Jeannette Sloniowski and Marilyn Rose
1 Coca-Colonials Write Back: Localizing the Global in Canadian Crime Fiction
Beryl Langer
2 Canadian Crime Writing in English
David Skene-Melvin
3 Canadian Psycho: Genre, Nation, and Colonial Violence in Michael Slade’s Gothic RCMP Procedurals
Brian Johnson
4 Northern Procedures: Policing the Nation in Giles Blunt’s The Delicate Storm
Manina Jones
5 Revisioning the Dick: Reading Thomas King’s Thumps DreadfulWater Mysteries
Jennifer Andrews and Priscilla L. Walton
6 Generic Play and Gender Trouble in Peter Robinson’s In a Dry Season
Jeannette Sloniowski
Pamela Bedore
8 Queer Eye for the Private Eye: Homonationalism and the Regulation of Queer Difference in Anthony Bidulka’s Russell Quant Mystery Series
Péter Balogh
9 Under/Cover: Strategies of Detection and Evasion in Margaret Atwood’s Alias Grace
Marilyn Rose
10 Televising Toronto in the 1960s: Wojeck and the Urban Crime Drama
Sarah A. Matheson
11 North of Quality? “Quality” Television and the Suburban Crimeworld of Durham County
Lindsay Steenberg and Yvonne Tasker
12 Mounties and Metaphysics in Canadian Film and Television
Patricia Gruben