This book is about learning to live life “on purpose,” therefore, I will be suggesting a lot of things you need to “do” or “not do” in order to make that goal a reality. However, it is very important to me that I don’t leave anyone with the impression that God’s love for us, or our right standing with Him, is the result of anything we do. That is “works”-oriented religion and is not what God offers us through Jesus Christ. I think the best way to make my point is by using the book of Ephesians in the Bible.

Ephesians is broken into six chapters. The first three chapters are all about how much God loves us, and it teaches us that His love is a free gift that is given unconditionally. Paul writes that while we were dead in sin, God made us alive in Christ, offering us a brand-new life, and He raised us up with Him, inviting us to enter His rest. He did all of this before we ever knew Him or even cared to know Him. Grace—amazing grace—provided everything!

Ephesians makes it clear that our salvation is not based on our works or anything that we could ever do. It is a free gift of God! Salvation is free! Mercy is free! The forgiveness of our sins is free! Although it is free to us, it was costly for Jesus. He gave His life, shedding His blood in order for us to enjoy relationship with God through Him.

Our right standing with God is a gift of God’s grace that is received only by faith and not by works or anything we can ever do.

However, beginning in Ephesians chapter 4, and continuing through chapter 6, the apostle Paul instructs the believers in the behavior they should have in light of what God has done for them. He mentions many things that will require choices, and he urges us to make the right ones.

The good things that we choose to do should always be done because God loves us and because we love Him, and never with the thought that we can “earn” or “buy” His love by doing them. Let me be clear that we do not earn salvation or the love of God; however, there are rewards for us here on earth (and in eternity) that are based on what we do while in the body. God doesn’t want us to miss out on them, and we should not want to, either. Our right relationship with God should always provoke obedience, and that obedience leads us into a life that is truly amazing.

I am urging you today to live the best life you possibly can for the glory of God as a way of honoring Him and thanking Him for what He has done for you. I frequently teach on behavior, but all good behavior must be rooted in the foundation of our relationship with God through Christ if it is to have any real value.

Anytime we are struggling with “doing” the right thing, we should not just try harder! We should abide in God’s love, returning to the scriptures time and again that teach us about the love of God! Ask for God’s help, and let Him strengthen you for what you need to do. The more you realize how perfectly God loves you, the more you will have a desire to do all He asks you to do.