
Chapter Six


The next morning, Devon returned after meeting with Castian.

“We will meet the Circle at an inn in town,” Devon said. “We will have to be careful getting there.”

“Why? Are there the witch’s demons in town?” Aurora asked.

“No, but there are some humans worse than demons, Aurora,” Devon said. “We will be in the inn for half an hour, maximum. The Circle can’t risk staying in a public place for too long, but they all wanted to meet you.”

Aurora nodded. She was curious about the town. The town was an empty field a hundred years ago, but now it was full of life and people. There were bakers, tailors, all kinds of artisanal shops. Aurora saw that the town was full of activity during the day. Most likely because of the Circle keeping it safe from the demons, Aurora thought. She remembered the empty houses she had seen away from the town, where it was overrun by the witch’s demons.

Aurora and Devon reached outside an inn. There was a sign hanging on the door that said ‘Dragon’s Breath’. They both entered through the large wooden door.

“I will go check the back room to see if they are here, Aurora,” Devon said. “I won’t take long.”

Aurora nodded her head.

She stayed in the bar area of the inn. As soon as Devon left, the innkeeper asked if she needed anything. Aurora shook her head.

The inn keeper returned with a glass of juice, and Aurora looked at him in surprise.

“I didn’t ask for anything,” she said.

“It is complimentary of that gentleman over there, milady,” the innkeeper said. She saw the hooded stranger in the corner, who had a smile on his face. He gave her a strange vibe, so Aurora left the glass as it was.

Devon arrived moments later. “They will be here soon. You already ordered something?” he asked, looking at the drink in front of Aurora.

Aurora shook her head. “I didn’t order it. Someone send it for me.”

“Are you going to drink it?”

“No. I don’t think it’s safe,” Aurora said, worried.

“I shall be your poison taster, princess.” Devon smiled and then drank the entire glass in one go.

Aurora wanted to warn him about the stranger who gave her the drink, but Devon already was on his feet. Aurora noticed someone had gestured to Devon from the shadows.

“We should go now. They are here,” Devon said.

Aurora followed him as he went through the kitchen to the small back room. There were a few people seated already. There was a girl, around nineteen, with dark wavy hair and green eyes. That must be Anya, Aurora thought. There were a set of twins, around eighteen, with white hair and grey eyes, who looked like a pair of wolves. So they were twins? Aurora realized. That explained what she saw by the bridge... One twin must have been by the river and the other on the other side.

The twins were both identical in appearance except that one had a scar across his face. It looked like someone had carved his face cruelly with a knife... or a demon had slashed his face with its sharp talon. Aurora shuddered. Perhaps a demon had?

Then there were two she already knew, Castian and Devon.

Despite their shabby clothes and grimy appearances, the Circle looked like a group of lords and ladies, knights and soldiers, rather than petty thieves and robbers. Aurora also noticed that the people of Kingshelm towered over her, except for Anya, who was an inch taller.

“This is Anya. The twins are Xander and Xavier,” Castian said. “We are missing Cedric, who is currently not in Rivendale. You have already met me and Devon. Say hello to the Circle.”

“It is nice to meet you all,” Aurora said politely. “It is a pleasure to finally meet the Circle.”

The Circle members laughed.

“I hope other people aren’t saying that,” Castian said with a grin. “We have a reputation to keep.”

Aurora smiled. “The Circle has seven members?” she asked.

“The core of the Circle does, but we have enough people to have a small army,” Castian said, looking at Devon. “All lead by our dear leader over here.”

A small army... all led by Devon? Aurora thought. But why?

“Castian omitted something. We had another person, but she is no longer a member,” Anya said.

“Who was she?” Aurora asked.

“We don’t say her name,” Castian said, looking with a worried expression towards Devon.

“Why isn’t she a member anymore?” Aurora asked.

“Because she was a witch,” Anya replied angrily.

Aurora looked at her in surprise.

“Not the witch you are probably thinking about,” Castian said to Aurora with a wink.

Anya glowered at Castian. “We have no room for traitors or snakes in our group.”

Anya was giving her a warning, Aurora realized. She tried not to be offended.

Devon had been oddly quiet during the conversation. He was lost in thought and had a glazed look in his eyes.

“How did you form the Circle?” Aurora asked. “What I mean to say is how do you choose members?”

“We each had a set of talents that was uniquely ours,” Anya said. “But the key thing was that we took an oath to remain loyal to one another... and to our cause.”

“What is that cause?” Aurora asked.

“Devon should be the one to tell you, when or if, is up to him,” Castian said.

Anya was assessing Aurora with a critical eye.

“We all heard about your story, Aurora,” Anya said. “I was most curious to see you in person.”

“I didn’t know I was under observation,” Aurora said, smiling. “I hope I met your expectations?”

