Making any healthy lifestyle change requires some determination and commitment. Adjusting to a healthy diet of whole foods can be daunting, especially if you’ve been eating a typical Western diet full of convenience foods, fast food, and sugar-laden treats.

However, the change in your body, your energy levels, and the way you feel about yourself after a few weeks on the 5:2 Fast Diet will make all of your hard work very worthwhile. Many people report that they feel much more energized and focused after just a week or two. If your goal is to lose excess weight and body fat, you’ll likely see results within the first week.

More importantly, the changes you make to your diet, accompanied by regular exercise, will do so much more than make you feel better and look slimmer. They’ll contribute to your overall health and can help prevent so many of the nutrition-related diseases and conditions that we see today.

While looking great is its own reward, the importance of making a positive impact on the length and quality of your life can’t be overstated.

So when you feel tempted by old eating habits or the occasional craving, grab a healthy snack and reread the tips on motivation that we’ve provided, go for a long walk, or invite a friend to join you for one of your scheduled treats. Remembering why you’re doing what you’re doing and celebrating the way you look and feel can give you that boost you need to get over any bumps on the road to better health.