Special thanks go out to so many: Jacqui Goodman, for giving me an up-close glimpse of life at an elite school. Marysa MacKinnon, Max Cohen, and Lucas Cohen, for their ever sage adolescent counsel. John Lindsay, for reading with such enthusiasm, and to my husband, Stephen Cohen, for reading each new draft as if it were the first. Patry Francis, for janitorial wisdom and early reads, and Jessica Brilliant Keener, for her sharp eye, thoughtful reads, and familiarity with the neighborhoods of Boston. Regina Griffin, my editor at Egmont, for caring so much about the book. Elizabeth Law, Doug Pocock, Mary Albi, and all the terrific folks over on Park Avenue South. Lynne Missen, my editor at HarperCanada, for getting behind the book from the start. Also at Harper, Melissa Zilberberg, Charidy Johnson, and Liza Smith Morrison, for your support. As ever, Kassie Evashevski at United Talent Agency. I’m beyond grateful to my agent, Dan Lazar, at Writers House, for believing in me no matter what, and to the tireless Stephen Barr and the lovely Maja Nikolic, for all they continue to do for my books.