Kitchen. Noon. Violent rain.
Mrs Peel and Megan are stacking and checking crates of vegetables. Burns enters jauntily, carrying a rifle and wet from rain.
Burns I just hung you up a fine young hind.
Mrs Peel That don’t mean pig pee to me right now Burns.
Burns puts the rifle down, notices the crates.
Mrs Peel Barn roof fixin’ up s’what I need.
Burns It comin’ in bad?
Mrs Peel I’ve stopped counting how much I’ve lost to fungus.
Burns Nothin’ I can do about it in this rain.
Mrs Peel He’s got me by the balls this time.
Burns Soon as it stops I’ll get up there, see to it.
Mrs Peel Should a’ been seen to before now.
Burns I done some a’ it.
Mrs Peel That been six week ago.
Burns Few days work and it’ll be finished. Never seen so many hares about. Must a’ been a spike in ‘em, bought back two a’ them as well. Almost missed the hind, was takin’ a piss when I seen it and just as I’m at the trigger somethin’ must a’ spooked it cause it bolted.
Mrs Peel (Lowers her gaze.) Dint finish that job neither.
Burns zips up his fly. Turner enters, wet and sulky.
Turner I aint campin’ up the grit stone no more. Aint had a piss in two days, case I got fast there on the spot. Aint had a wash and I’m salty as a wet dog. Fuckin’ stupid-cuntin’ tent caved in on me twice. I had to wallop my boots inta that bastard horse’s lungs to get it to budge. And I been on a saddle way to fuckin’ hell and back. I aint campin’ up the grit stone no more!
Turner Cup a’ tea’d be nice.
Mrs Peel puts the tea on.
Burns I was gonna ask for that nice hare and onion stew you made for us one time?
Mrs Peel Aint makin’ that again, makes you fart.
Burns Only . . . Bug’s gettin’ back here today.
Mrs Peel I definitely aint makin’ no stew.
Megan is devastated.
Turner You dint tell me that!
Burns You just got in.
Turner When’s he comin’?
Burns Tonight.
Turner Shit. We aint ready. we done nothin’ for him.
Burns Be nice to make him that stew.
Mrs Peel He gonna get what he get.
Megan This must be a good sign.
Turner He aint gonna want no stew.
Megan Must mean they gonna send more back.
Turner He gonna want lamb.
Mrs Peel He aint getting’ it.
Megan They say that, Burns?
Turner We gotta get one a’ them lambs on a spit.
Mrs Peel I need them sheep for milk.
Turner You don’t need all a’ ’em.
Mrs Peel Sheep only got two teats, I need every teat I got!
Turner I knowed he gonna come back. How the fuck he swing that?
Stands and raises his flask.
To that jammy fuckin’ bastard.
Burns To bringin’ ’em home.
Megan has finally got her answer.
Megan To bringin’ ’em home.
Chink – they belt one back. Megan and Turner are up and about the kitchen.
Turner We’ll camp out early tonight.
Megan We should all celebrate here.
Burns don’t go throwin’ that bag out, can get another cup out a’ that.
Mrs Peel (Dumps the tea bag.) I know how to make a cup a’ tea.
Turner Take some steaks out with us.
Megan You could both stay here.
Burns Now why’d you do that?
Mrs Peel I made three cups out a’ it.
Turner We got some sides a’ deer.
Megan That way we could all hear about it.
Burns I know, I was watchin’.
Mrs Peel That bag had nothin’ in it left to give.
Turner We aint got enough whisky!
Burns I think it has a little more life in it yet.
Mrs Peel One bag can make up to three cups.
Burns Looks like yer got yourself a challenge there, Mrs Peel, cause I can make four.
Mrs Peel I can make ten if you want ’em weak as cat piss!
Burns I can make four cups, strong as they come, with one bag.
Mrs Peel You’re a bare-faced liar, Burns.
Burns (Staring at her.) Turner, get me a tea bag and four cups.
Mrs Peel (Staring at him.) Make that two bags and seven cups.
Beat. Everyone turns to Turner.
Turner (Disbelief.) What?
Turner does it.
Burns Who’s judgin’?
Mrs Peel You choose.
Burns Which one of youse knows a good cuppa?
Megan shoots her hand into the air.
Burns Alright, Megan it is. Second thing. What’s at stake here?
Mrs Peel What d’you mean?
Burns We’re doin’ prizes.
Mrs Peel Prizes?
Megan Prizes!
Mrs Peel Alright. You first.
Burns I’d like to have a dance.
Mrs Peel What d’you mean?
Burns I’d like to dance.
Mrs Peel (Indifferent.) Alright.
Burns You and me.
Turner What?
Mrs Peel I aint dancin’.
Burns Man can’t dance alone.
Mrs Peel I aint dancin’ with you, Burns.
Megan I will!
Burns Thought you was gonna’ win?
Mrs Peel Alright. Stakes it is. I want a’ go out on them moors with yer and get a deer.
Burns Alright.
Turner What?
Burns (To Megan.) Ready?
Megan begins the tasting, starting with Mrs Peel’s three cups.
Megan They all good.
Mrs Peel sniffs with pride and Megan moves on to Burns’s cups. Megan maximizes her time as the centre of attention – she sips, slurps, ponders and gurgles.
Megan They all good!
Mrs Peel You win.
Turner pats Burns on the back, Megan claps, Mrs Peel smiles.
Bug enters, his left arm is now a stump.
