The wind billowed my cloak, snapping it flutter. I stood on air above the sea arguing with my wand. Such was my dream.
“No I won’t,” said the wand.
“Yoss you will,” I replied.
A shawl flapped by. I ducked under it and found myself on the frost blue carpet of the Throne Room in the Sapphire Towers Palace of Cloud Castle City. It seemed so such logical. Such was my dream.
“No I won’t!” refused the wand from high on the Obsidian Throne.
“Yoss you will!” I insisted, stamping my foot, which wore a bendo dreen highboot, an oddment of strangeness so such like as occurs in dreams.
The walls of the Throne Room fell away and I perched high in Redgalla, the tallest tree in my very own Danken Wood. My wand balanced on the tip of the topmost branch. The sky was creamy orange with a slash of red where the sun was sinking. Cloud Castle City gleamed in the distance. Such was my dream.
“No I won’t,” taunted the wand.
“Yoss you will,” I disagreed.
Kar opened a door in a hedge. I floated down and went in. Kar shifted to Queen Jebb. She closed the door. We sat at a table silently, tying ribbons to tambourines, so said chonkas, like as we had done so long ago as bendo dreen younglings. The wand slid down through the bramble roof. Such was my dream.
“No I won’t,” sang the wand.
“Yoss you will,” I said, leaping to snatch at it, failing and falling.
I made no splash toppling from the sky into a warm beckoning pool. The waterwizard Runnel Burn nodded politely as I sank by. Of a sudden I was in a room with a water ceiling and water walls. Glistening ripples traveled along ‘em, along the ceiling and walls. The wand popped through in front of me. Such was my dream.
“No I won’t and ye can’t make me!” challenged the wand.
“Yoss you will and I can so such!” I cried.
I lifted my hands and spread my fingers. All twenty-two rings began to dazzle and leap, spinning, twirling, jumping from finger to finger. The wand sprouted legs and fled. I lowered flat and skidded in pursuit, laughing madly. Left right we hurtled along a path down a rocky slope with silvery bushes seemingly so on the world down the Well. The wand quivered. I gained. Snatch! I had it!
“Ha!” I shouted, and awoke.
Such was my dream. It was over. I blinked my bleary eyes, sat up. Dream? Dream? I stumbled to my feet. Cottage. Silent. I staggered to a window. Clearing. Danken Wood. I shut my eyes tight, opened ‘em again. Cottage. Table. Crystal ball. Cauldron. Broom. Wand. Closet. Cupboards. Buckle shoes. Golden Shoe. Lemony doorknob. Morning fresh. Cottage. Danken Wood.