

Justina Robson (www.justinarobson.co.uk) is “from Leeds, a city in Yorkshire in the north of England. She always wanted to write and always did. Other things sometimes got in the way and sometimes still do…but not too much.” She went to Clarion West. She teaches yoga. She has a child. She is the author of Silver Screen (1999), Mappa Mundi (2000), Natural History (2003), Living Next Door…(2005), and Quantum Gravity (2006). She said in a SF Site.com interview, “I am science girl. Philosophy and linguistics are perceived as adjuncts or arts, compared with raw sciences like physics, but I can’t see the difference. They’re all driven by the need to know, to discover and to verify what’s real. The drive to understand and explain is insatiable, the method—whatever suits at the time.” Her stories are dense, intense.

“Dreadnought” was published in Nature. It is typically intense and strange, a character vignette that portrays a future in space that is dark, military, perhaps posthuman.