Turner You’re early.
Bug drops his bag down.
Turner Nothin’s ready.
Bug S’alright.
Megan looks as if she might burst into tears, she leaves.
Burns (Shakes his hand.) Good to have yer back.
Bug Good to be back.
Turner Where the fuck you been?
Turner slings his arms around Bug, they wrestle and laugh. Mrs Peel leaves.
Turner Fuckin’ leavin’ me.
Burns Let’s have a drink.
They belt one back.
Turner (Nods to the stump.) So, what happened there then?
Bug Lost it.
Turner It giver yer any trouble?
Bug Can hurt. Just adaptin’ to it.
Turner Least you can still pull your prick.
Burns How’s Brian?
Bug We were nowhere near his regiment.
Burns What? But you were south.
Bug Couldn’t get no word to him.
Turner How’s James?
Burns You get my letter to him?
Bug I’m sorry, Burns.
Turner He doin’ us proud?
Burns A they bringin’ any a’ ’em back?
Bug There are soldiers . . . there are soldiers . . .
Beat. Burns sits down.
Turner Want somethin’ to eat?
Bug I’m alright with this.
Turner What’d they drink over there?
Bug Rum.
Turner S’alright.
Bug Yeah. Prefer whiskey.
Turner We aint got much a’ it.
Bug They shippin’ less over?
Turner Halved our supplies, s’only thing we get short a’. Way we set up here now, we eatin’ none a’ that tinned shit. It gonna be steak and taters we puttin’ on the fire tonight. Times we back here we getting’ meat and two veg, stews with mash . . . all kinds a’ shit. And then there’s breakfast. Full on fried breakfast!
Bug Sounds good. So what’s been goin’ on?
Turner Jack shit been happenin’ out here.
Bug Not many Illegals?
Turner We aint been gettin’ many. Its impossible to do the job, just the two a’ us out there. (Chinks Bug’s flask.) But that’s all set to change now eh?
Bug What about outside?
Turner (Shrugs.) Government set up a lottery for them that want kids.
Bug They lifted the ban?
Turner S’lottery, Bug.
Bug Right.
Turner One in ten thousand. How long it take to get back?
Bug What about China?
Turner (Shrugs.) What about it?
Bug Allies declared war two week ago.
Turner Aint affectin’ us, none a’ our troops a’ bein’ deployed.
Bug It a different war they startin’ over there.
Turner How long it take to get back?
Bug Near on three days.
Turner Shit.
Bug Yeah. Tried to get a few winks on the train up there.
Turner Too worried for that, I bet.
Bug Well . . . I’m gonna go crash for a couple a’ hours.
Turner Now?
Bug nods.
Turner You just got here.
Bug I’m tired, Turn.
Turner Alright.
Bug goes back to his bag.
Bug Bought you a piece a’ kit back.
Turner Arh, yes! It some a’ their kit?
Bug Yeah.
Turner Vest? Pair a’ eyes?
Bug Aint nothin’ like that. It a radio.
Bug gives the radio to Burns.
Burns (Nods.) Good to have yer back.
Turner I’ll come and get yer in a couple a’ hours.
Bug nods and leaves.
Turner Why the fuck dint you tell me he’d got a stump?
Burns I dint know.
Turner Must a’ looked like a right cunt, dint know what to say.
Burns Coulda fooled me, pullin’ his prick.
Turner I can’t treat him like he’s disabled. It’s Bug, same old, arm or no arm. And anyway, that’s what yer supposed to do . . . acknowledge it.
Can you ride a horse with a stump?
Burns shrugs, drinks.
Burns Now we know how come he’s back.
Turner Yeah.
Burns Never seen him like that.
Turner Tired, s’all.
Burns More than that.
Turner Couple a’ hours sleep he’ll be right.
Burns Seen it in his eyes.
Burns leaves with the radio.
Turner He gonna be fine.
Stables. Evening.
Megan is sat, she has been crying. Turner enters stealthy.
Megan (Spins round.) You scared me!
Turner Whooah. You been cryin’?
Megan No.
Turner Looks to me like you have.
Megan Haven’t.
Turner (Offers her a fag.) Fag? You sure?
Megan Don’t smoke.
Turner Since when?
Megan Never liked ’em much.
Turner Used to smoke a lot a’ mine to say you din’t like ’em.
Turner Want a’ talk about it?
Megan Nothin’ a’ talk about.
Turner Might help if you did. I’ll take a guess. You seen what happened to Bug and you worried about James.
Megan Why would I be worried about him?
Turner I seen him headin’ over here at night, Megan. And I knowed you in here too. I dint say nothin’ to you about it. Just accepted it I guess. Don’t mean that I stopped . . . shit, you know . . . carin’ about you.
Megan looks at Turner.
Turner S’how you holdin’ up?
Megan Miss him. Miss him a lot.
Turner Yeah. I bet he’s missin’ you too. Who wouldn’t? You’re quite a girl Megan. I’ll tell you somethin’ from experience. When a man’s been with you it’s pretty hard to come back from that. Yeah. You really set the standard for me. Raised the bar. And in all sorts a’ ways, not just . . . (Laughs with embarrassment.) You know. Shit. I aint no good at this. I just wanted to see you were alright. I’m gonna’ go. Leave you to it.
Turner walks away.
Megan Stay.
Turner Well, alright.
Megan We could talk.
Turner I’d like that.
Megan Bird flew inta the kitchen window yesterday.
