Although the Ancient One knew the evil thoughts before they entered the hearts of his children, he allowed the evil to develop into maturity so that he could destroy it in its entirety. He was grieved and saddened that it had penetrated his holy temple and left an indelible mark on the golden altar. He also watched and marvelled at the wickedness that the evil son concocted in his heart as the Ancient One endured vicious attacks from him and some of his siblings.
Because of the Ancient One’s high esteem and his unconditional love for the angels, he decided to allow them the opportunity to receive free will. He also instituted through his grace a redemption plan for the angels who would be deceived by the evil one and would wish to return to his doctrine.
His children did not have this opportunity for redemption because they were created with hearts to do good and given free will; therefore, those who chose evil were warned that they were destined for destruction.
The body of the Ancient One came to a standstill as he communicated his original purpose for the angels, which was to serve, worship, and obey him. Then the Ancient One told the angels about the evil son’s request for him to give them free will to do good in order to be tested by the evil one.
He gave them the option of continuing in their original state or accepting free will to do good and possibly evil, and he also warned them of the consequences. They were told how the god who resided in the fourth section of the cell would again sanctify them in their new role if they chose free will.
When he was satisfied that all the angels understood their original relationship with him and the proposed state of free will, he removed the protective shield of sanctification from around them and released them from his imagination to allow them to decide whether or not they wanted free will or to continue in their original state.
All the angels were positioned in front of him, and one by one they chose to either stand at his right to accept their current status or at his left to receive free will.
After all the angels had made their choice, those on his right hand were reinstalled and sanctified to continue with their original relationship. Those on his left accepted a relationship similar to that of his sons and daughters. They were sanctified and given free will and hearts to account for their actions.
Some of the angels who chose free will adjusted their work habits and their style of worship as they performed their duties. They were removed from the temple because the Ancient One had vowed that evil would not be committed in his temple again.
The evil son and his evil siblings immediately began to frequent the angels to strengthen their relationships with them. The followers of the evil son staged an intense campaign against their father through slanderous remarks and propaganda, and they criticized his administration of the angels and his description of evil. They also accused him of being selfish in demanding that his angels serve, obey, and worship him. At the end of each of the evil son’s intense campaigns, he promised the angels a new structure in the cell in which their conditions would be improved.
The angels’ evil actions placed darkness around their hearts and eventually hindered the transmission of some of the rays from the Ancient One. Therefore, they did not receive the full wisdom, knowledge, understanding, and grace.
Soon, a raging battle began between the Ancient One and his evil son for the heart of each angel who had chosen free will. Some of the angels who had chosen not to continue in their original state immediately accepted the evil son’s slander and propaganda, while others pondered his doctrine. Others outright rejected the evil son’s doctrine and continued in the path of good.
The followers of the evil son gradually increased in number as he lied to the angels and spread his propaganda. Therefore, the relationship between the angels slowly changed. Many of them engaged in debates on good and evil. These debates bred quarrels and sometimes became aggressive and abusive toward the angels who refused evil.
Angels that belonged to the same units were in some cases violently separated on these issues. The relationships among them further deteriorated as the evil angels’ work decreased they expected the good angels to assist them with their daily allotment of work. Eventually, the good angels were persecuted and even forced to worship the Ancient One in secret to avoid confrontation.
The evil angels became more adamant as they discussed the evil son’s plan at their meetings under the hills and deep in the mountains. On occasions when the evil son visited them, he practiced his witchcraft to convince them that he had the same powers as his father. After the meetings, his followers returned to their normal places of work and homes with more determination to spread his doctrine.
As the Ancient One sat in his sanctuary, he observed his creation and the continuous evil that they committed against him, inflicting pain and suffering to his cell. He heard the cries and the prayers of his faithful angels and children and the murdered angels and children in the golden altar who also cried out to him to restore his cell.
Because of his concern for the angels that chose free will, he visited them, but the ones with hardened, evil hearts could not stand in his presence because of his goodness and glory. They observed from a distance. During his visits, he always encouraged the angels to choose good over evil and to respond with love to their counterparts.