“Not quite... which might not be a bad thing. You are not the delicate damsel in distress I thought you would be,” Anya said. “Especially hearing what happened at the river and then at the lake.”

Aurora blushed and looked at Devon. He gave her an encouraging smile.

“I hope I can amount to being more than a damsel in distress,” Aurora said. “That is not how I want to be remembered.”

“I wonder what your legacy will be, Aurora?” Anya said.

“My legacy?” Aurora asked.

“Yes. Will you be the princess who woke up after a hundred years or will you be the princess no one came to kiss?” Anya asked.

Aurora blushed. She felt Anya wasn’t being cruel on purpose, but her words still hurt. She also wished Anya’s question didn’t make her feel so small.

Devon looked at Aurora like he was trying to read her thoughts.

“I wouldn’t be quick to decide what my legacy will be, Anya,” Aurora said. “We can’t see what the future holds for any of us.”

Anya smiled at her answer. She raised her glass to a toast.

“Then let us all hope for a legacy worthy of being remembered, Princess Aurora,” Anya said. “And the good fortune of receiving a kiss from a true love.”

Anya raised her glass to everyone in the Circle. Aurora swore that Anya’s gaze lasted a fraction of a second longer on Castian.

Aurora smiled and raised her glass as well.



Devon remained silent while they left the tavern. They watched the Circle members leave, likely to go back to their hideouts, wherever they were, while Aurora and Devon walked back to the tower.

They reached the side door when Devon stopped her. Aurora wanted to ask why, but noticed his expression and blushed at his intense gaze. His eyes looked molten in the moonlight.

She tried to move away, but Devon put his arms on either side of her. She was caged in and had nowhere she could go to now. Her back touched the brick wall as Devon leaned in closer.

Aurora stood still, surprised, as he brought his lips on hers. Her entire body burned with desire.

Devon was gentle. His kiss was slow and sensual as he cupped her face gently in one of his hands.

Aurora felt weak in her knees. She should stop him, Aurora thought, but she couldn’t bring herself to push him away. All she wanted to do was put her fingers through his hair and bring him even closer.

Devon was taking his time.. like he would take all the time in the world to kiss her, but she wanted him to kiss harder.

Devon stopped and gave her a blissful smile.

Aurora's lips were still burning with his kiss. Was it witchcraft?

Devon looked at her, his eyes glazed as he said, “You have bewitched me, Aurora. I don’t know what to do anymore. I can’t stop thinking about you.”

Aurora looked at him, surprised. Devon was the one who was under the spell.

No, not a spell. There must have been something in the drink the stranger gave her. The drink Devon had instead.

Devon took her hand as they climbed to the top of the tower. He remained silent as they went through the passageways and trapdoor that brought them to her bedroom.

There in her room, he looked at her once more. Aurora held her breath.

“No one will ever hurt you again, Aurora,” Devon said in a low voice. “I won’t let that happen to you.”

He turned her hand and softly kissed the back of it. A gentleman’s kiss... and a promise?

Aurora stood there transfixed while Devon stumbled on to where he slept on the sofa. He dropped in the middle and immediately fell asleep, his long legs dangling over the edge.

Aurora could still feel the ghost of his kiss on her hand. She heated thinking about the kiss he gave on her lips. She went to her bed and looked at Devon while he was sleeping.

Devon was larger than life, but he was just seventeen, soon to be eighteen, as he said. He was impulsive and reckless, but also seemed to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders.

He looked angelic in his sleep. How many times had he looked at her while she was sleeping under the witch’s curse? Aurora wondered. She wished she had been awake to watch him instead.

Aurora spends the night tossing and turning with these thoughts. The next morning, Devon woke up looking confused.

“How did I get here?” Devon asked. “I don’t remember coming back here.”

“We walked back from the tavern together,” Aurora said. “You don’t remember what happened?”

“No... I didn’t do anything stupid, did I?” Devon asked. He sounded worried.

“Nothing more than usual,” Aurora replied in a bored voice.

Devon looked at her and ruffled his hair.

“What?” Aurora asked.

“I had a dream, but it felt so real,” Devon said.

Aurora’s heart beat faster.

“Really? What did you dream about?” she asked nonchalantly.

“You... I had a dream about you,” Devon said.

“You dreamed about me?” Aurora said.

Devon looked at her and gave a lazy smile. "Who else would I dream about, Aurora?"

“You really are shameless,” Aurora said.

Devon laughed and got up from his sofa. He went to freshen up in the bathing chamber, and Aurora watched him close the door. She then heard him open the tap and swear loudly at the cold water.

Aurora let out the breath she was holding. Devon didn’t remember!

She was both relieved and disappointed.

What is wrong with me? Aurora thought. Do I want Devon to kiss me again?

Aurora opened her heart to the prince and saw what it cost her.

No... Aurora vowed she wouldn't let herself be blindsided again.

Never again.