 2007, for a charity anthology in aid of victims of Hurricane Katrina. Since then, she has continued to publish erotic short fiction regularly with a number of American publishers, including a story in Heiresses of Russ 2012: The Year’s Best Speculative Lesbian Fiction.

GREGORY L. NORRIS (gregorylnorris.blogspot.com) lives and writes at the outer limits of New Hampshire and is the author of numerous books, including The Q Guide to Buffy the Vampire Slayer (Alyson Books) and The Fierce and Unforgiving Muse: Thirteen Tales from the Terrifying Mind of Gregory L. Norris (Evil Jester Press).

ROB ROSEN (therobrosen.com), author of the novels Sparkle: The Queerest Book You’ll Ever Love, Divas Las Vegas, Hot Lava, Southern Fried, Queerwolf and Vamp, and editor of the anthology Lust in Time: Erotic Romance through the Ages, has had short stories featured in more than 170 anthologies.

DOMINIC SANTI (dominicsanti@yahoo.com) is a former technical editor turned rogue whose smutty stories have appeared in dozens of anthologies, including Wild Boys, Hot Daddies, Country Boys, Uniforms Unzipped, Beach Bums, Gay Quickies, Sexy Sailors, Middle Men and several volumes of Best Gay Erotica. Plans include an even dirtier historical novel.

Residing on English Bay in Vancouver, Canada, JAY STARRE pumps out erotic fiction for gay men’s anthologies and websites. He is the author of two historical erotic novels. You can always check him out on Facebook.

DIRK STRONG has published erotic short stories in numerous anthologies, most recently in College Boys. His day job is in construction management.

LOGAN ZACHARY (loganzacharydicklit.com) lives in Minneapolis. Calendar Boys is a collection of his short stories. He has over a hundred erotic stories in print. His new erotic mystery, Big Bad Wolf, is a werewolf story set in Northern Minnesota.