Copyright © 2011 by Bethany Wiggins

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

First published in the United States of America in September 2011 by Walker Publishing Company, Inc., a division of Bloomsbury Publishing, Inc.

Electronic edition published in September 2011

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Wiggins, Bethany.

Shifting / Bethany Wiggins. — 1st U.S. ed.

p. cm.

Summary: After bouncing from foster home to foster home since the age of five, almost-eighteen-year-old Maggie Mae Mortensen arrives in Silver City, New Mexico, to finish high school and try to escape her reputation as a trouble-maker, only to face ostracism in her new school and a band of evil Navajo Skinwalkers who want her dead.

ISBN 978-0-80272-281-2 (ebook)

[1.  Foster home care—Fiction.   2.  Shapeshifting—Fiction.   3.  Navajo Indians—Fiction.   4.  Supernatural—Fiction.   5.  Indians of North America—New Mexico—Fiction.   6.  High schools—Fiction.   7.  New Mexico—Fiction.]   I.  Title.

PZ7.W6382Sh 2011                [Fic]—dc22                2011005751