Turner Yeah?
Megan I was right there in front a’ it washin’ the dishes when it hit the glass. Made a big thuddin’ sound, scared me. Then it flew off. But it left somethin’ behind. A white powder in the shape a’ it wings. Like a ghost a’ it. I been lookin’ at that all day and no one seen it, not even Mrs Peel. I dint tell her, case she rubbed it away.
Turner I’ll have to take a look at that.
Megan Won’t be there no more cause a’ the rain.
Turner Some things just don’t last long enough, do they?
Megan Never knowed you cared about me.
Turner I’m no good at sayin’ stuff like that.
Megan That mean you’d look out for me?
Turner I done it before, remember.
You were gonna be sent away.
Megan I know
Turner Don’t seem like it.
Megan You told me. But it different now.
Turner It sure is. S’like you been avoidin’ me.
Megan You’d help me if . . . if I needed it?
Turner You know I would.
Megan James would too.
Turner But he aint here.
Megan He gonna come back. Just don’t know when.
Turner takes out his flask politely offers Megan a drink.
Megan I shouldn’t.
Turner Why?
Megan It too early for that.
Turner Have a slug anyway, for old time’s sake.
Megan drinks; spills some down her chin.
Turner Looks like you forgotten how to handle your drink.
They both laugh; she gives him back the flask.
Turner Come on, you can do better than that.
Megan shakes her head. Turner insists. Megan has another drink.
Turner S’like old times. We did have us some good times together. You remember that time when you, me and Bug been up all night drinkin’? You were drinkin’ like a fish, couldn’t get enough a’ the stuff.
Megan I got work to do now.
Turner Laughin’ and smilin’ you were.
Megan tries to pass but Turner blocks her way.
Turner You do have a lovely smile. Really lights up a room, lights up . . . (Smiles.) Anyway, so there we all are with an empty bottle on the table between us. Not a drop left. And you . . . (Laughs.)
Megan Don’t!
Turner You took hold a’ the bottle.
Megan Please don’t.
Turner And let us both have a go. Didn’t you? What’s this . . . tears? No, no, you don’t understand. I dint tell James about it. I wouldn’t do that. I wouldn’t spoil what you got goin’ there. Cause, it would. Wouldn’t it? I mean, if he knew that what sweet Megan here likes (shakes his head and laughs to himself.) and I mean really likes is bein’ fucked dirty. He would feel insecure about that. Cause he didn’t fuck you like that. Did he? (Sympathetically.) I dint think so.
Megan Leave me alone.
Turner I wish I could, but when you look at me with those sad eyes a’ yours, s’like lookin’ at a deer before I slam it down to the ground. Gets me hard.
Turner takes off his jacket, Megan edges backwards.
Turner See, all’s I want is to throw you a nice, hard fuck. Yeah, that’s right. (Edges forwards.) All’s I want is to take that nice long hair a’ yours and use it like a pair a’ reigns. (Grabs Megan’s hair.) Alls I want is to saddle up and –
The horses whinny. Burns enters.
Burns What’s goin’ on here!
Turner releases Megan.
Turner Nothin’.
Burns I don’t give a flyin’ fuck that you out here in the wilderness, you wanna’ shove that dick a’ yours in somethin’ I suggest you start takin’ a likin’ to livestock. That understood?
Turner nods. Burns steps aside. Turner leaves.
Burns He bother you again, you come to me about it.
Burns makes to leave.
Megan It a good sign, Bug comin’ back?
Burns You seen his arm.
Megan He came back alive.
Burns They don’t bring the dead back.
Burns Been waitin’ three years for my boy to come back. You can’t keep waitin’.
Burns leaves. Megan drops to her knees and cries. The horses whinny. James, dressed in civvies, enters. Megan slowly stands to her feet and looks at James for a few seconds. She smiles and he smiles back at her. She laughs and he laughs. She slowly walks towards him, the distant sound of gunfire and explosions are heard, until they are stood opposite one another.
James It a gift.
James edges backwards away from Megan as the sound of gunfire and explosions become louder and call him back, until he finally disappears.
Peak. Late afternoon. Bug and Turner are sat quietly drinking.
Bug Missed this quiet.
Turner Like it too, but shit I had enough a’ it these past months.
Bug Been on your own out here?
Turner Pretty much. wind, hoof beats . . . caw of a bird, that been it for me.
Bug My ears a’ still ringing.
Turner Get laid much.
Bug Wasn’t like that.
Turner (Shakes his flask.) Shit, this aint gonna last us two days.
Bug Way you been going at it, it aint gonna get us to tonight.
Turner We need to take this situation in hand.
Bug What d’you mean?
Turner Taters make vodka, right?
Bug Yeah, but, you need somethin’ else too.
Turner What?
Bug Alcohol I guess.
Turner and Bug laugh a little.
Turner S’what I missed the most, talkin’ shit to somebody. There been times out here when the drag of a cloud been the biggest event a’ my day. don’t know how I’ve done it. (Drinks.) But it given me the time to figure a’ few things, like I said was gonna . . . about that place a’ ours. Not that cockeyed-bullshit I been spoutin’ before you left. (Half laughs.) The shit I been spewin’. I can be a crazy bastard sometimes, I know that. But you should a’ just laid one on me. Had it a’ been the other way round I’d a done it to you. I don’t mean that. It’ll be when it’ll be. But. Just how you seen it that first time I told it, I seen it too.
Bug Turn . . .
