To aid the reader, I have included further details for those individuals who appear frequently, speaking or acting, in different chapters. Where one exists, I include a website address. By inserting an individual’s name, or ‘human rights activists in Russia’, in www.yandex.ru, and clicking on pictures or images, a variety of photographs and more information on an individual becomes available.
Abramkin, Valery, founder and chair of Prison and Freedom, subsequently Moscow Centre for Prison Reform (1989–2013, dec), http://www.prison.org/
Alekseeva, Liudmila, chair of the re-established Moscow Helsinki Group (1996–), http://www.mhg.ru
Altshuler, Boris, founder and chair of Rights of the Child, Moscow (1991–), http://right-child.ru/
Auzan, Alexander, professor Moscow State University, founder and chair of the Consumers Confederation (1989–)
Averkiev, Igor, founder and chair of the Perm Human Rights Centre (1993–2003), then of the Perm Civic Chamber (2003–), http://www.pgpalata.ru
Babushkin, Andrei, founder and chair of Committee for Civil Rights, Moscow (1997–), http://www.zagr.org
Bakhmin, Vyacheslav, board member Moscow Helsinki Group, and of the Sakharov Centre, http://www.sakharov-center.ru, consultant to western foundations
Belyaev, Sergei, founder and chair of Litigator, Ekaterinburg (1993–)
Bituitsky, Vyacheslav, chair of Voronezh Memorial Society (1991–), board member of International Memorial Society, member of Migration Rights
Blinushov, Andrei, chair of Ryazan Memorial Society (1991–), board member of the International Memorial Society, co-founder and editor of http://www.hro.org/
Bogoraz, Larisa, chair of the re-established Moscow Helsinki Group (1991–1996, dec)
Chikov, Pavel, founder and chair of Agora, Kazan (2006–), http://openinform.ru/
Daniel, Alexander, board member International Memorial Society, http://www.memo.ru
Drozhzhakov, Vitaly, trade union organizer Krasnoyarsk, member of St Petersburg Human Rights Resource Centre, http://www.hrrcenter.ru/
Dzhibladze, Yury, founder and president of the Centre for the Development of Democracy and Human Rights, Moscow (1998–), http://www.demokratia.ru
Fedotov, Mikhail, chair of the President’s Council for the Advancement of Civil Society and Human Rights (2010–), http://www.president-sovet.ru
Gannushkina, Svetlana, founder and chair of Civic Assistance Committee (1990–), and of Migration Rights (1996–), Moscow, http://refugee.ru and http://refugee.memo.ru, board member of the International Memorial Society, and the Sakharov Centre
Gefter, Valentin, director Human Rights Institute (1996–), http://www.hrights.ru and board member of Sakharov Centre
Gorelik, Alexander, professor of criminal law, Krasnoyarsk State University, founder and chair of Committee to Defend the Rights of Citizens (1992–2007, dec)
Kalikh, Alexander, chair of Perm Memorial Society (1990–2010), board member International Memorial Society
Kalyapin, Igor, entrepreneur and activist, founder and chair, Committee against Torture (2000–), Nizhny Novgorod, http://www.pytkam.net/contacts.regional-representative-offices/163
Kanevskaya, Maria, founder and director of the Human Rights Resource Center (St Petersburg) (2008–) http://www.hrrcenter.ru/
Kovalev, Sergei, chair of the Committee on Human Rights of the Russian Supreme Soviet (1990–1993), of the President’s Commission on Human Rights (1994–1996), president of the Institute of Human Rights (1996–), president of the International Memorial Society (1994–), board member of the Moscow Helsinki Group, and of the Sakharov Centre.
Krivenko, Sergei, leader of Coalition Army and Reform, board member International Memorial Society.
Lokshina, Tatyana, Moscow Helsinki Group (1998–2004), Demos (2004–2008), Human Rights Watch (2008–) http://www.hrw.org
Lukashevsky, Sergei, Moscow Helsinki Group (1998–2004), Demos (2004–2008), director of the Sakharov Centre (2008–) http://www.sakharov-center.ru
Lukin, Vladimir, founding member of Yabloko, ombudsman, Russian Federation (2004–2014) http://ombudsmanrf.org
Marchenko, Veronika, founder and chair of Mother’s Right, Moscow (1989–), http://www.mright.hro.org
Melnikova, Valentina, Executive Secretary of Union of Soldiers’ Mothers Committees of Russia (1998–) http://ucsmr.ru
Orlov, Oleg, chair Human Rights Centre, International Memorial Society (1993–2012), board member of International Memorial Society, http://www.memo.ru
Pamfilova, Ella, chair of the President’s Council for the Advancement of Civil Society and Human Rights (2004–2010), ombudsman Russian Federation (2014–)
Pisklakova, Marina, chair of ANNA, Crisis Centre (1995–), http://www.owl.ru/anna
Ponomarev, Lev, early member of the Memorial Society, elected to Russian Congress of Deputies 1990-1993, founder and executive director of For Human Rights (1997–), http://www.zaprava.ru
Pustintsev, Boris, founder and chair of Citizens Watch, St Petersburg (1992–2013, dec), http://www.citwatch.org
Roginsky, Arseny, board member, chair of International Memorial Society (1992–) http://www.memo.ru
Samodurov, Yury, founding member of Memorial Society, director of the Sakharov Centre (1996–2008)
Sereda, Maria, member of the Ryazan Memorial Society; Amnesty International, Moscow (2012–), http://amnesty.org.ru/
Shvedov, Grigory, board member of International Memorial Society, editor of 30 October, founder and editor of Caucasian Knot (2001–) http://www.kavkaz-uzel.ru
Simonov, Aleksei, founder and chair of Glasnost Defence Foundation, Moscow (1993–)
Sokiryanskaya, Katya, Memorial Society, Nazran (2003–2008), Memorial Human Rights Centre (2009–2012), International Crisis Centre, Moscow (2012–)
Taubina, Natalya, director of For Civil Society (1997–2004), director of Public Verdict (2004–) http://publicverdict.ru
Yurov, Andrei, founder and honorary president of the Youth Human Rights Movement – MPD, Voronezh (1998–), http://yhrm.org/