2020 Debate Fact Check no. 6

During the second of three presidential debates last night in Santa Clarita, California, President Donald Trump made the following claim:

“If you elect my opponent, she’ll unleash a zombie invasion. It’s been her plan all along. She wants to feed Americans to the living dead. It’s right there on her website. Nothing can stop her evil plan but my iron will. Without me, you’ll be chewing on someone’s thighbone for lunch. It’s me or the shambling flesh eaters.”


President Trump’s reference to Senator Warren’s so-called plan to unleash a zombie invasion is, as readers will now easily anticipate, false. Senator Warren has no plan to release zombies, flesh-eating or otherwise, on the American population.

Senator Warren’s website has, at this reporting, 431 plans or policy papers, many exceeding 600 pages in length. None of those plans reference zombies or any other form of the undead.