Turner I aint shittin’ you. There been times up on that saddle, when I seen it right there on the horizon. Perched on its own, nothin’ but weather around it. I’d keep on its trail, laughin’ at myself some, knowin’ it aint there . . . but the horse’d pick it up a little, like it felt the pull a’ it too. It’d still be some fifty mile a’ so ahead a’ me, when I’d start to see them stones it made up a’, solid granite, every one a’ ’em . . . pokey windows that don’t let much light in. After a while I’d throw my eyeline away and when I looked back it wouldn’t be there no more . . . but soon as the sun dropped, I’d see an orange glut a’ flame from the fireplace. There’d be steak and taters on it, pile a’ cards at the ready . . .
Turner S’gonna be lot a’ fuckin’ work too. Aint gonna be how I’m tellin’ it now when we get hold a’ it. But way I see it every inch a’ fencin’ we put up, every plank a’ wood we sand, every blister on our backs, be worth it cause it’s for us. Our own fuckin’ thing.
Bug Been thinkin’ I’d a’ liked to a’ been married again.
Turner (Laughs.) Married?
Bug Yeah.
Turner (Stops laughing.) You never told me you been married.
Bug Me and her been eighteen, had ourselves the biggest weddin’. Three white limo’s, nine bridesmaids, three page boys, hundred and forty eight guests, seven tier wedding cake, and a mountain a’ profiteroles with a six foot chocolate fountain for them that dint like icin’ or dried fruit. She left me after three months to start up with the weddin’ photographer. He said he could get her modellin’ career goin’ . . . We’d a’ had a baby we’d a’ been alright.
Turner Best thing you did gettin’ rid a’ her.
Bug We been arguin’ most a the time, dint laugh twice.
Turner That’s it, birds aren’t funny.
Bug Some birds a’ funny.
Turner Name one bird we know who’s funny?
Bug We don’t any birds . . . Mrs Peel got a sense a’ humour.
Turner She got a crusty fanny as well. Dint think about the wives.
Bug Just sayin’ it’s somethin’ I’d a’ liked to a done before now.
Bug Shouldn’t think about gettin’ that place, Turn.
Turner Why’s that?
Bug Can’t see it no more.
Turner Yeah? Well I can.
Bug Don’t see us here much longer.
Turner What a’ you talkin’ about?
Bug Need all the men they got.
Turner Need men back here too.
Bug Somethin’s gotta give.
Turner Security’s weak as it is.
Bug Bulk a’ the army aint enough.
Turner Fuck it I’ll go and come back.
Bug There aint no comin’ back.
Turner What a’ you fuckin’ sayin’?
Bug They aint comin’ back.
Turner You fuckin’ did.
Bug Set the grenade off myself.
Turner Had our backs to the wall plenty a’ times.
Bug Aint like what it been before.
Turner I know what it’s fuckin’ like.
Bug No you don’t.
Turner I fuckin’ do!
Bug There aint no talkin’ to you sometimes.
Turner Not when you’re talkin’ shit.
Bug You don’t wanna’ hear it.
Turner There aint nothin’ you can tell me.
Turner turns around. Bug stays as he is.
Turner You’re just pissed about your arm.
Bug You dint hear what I said.
Turner I fuckin’ heard yer. I don’t believe yer.
Turner is striding aimlessly behind Bug.
Turner You . . . you couldn’t a’ done that. You hear! You dint do that . . . leave me waitin’ out here . . . weren’t gonna do that . . . couldn’t a’ left me out here . . . You wanna drop me? S’that what you fuckin’ want? Need to take that stump out on someone? Go ahead. I can take it. Come on. Lay one on me. Fuckin’ turn around. Fuckin’ come on and get it. (Draws back a blow.) I’ll fuck you –
A fighter jet screeches overhead. Turner hits the ground, Bug doesn’t react.
Turner Shit! Shit shit shit did you hear that? (Laughs.) We got jets. (On his knees.) We . . . we got jets.(On his feet.) We got jets in the sky! Woo-Hoo!
Bug Aint ours.
Turner What?
Bug Jets, aint ours.
Turner What d’you mean?
Bug Our allies set up an airbase outside a’ Sheffield.
Turner What a’ they doin’ here?
Bug Firin’ misiles.
Turner Where to?
Bug China. Turn, they been –
Turner Still, good to see somethin’ up there.
Turner stares at Bug defiantly. Pause. Bug walks away.
Bug Goin’ back to the outpost tomorrow.
Turner We out here for two days.
Another fighter jet screeches overhead. Turner runs after it, making whooping noises.
Plot of land. Sunset.
Mrs Peel is harvesting potatoes from the earth. Burns enters, he has been drinking heavily but wears it well. He stands at a distance to her looking out.
Burns Quite a sunset.
Burns More orange than usual. Don’t yer think?
Mrs Peel Aint lookin’ at it.
Burns Late in the day to be doin’ that.
Burns edges closer to Mrs Peel.
Burns That was a fine dinner.
Mrs Peel Not keen on snails.
Burns Don’t like the taste or the look a’ ’em?
Mrs Peel Just don’t fancy ’em after lookin’ at ’em shit all day.
Burns I been meanin’ to ask what yer put with ’em?
Mrs Peel Garlic and sage. Same as I do everythin’.
Burns Used to do a bit a’ cookin’ myself.
Mrs Peel Let me know if you should get the urge again.
Burns I wouldn’t be able to do what you do.
