Forms, lists, and search views are defined using the arch XML structures. To extend views, we need a way to modify this XML. This means locating XML elements and then introducing modifications at those points.

Inherited views allow just that. An inherited view declaration looks like this:

<record id="view_form_todo_task_inherited"   
  <field name="name">Todo Task form - User 
  <field name="model">todo.task</field> 
  <field name="inherit_id" 
  <field name="arch" type="xml"> 
    <!-- ...match and extend elements here! ... --> 

The inherit_id field identifies the view to be extended by referring to its external identifier using the special ref attribute. External identifiers will be discussed in more detail in Chapter 4Module Data.

Being XML, the best way to locate elements in XML is to use XPath expressions. For example, taking the form view defined in the previous chapter, one XPath expression to locate the <field name="is_done"> element is //field[@name]='is_done'. This expression finds any field element with a name attribute that is equal to is_done. You can find more information on XPath at

If an XPath expression matches multiple elements, only the first one will be modified. So they should be made as specific as possible, using unique attributes. Using the name attribute is the easiest way to ensure we find the exact elements we want to use an extension point. Thus, it is important to set them on our view XML elements.

Once the extension point is located, you can either modify it or have XML elements added near it. As a practical example, to add the date_deadline field before the is_done field, we would write the following in arch:

<xpath expr="//field[@name]='is_done'" position="before"> 
  <field name="date_deadline" /> 

Fortunately, Odoo provides shortcut notation for this, so most of the time we can avoid the XPath syntax entirely. Instead of the preceding XPath element, we can just use information related to the type of element type to locate and its distinctive attributes, and instead of the preceding XPath, we write this:

<field name="is_done" position="before"> 
  <field name="date_deadline" /> 

Just be aware that if the field appears more than once in the same view, you should always use the XPath syntax. This is because Odoo will stop at the first occurrence of the field and it may apply your changes to the wrong field.

Often, we want to add new fields next to the existing ones, so the <field> tag will be used as the locator frequently. But any other tag can be used: <sheet>, <group>, <div>, and so on. The name attribute is usually the best choice for matching elements, but sometimes, we may need to use something else: the CSS class element, for example. Odoo will find the first element that has at least all the attributes specified.

The position attribute used with the locator element is optional and can have the following values:

For Example, in the Task form, we have the active field, but having it visible is not that useful. We could hide it from the user. This can be done by setting its invisible attribute:

<field name="active" position="attributes"> 
  <attribute name="invisible">1</attribute> 

Setting the invisible attribute to hide an element is a good alternative to using the replace locator to remove nodes. Removing nodes should be avoided since it can break depending modules that may be depending on the deleted node as a placeholder to add other elements.