
I’m incredibly lucky to have such an able and creative group of people who participated in various stages of this book. My team at Penguin/New American Library includes editor extraordinaire (and paragon of patience) Jessica Wade, Isabel Farhi, Ashley Polikoff, and Danielle Dill. Kim Lionetti continues to offer stellar advice and expertise. Other writers in my life who have helped shape this story and the words that tell it include Mark Figlozzi, Laura Pritchett, Laura Resau, and Bob Trott. My sincere gratitude for their feedback and counsel. Dana Masden first served me Brazilian cheese bread and inspired me to try my hand at it. Thanks also to any and all voodoo practitioners and experts who answered my questions, and one in particular who wishes to remain anonymous. I learned so much about this ancient and multifaceted religion and am richer for it.

And, as ever, thank you to Kevin, who buoys me, makes me laugh, and keeps me grounded.