Mrs Peel I’m out a’ whiskey.
Burns Got some here.
Burns gives his flask to Mrs Peel.
Burns I’m getting’ supplies in the mornin’.
Mrs Peel gives the flask back.
Burns Put you a bottle under the sink.
Mrs Peel doesn’t acknowledge the bottle; continues working.
Burns What a’ you cookin’ for dinner tomorrow?
Mrs Peel Snails.
Burns Again?
Mrs Peel Had to put some a’ em aside. They weren’t shittin’.
Burns Constipated snails?
Mrs Peel And mashed tater.
Burns Been thinkin’ about makin’ some changes around here.
Mrs Peel What kind a’ changes?
Burns Not now.
Mrs Peel stands.
Mrs Peel What kind a changes?
Burns A greenhouse.
The potato falls away from Mrs Peel’s hand.
Burns Build a greenhouse so as we can get more fruit. Fix the roofin’ a’ the stables. Make a stone oven for outside. Take some cuttin’s and plant some flowers. Get some beehives. Four, five beehives for honey and . . . what’s that other stuff called yer get from ’em?
Mrs Peel Royal jelly.
Burns Yeah, royal jelly. What d’yer say?
Mrs Peel (Becomes Mrs Peel.) More work. But. Alright.
Burns How come in all this time I never known your first name?
Mrs Peel Cause I never told yer, Burns.
Burns It’s Keith . . . Keith. Is it out a’ respect for a Mr Peel?
Mrs Peel Are you drunk!
Burns No.
Mrs Peel (Crouches down.) Then stop talkin’ shit.
Mrs Peel shoves potatoes into the sack, Burns crouches down before her.
Burns (Takes the sack.) Why ruin what we got here?
Mrs Peel (Grabs the sack back.) We aint got nothin’.
Burns But we could have.
Burns swoops Mrs Peel onto her back and arches over her like a dog.
Mrs Peel Bleedin’ ‘ell fire and Jack!
Burns Mrs Peel you got enough balls for ten men, can drink any man under the table, give a man as good as yer get, swear like a trooper, work harder than most a’ the men I know. And yet! You’ve got the bosom of a Goddess. (Bends forwards.) The carriage of an eagle. And I bet you’re packin’ as much heat in that cave a’ yours as the earth’s core. (Bends forwards.) That bein’ with you would be a hot and molten –
Mrs Peel slaps Burns’s face.
Burns (Strokes his cheek.) How about you and me take a moonlight swim?
Mrs Peel I could choke you.
Mrs Peel bolts to her feet and Burns chases after her.
Mrs Peel You wanna’ keep that dead squid a’ yours away from me!
Burns I can assure you it’s alive!
Mrs Peel grabs a shovel and threatens to clobber Burns with it.
Mrs Peel It won’t be if you come any closer.
Burns Why don’t you and me step inside and get to it?
Mrs Peel I’d rather be under a rabid dog.
Burns How about we just drop the lip on?
Mrs Peel I’d rather be sat on the shitter with diarrhoea and toothache.
Burns We could have ourselves a cuddle?
Mrs Peel I’d rather . . . I got a tough enough life as it is without stavin’ off the advances of a sex maniac! (From the gut.) Now step away!
Burns does.
Mrs Peel I don’t know who you think you’re playin’ with.
Burns I aint playin’.
Mrs Peel walks away.
Burns I’m sweet on you!
Burns How about you and me go get your deer?
Mrs Peel stops.
Burns Tomorrow?
Burns That a date?
Mrs Peel I guess.
Mrs Peel leaves.
Kitchen. Morning.
Megan is folding a pile of washed and dried clothes and sheets.
Bug enters.
Bug I been needin’ to talk to you too.
Megan Me?
Megan Why?
Beat. Megan sees it in Bug’s eyes. She grabs a sheet from the pile.
Megan Give me a hand foldin’ these sheets?
Bug looks at his stump.
Megan We’ll just fold it best we can.
Bug Can we sit down?
Megan They so big we got a’ stand and do it.
Megan gives some of the sheet to Bug to hold on to.
Megan You keep hold a’ this here.
Bug I need to tell you somethin’.
Megan steps away from Bug.
Megan I can hear you from here.
Megan takes the corners and opens the stained sheet out.
Megan Don’t know how these stains got here.
Megan halves the width of the sheet.
Bug It’s James.
Megan halves the width of the sheet again.
Megan I think it Burns.
Megan halves the width of the sheet again.
Megan He drink so much he must a’ been sick on ’em.
Megan walks towards Bug and takes the sheet off him.
Bug He’s dead.
Megan halves the length of the sheet.
Megan It gonna kill him one day.
Megan halves the length of the sheet again.
Bug Dint have no pain.
Megan halves the length of the sheet again.
Megan Bet his liver do.
Megan folds the sheet, folds it again and again.
Bug He talked about you –
Megan Don’t.
Megan Don’t say no more.
Bug leaves. Megan holds the tightly folded sheet to her chest as if it were the dead’s flag. Mrs Peel enters, eyes Megan shaking from behind.
Mrs Peel You holdin’ yourself again?
Megan nods slowly. Mrs Peel shakes her head, sights the rest of the garments.
Mrs Peel Fold the rest a’ the them things.
Megan leaves with the sheet.
Mrs Peel You come back here.
Mrs Peel storms after Megan but stops dead in her tracks as Burns enters, holding the radio.
Mrs Peel (Gruff.) What d’you want?
