And Future King…


Adam Roberts ( lives in Staines, England. He describes himself as an SF author, critic, reviewer, and academic. He has published five SF novels to date in the UK—the most recent is Gradisil, five parodies (The Va Dinci Cod and Star Warped both came out in 2005); a couple of novellas as small press books; and Swiftly, a collection of stories. He is the author of the Palgrave History of Science Fiction, just out.

“And Future King….” was published in Postscripts, the new quarterly edited by Peter Crowther in the UK. It is an anti-Romantic political satire in the tradition of Norman Spinrad’s The Iron Dream, composed of a series of media interviews with Herr Doktor-Professor Sir Allen Fergus. King Arthur, even revived in simulation, begins to seem altogether too much like Conan the Nazi.