The Entrapment 

It was very easy for the evil one to manipulate some of the angels who had received free will. He was created with a heart and free will, and he had spent a lot of time in the presence of his father, learning about the mysteries of creation. He pretended to display the traits of his father as he approached and befriended the angels and appeared to be concerned for their welfare. Therefore, at the beginning of the angels’ association with him, he appeared to have a paternal relationship with them. After he gained their confidence, he presented his propaganda and slowly lowered them into his trap.

The evil one continued to enter the presence of his father after some of the angels had obtained free will. He also attempted to infiltrate the group of angels that remained in the temple with his doctrine but was unaware that his father had removed those who had chosen free will. Therefore, it was impossible to distract them from performing their duties.

The evil one was satisfied that he had successfully disrupted the operations and the functions of the cell by convincing some of the children and angels from every area of service to follow him. Then he became confident and wanted to defile his father openly. He planned a huge ceremony on a mountaintop, where everyone saw his followers voluntarily let him place his mark upon them. After the indelible mark was placed upon their hearts, he told them that it represented his ownership.

The evil son’s cult consisted of two parts: the charming and glamorous side that was presented to the potential followers, and the second part that included the slave camps, which were kept secret by his dedicated angels. He subtly placed his new recruits in groups to campaign for his course, and then he slowly placed demands upon them to succeed.

Soon they realized the harsh punishment that resulted from their failure, sometimes determining whether they would be placed into a slave camp. All of the angels in camps, at one time or another, performed services for the evil one, which included inflicting evil against his father. Some of the angels who found themselves in these camps wanted to re-establish their relationships with the Ancient One. Ironically, the evil angels who were not in these camps continued to degrade the enslaved ones.

The evil son continuously encouraged the angels to follow him, and he intimidated the ones who chose to do good rather than evil. He boasted to his evil followers about his power to delay the angels’ requests from reaching the golden altar where the Ancient One interacted with his creation. And he made a mockery of them as he tried to convince them that they were worthless and abandoned by their creator.

He also appointed a beast, which he controlled, to oversee the affairs of the camp and make certain that his wishes were followed. Then he openly told the angels in the camp that they must serve him alone because he controlled their destiny.

Despite the evil one’s aggressive campaign, some of the angels repented and rededicated themselves to the Ancient One as they recognized the evil son as a tyrant who was not interested in their personal welfare but only in their ability to attack their creator. Although they repented, they remained under the evil one’s control.

These rededicated angels were violently assaulted by the evil one and his followers because they insulted his arrogant pride by refusing to obey him. He was determined to break them at all cost and use them as an example to others.

The evil son and his followers and slaves built seven shrines to honor him in strategic locations throughout the fifth section of the cell. Each of the shrines represented and supported a specific evil that was an abomination to the Ancient One.

The evil son’s followers, depending upon their level of evil, were assigned to a particular shrine. As they perfected these various evils, they were elevated to other shrines that indulged in a higher degree of evil, ranging from one to seven. The evil one also appointed seven of the archangels who had become evil to be his high priests and administrators in these shrines. The shrines were set up in a manner similar to that of the Ancient One’s temple, but it had idols that were filled with the evil son’s spirits and used to practice witchcraft.