Dessert Smoothies

Even among the strict Paleo police, I think this chapter is secretly their favorite. If not, it should be! Dessert smoothies take you back to the wonderful smells from the kitchen and bring up some happy childhood memories—especially the Not Your Grandma’s Banana Nut Smoothie. The upside is that you won’t find any gluten or refined sugar in these recipes. The bad stuff is replaced with nutritious produce and healthful ingredients, but you still are able to indulge a bit. Instead of getting that pumpkin frappe from you know where, save some money and calories and make your very own Pumpkin Pie Smoothie. It is a more satiating option and will see you through until your next meal. These drinks are sweeter with more natural sugars than other hardcore green smoothies in this book, so use your best judgment on how often you incorporate them into your daily life.