
Mae Murray

This book would not have been possible without the faith and support of so many folks, it's overwhelming to sit down and take stock of them all. As I write this, I have tears in my eyes and my heart is aflame with gratitude for:

All the Kickstarter backers, including those who donated in the top-tier category: Annie Oddly, Caleb Rogers, Geoffrey Keel, Rebecca A. Burrows, Tasheina Skywalker, Noble Brennan, Miss Quinn Swain-Nisbet, and Noelle Burley—who has been my close friend for almost two decades and has all my love.

To Sam Richard and Eric Raglin, who pooled their extensive publishing knowledge and graciously shared it with me. This book, quite literally, would not exist had you not shared my passion for the idea. To Eric LaRocca, Hailey Piper, and Joe Koch for inspiring me, for being essential voices in the queer horror community, for changing the landscape and challenging everything with your fresh ideas and prose.

To everyone who submitted, hyped, rallied behind me when I was tired and full of doubt.

To the artists who contributed Kickstarter materials: Arran and Jay of Pearl Street Tattoo Club, Marko Head, and Kelly Thomas—my #1 collaborator since we were roommates in college in bumfuck Arkansas, my sister, my dear friend.

And finally to my family: My partner Jim for enduring my tears and holding me tight these past 6 years, my Grandma Judy—the OG horror fan of my life, my best friend, my greatest love—and to Dad, who would have hated this book but would have been proud that I made it anyway.