Mrs Peel looks away from Burns; he stays where he is.
Mrs Peel We goin’ after my deer?
Mrs Peel looks at Burns.
Mrs Peel Where’s the supplies?
Mrs Peel looks searchingly at Burns.
Mrs Peel Burns?
Burns turns up the volume, beautiful music plays, and puts the radio down.
Burns (softly) I want my dance.
Mrs Peel (Relieved but stern.) I aint dancin’.
Burns walks towards Mrs Peel.
Mrs Peel Are you outta your mind! I aint dancin’ in here! I got work to do! I never said when!
Burns stands still before Mrs Peel.
Burns We only got now.
Burns takes Mrs Peel’s hand. They dance; he is surprisingly light on his toes whilst she is as stiff as a fence post. He looks at her whilst she looks away. Gradually their steps become smaller and smaller until they are stood still. Burns looks at Mrs Peel for what feels like a long time but is only a moment, she looks back at him. They lean very slowly towards one another. They kiss.
Turner (Offstage.) Why’d you leave without me?
Bug (Offstage.) Told you I was comin’ back.
Mrs Peel jolts away from Burns and darts over to the radio. Mrs Peel tunes the radio as Turner and Bug walk in.
Turner You could a’ woke me up.
Bug Thought you were stayin’ on.
Turner Well I thought both a’ us were.
Mrs Peel Quiet!
Radio (American.) . . . resulting in the disarmament of the airbase and the withdrawal of the British Security from the Sheffield area which took place at ten hundred hours GMT. Plans today were revealed for a monument to commemorate the fallen dead in China.
Turner Withdrawal?
Turner What’s the disarmament of the airbase got to do with us?
Turner What the fuck does . . . withdrawal mean?
Burns Means we aint there no more.
Turner But . . . if we aint there then who is?
Who’s controllin’ Sheffield?
Turner No, no, they . . . they bein’ quarantined. S’why we pulled out. Fuck, I don’t know, there enough diseases. (To Mrs Peel.) Put our radio on.
Burns It’s dead.
Turner What d’you mean?
Turner goes to the radio . . . it’s dead.
Turner You gonna tell me what the fuck’s going on?
Burns I put it on this mornin’ at around five and it was dead. I left for the station cause I had to pick up the supplies and the freight never showed. What? Why? Station aint even in Sheffield.
Burns What did you hear in the beginnin’?
Mrs Peel Ultimatum expired.
Turner What ultimatum?
Mrs Peel Dint hear no more
Turner I’m . . . I’m . . . I don’t know what’s goin’ on.
Burns Civilians gave an ultimatum?
Turner We gave one to them? We gave ’em an ultimatum, right?
Burns We the ones who’ve withdrawn.
Turner We don’t know what that means.
Burns Means we pulled –
Turner I know that! We don’t know why.
Mrs Peel Why’s it been broadcast over there?
Turner Cause a’ the airbase, it’s theirs.
Mrs Peel Why a’ they here?
Turner They’re not anymore. Security gonna be headin’ over there.
Burns Maybe civilians a’ headin’ out there.
Turner The Sheffield border’ll still be there.
Burns Said withdrew from the area. Area? Area? That aint specific.
Burns We ride out, see what’s goin’ on.
Mrs Peel Aint it better to wait here?
Burns If they comin’, no.
Turner They aint comin’ out here, there gonna be Security from all over.
Burns (To Mrs Peel.) we’ll go to a settlement, ask there.
Turner (To Bug.) You comin’?
Burns You stay here till we get back.
Turner leaves. Burns and Mrs Peel look at each other, at Bug stood in the distance between them, then back at each other.
Burns I’ll be goin’ then.
Burns makes to leave.
Mrs Peel How long you gonna be?
Burns Few hours.
They look at Bug (oblivious that he is an obstacle) and then at the floor.
Mrs Peel How many?
Burns Four.
Mrs Peel Four?
Burns Five, maybe.
They look at each other.
Burns Can’t say for sure.
Mrs Peel No, course not.
Burns makes to leave; stops.
Burns About yesterday . . .
Mrs Peel looks at Bug.
Mrs Peel What about it?
Burns The way I . . .
Burns looks at Bug.
Burns Don’t want yer to think that I just wanted . . .
They both look at Bug, then at each other.
Burns I could sit and listen to you say the alphabet.
Turner (Offstage.) Burns!
Burns I gotta go now.
Burns leaves. Mrs Peel stands still for a few seconds; feels his absence. She starts folding the washing that Megan left behind. The rain continues to pour.
Bug You remember the drizzle, Mrs Peel?
Bug Constant . . . steady. Never seemed to end, did it? People complained about that. But it dint really affect us much. we were used to it. But now, it’s different. Violent . . . unpredictable. I been out in the worst a’ it. Laid there at night listenin’ to it. Thinkin’ to myself this can’t go on . . . and it always did. But now . . . I think the atmosphere’s finally broken apart.
Mrs Peel has stopped folding.
Bug You understand what I mean?
Mrs Peel I was out walkin’ one time just after a downpour a’ rain. The kind we weren’t used to back then. I’m walkin’ close to a stream and further down on a rock I see a deer. Mindin’ its own business, grazin’ it was. When out a’ nowhere, and at a deadly speed, a ragin’ current a’ water is comin’ right at it. Deer freezes as the water rises all around it. Before, life was like a meanderin’ stream. Takin’ its time. Movin’ casually. Now, it’s like a flash flood. Deceptive. Can get you anytime.
