At this point, list views should need little introduction, but we are still going to discuss the attributes that can be used with them. Here is an example of a list view for our To-Do Tasks:

<record id="todo_app.view_tree_todo_task" 
  <field name="model">todo.task</field> 
  <field name="arch" type="xml"> 
    <tree decoration-muted="is_done" 
      <field name="name"/> 
      <field name="user_id"/> 
      <field name="is_done"/>
      <field name="state" invisible="1"/>

The row text color and font can change dynamically depending on the results of a Python expression evaluation. This is done through decoration–NAME attributes, with the expression to evaluate based on field attributes. The NAME part can be bf or it, for bold and italic fonts, or any Bootstrap text contextual colors: danger, info, muted, primary, success, or warning. The Bootstrap documentation has examples on how these are presented:

Remember that fields used in expressions must be declared in a <field> element, so that web client knows that that column needs to be retrieved from the server. If we don't want to have it displayed to the user, we should use the invisible="1" attribute on it.

Other relevant attributes of the tree element are:

A list view can contain fields and buttons, and most of their attributes for forms are also valid here.

In list views, numeric fields can display summary values for their column. For this add to the field one of the available aggregation attributes, sum, avg, min, or max, and assign to it the label text for the summary value. For example:

<field name="amount" sum="Total Amount" />