At this point our report looks good in HTML, but it doesn't print out nicely on a PDF page. We might get some better results using a landscape page. So we need to add this paper format.

At the top of the XML file, add this record:

<record id="paperformat_euro_landscape" 
  <field name="name">European A4 Landscape</field> 
  <field name="default" eval="True" /> 
  <field name="format">A4</field> 
  <field name="page_height">0</field> 
  <field name="page_width">0</field> 
  <field name="orientation">Landscape</field> 
  <field name="margin_top">40</field> 
  <field name="margin_bottom">23</field> 
  <field name="margin_left">7</field> 
  <field name="margin_right">7</field> 
  <field name="header_line" eval="False" /> 
  <field name="header_spacing">35</field> 
  <field name="dpi">90</field> 

It is a copy of the European A4 format, defined in addons/report/data, report_paperformat.xml file, but changing the orientation from Portrait to Landscape. The defined paper formats can be seen from the web client through the menu Settings | Technical | Reports | Paper Format.

Now we can use it in our report. The default paper format is defined in the company setup, but we can also specify the paper format to be used by a specific report. That is done using a paperfomat attribute in the report action.

Let's edit the action used to open our report, to add this attribute:

<report id="action_todo_task_report" 
  string="To-do Tasks" 