Mrs Peel picks up the pile of washing.
Bug What the deer do?
Mrs Peel It got the fuck out a’ there.
Mrs Peel leaves.
Bug Too late.
Kitchen. Afternoon. Four hours have passed. Rain.
Megan is sat peeling potatoes. Mrs Peel is tuning the American radio – various scraps of news, weather, music – she switches it off. She goes to the window, stares out for a while. She comes away from the window and sits at the table. Pause.
Mrs Peel Takin’ too much skin off.
Mrs Peel fiddles with the potato peelings.
Mrs Peel Look at that, waste a’ tater. (Suddenly alert.) That horses?
Mrs Peel rushes to the window.
Mrs Peel Wind . . . just hearing the wind.
Mrs Peel comes away from the window.
Mrs Peel I need to get that bird in the oven, it’s as old as me and it’ll end up as tough if I don’t have it in long enough. You muckin’ out them stables after that. Mulch some a’ the shit inta soil. Then yer can give me a hand gettin’ them sheep inta the byres . . . winter’s on its way in . . . gotta pluck that bird . . . I’ll peel them taters.
Mrs Peel goes to Megan.
Mrs Peel Give me the knife.
Megan I know how to peel a’ tater.
Mrs Peel You abusin’ that tater.
Megan lobs the tater.
Megan That’s abuse.
Mrs Peel Pick it up.
Megan You pick it up.
Mrs Peel I dint throw it.
Megan You thrown away everythin’ else.
Mrs Peel Watch your mouth.
Megan Say what I want.
Mrs Peel Not to me you won’t.
Megan You don’t want a’ hear it.
Mrs Peel Damn right I don’t.
Megan None a’ you did, none a’ you ever did, all this is cause a’ you.
Mrs Peel You have no right –
Megan I have my right cause you had everythin’ and left me nothin’.
Mrs Peel We’re all payin’ for it.
Megan You made your bed and you lyin’ in it.
Mrs Peel How dare you.
Megan You been told / you been warned.
Mrs Peel I marched! I protested!
Megan You knew what would happen.
Mrs Peel We dint know it would be like –
Megan (Screams.) You let it get to this! You let the sea rise and flooded cities, burst river banks and destroyed our houses. You used up oil, made cars stop, forced us inta towns. You made us share rooms, put us in factories, fed us rations, let us get sick. You let my brother die a’ TB, made my mum hang herself, sent James to war . . . for a pipe . . . and you killed him . . .
Mrs Peel (Shouts.) That’s enough!
Megan (Cries hideously.) You killed him.
Mrs Peel Enough.
Megan (Wails.) I have a baby.
Mrs Peel You stupid. Stupid. Stupid girl!
Mrs Peel How far gone?
Megan Five months.
Mrs Peel You tell me this now?
Megan Dint want to get rid a’ it.
Mrs Peel You can’t keep the damn thing!
Megan It my baby.
Mrs Peel You don’t have that choice.
Megan Made my choice.
Mrs Peel You took that rod out?
Megan It a gift.
Mrs Peel No. no. you’ll pay a price for it.
Turner, blood on his clothes, enters.
Mrs Peel Where’s Burns?
Turner Where’s Bug?
Mrs Peel (Quietly.) Where’s Burns?
Turner Need to tell Bug . . . there’s too many a’ ’em . . . they, they comin’ from everywhere . . . runnin’ right past us like we aint even there . . . like we nothin’ . . . like we aint what they afraid a’ . . . where’s Bug? Cause Burns . . . Burns is off his horse runnin’ among ’em askin’ . . . askin’ why they runnin’ . . . bullet come out a’ nowhere . . . where’s Bug? Need to tell him Burns’s dead . . . that we gotta get out a’ here cause . . . we been left. We been left behind. A train took all Security North this mornin’ and no one thought to come the fuck out here and fuckin’ tell us! (Rage.) Where’s Bug?
Mrs Peel (To Megan.) Wait outside.
Turner (Rage.) They fuckin’ left us out here to burn!
Turner wheels round erratically.
Mrs Peel (To Megan.) Now.
Turner Where’s Bug?
Megan leaves.
Mrs Peel He aint here.
Turner is still frantic when suddenly he stands still, calm.
Turner I’m dyin’ for some breakfast.
Mrs Peel I make it way past seven.
Turner laughs a little.
Turner Yeah, guess it is.
Turner walks away, stops, his back to Mrs Peel.
Turner They been firin’ nuclear missiles from the airbase. Ultimatum expired. We’re gettin’ one back.
Turner walks away, Mrs Peel goes after him.
Mrs Peel What d’you mean?
Turner turns to Mrs Peel.
Turner Boom.
Turner leaves. Mrs Peel steps backwards and sits in the chair where Megan sat before. She sits very still for a few seconds, then picks up a potato and peels it. Megan enters; watches Mrs Peel attempting to peel the potato with trembling hands. Pause.
Mrs Peel continues to peel the potato.
Megan It a good sign?
Mrs Peel continues to peel the potato.
Megan Mrs Peel?
Mrs Peel continues to peel.
Megan They risen like Burns said?
Mrs Peel stops peeling.
Megan That what it mean?
Mrs Peel looks at Megan. Pause.
Mrs Peel Yeah. Yeah. It do.
Megan What that mean for us?
Mrs Peel We’ll soon find out.
