Fasting, in various forms, has been practiced for centuries.
Many people practice fasting as part of their religion or in preparation for some type of spiritual experience. Others use fasting as a means of periodically cleansing their bodies of built-up wastes and toxins. Some people claim that periodic, short fasts sharpen their focus and clear their minds.
Fasting has also been used by many people as a way to lose weight and body fat. This reason for fasting has become extremely popular in the last few years. This is partly due to many books and websites that have come about promoting fasting as a weight-loss strategy.
There are as many types of fasting diets as there are reasons for fasting. Some are meant to be long-term weight-management plans and others are intended as short-term solutions. While there are healthy versions of intermittent fasting plans, many are far from nutritionally sound. These diets often recommend fasting for too long, invite dieters to eat whatever they like on non-fasting days, or lack guidelines that will help the follower make good nutritional decisions in the future.
The 5:2 Fast Diet is an intermittent fasting plan that encourages followers to eat plenty of whole, nutritious foods on both fasting and non-fasting days. It’s not only a healthier alternative to some popular fasting plans, but is also much easier (and more pleasurable) to stick with than some of the more extreme intermittent fasting diets.
Losing weight and body fat is about more than looking good temporarily; it’s about feeling good, learning to eat in a healthy and sustainable way, and improving your overall health and quality of life.
That’s the mission of the 5:2 Fast Diet.