Mrs Peel wanders away.
Megan Where you goin’?
Mrs Peel Make us a tea.
Peak. Late afternoon.
Bug is sat, holding his flask. Turner is stood.
Turner We gotta get up North.
Turner looks at Bug who stares out vacantly.
Turner We got a’ head up the Pennine Way.
Turner You hear what I said?
Turner (Kicks the flask.) Answer me you useless piece a’ shit!
Beat. Turner stiffens.
Turner Get up.
Turner Get up now.
Turner Get up we’re goin’.
Turner Up. (Kicks Bug’s foot.) Now.
Turner walks away, stops, back turned to Bug.
Turner Get up!
Turner puts his hands on his hips.
Turner On your feet soldier.
Bug There are soldiers runnin’ blind through smoke as another bomb slams down.
Turner (Barks.) On your feet soldier.
Bug Some are fallin’, some are dragged down by the man behind.
Turner On your fuckin’ feet!
Bug The earth buries ’em there and then together as the explosion ploughs the earth.
Turner (Screams.) That’s an order!
Bug There are soldiers waitin’ for order to retreat.
Turner (Despair.) That’s an order.
Bug There are soldiers tryin’ to sleep where they are cause the order never comes.
Turner (Breaking.) I order you.
Bug Explosions gun fire cries.
Turner (Begging.) I order you under the authority of the Security to your feet.
Bug Just have to stay where they are.
Turner turns to Bug.
Turner I order you under the authority of this government to your feet.
Bug I no longer recognize this government.
Turner leaves.
Bug There’s a man. Young. Never seen him before. There are men runnin’ fallin’ cryin’ all around him. He’s on his knees. Can’t take my eyes off a’ him. The earth ploughs up around him. None a’ it seems to matter. He’s waitin’ there on his knees. Then the sudden shock a’ it. Couple a’ instinctive jerkin’ movements before bein’ covered in earth.
Bug kneels, slowly hangs his head, waits.
Plot of land. Late afternoon, the light is fading fast.
Mrs Peel enters holding a bag of seeds, Megan is with her.
Megan Why a’ we leavin’?
Mrs Peel No need for us to be here no more, is there?
Megan shakes her head.
Megan Don’t seem real.
Mrs Peel It’ll sink in soon enough.
Mrs Peel starts sowing seeds.
Megan There been a time when you and me were out here workin’, and you spotted a hare munchin’ away at your salad leaves. You snuck up behind and grabbed hold a’ it. I followed you inta the kitchen and you dropped a blow on its neck. Hare froze as straight as a fence post. You held it whilst I pulled back the skin, and you must a’ been hungry cause you chopped it up right there and then on the board inta chunks. I couldn’t stop lookin’ at them chunks cause they were movin’. Jitterin’, like they were cold or somethin’. You put them chunks inta the pan and they still jitterin’. You put the heat on ’em and I say to you: them chunks are still alive! You say: they dead they just don’t know it yet.
Megan I feel like I’m alive and I just don’t know it yet.
Megan turns to Mrs Peel, she looks away.
Mrs Peel Let’s sow these seeds before it gets dark.
Mrs Peel kneels down and sows.
Megan Why a’ you sowin’ seeds?
Mrs Peel For the future.
Megan But we aint gonna be here.
Megan Who gonna tend to it?
Mrs Peel This soil don’t need us. Everythin’ that happens upon it – failure a’ crops, spreadin’ a diseases, flood, drought – don’t mean nothin’ to it. Only the sun matters. Where there’s light there will be life. S’long as the sunrises all will be.
Megan You should a’ said that a long time ago.
Mrs Peel I like keepin’ busy.
Beat. Megan stops sowing, sits back.
Megan I’m gonna have a baby, Mrs Peel.
Mrs Peel I know.
Megan I’m not gonna know how to do things.
Mrs Peel You’ll be fine.
Megan Most a’ things I know you told me.
Mrs Peel You gonna be good at it, Megan.
Megan looks at Mrs Peel.
Mrs Peel (Softly.) You’re gonna be good.
Megan (Beams.) You never said that before.
Mrs Peel No. I should a’.
Megan A’ we gonna leave together?
Mrs Peel If you want.
Megan We gonna stay together?
Mrs Peel If you want.
Megan I do. Where we gonna go?
Mrs Peel I spent my childhood in Cumbria. Used to go out on the Lakes with my father on weekends. We’d be out there in all weathers too, hail comin’ at us, thunder rollin’ in, bitin’ winds. We’d stop and eat sandwiches on a brow lookin’ out at them moors, at valleys covered in droves a’ heather, and fells . . . fells white with snow. If I think about the places I been, and I been my fair share, those white fells a’ the loveliest thing I ever seen. I’d like to go there. I’d like to see snow on the fells again.
Megan But there won’t be any.
Mrs Peel No. There won’t.
Megan But we could still go there.
Mrs Peel nods. She moves behind Megan.
Megan (Turns to Mrs Peel.) When a’ we gonna leave?
Mrs Peel We’ leavin’ at sunrise.
Megan Tomorrow?
Mrs Peel (Smiles.) Tomorrow.
Megan turns her beaming face round.
Mrs Peel raises the knife and slits Megan’s throat.
Mrs Peel stands motionless for a long time.
A long shear of light. A series of low concussions.
Mrs Peel kneels, takes the blade and slits her throat.
The sun sets. The sun rises.
A shoot grows out of the earth.