/*================================================================================ KEEP - Reset & Basics - KEEP ==================================================================================*/ html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe, h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre, a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code, del, dfn, em, font, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp, small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var, b, u, i, center, dl, dt, dd, ol, ul, li, fieldset, form, label, legend, table, caption, tbody, tfoot, thead, tr, th, td { margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; outline: 0; font-size: 100%; vertical-align: baseline; background: transparent;} @page {margin : 0.5em;} tbody, thead, tfoot, tr, td, th {border-style : inherit; border-width : inherit; border-color : inherit;} img {width:100%} .leftFloat {float : left;} .rightFloat {float : right;} /*================================================================================ MISC TOOLS & INFO ================================================================================== ####### LANGUAGE & HEADINGS OF PAGES ############################################################## ############################################################## +++++++++++++++ HEADING +++++++ *language is included *title of section needs to be filled out (name of section) +++++++++++++++ LANGUAGE OPTIONS +++++++ English: en-US English UK: en-GB Spanish: es ####### SEMANTICS & ARIA ROLES ############################################################## ############################################################## To find more information/options visit- semantics: https://idpf.github.io/epub-vocabs/structure/ aria roles: https://idpf.github.io/epub-guides/epub-aria-authoring/ +++++++++++++++ PAGE BREAKS +++++++ PAGES = +++++++++++++++ PAGE LEVEL +++++++ FRONTMATTER = BODYMATTER = BACKMATTER = +++++++++++++++ SECTION LEVEL +++++++ COVER =
+ add role="doc-cover" in the tag line HALF TITLE PAGE =
+ alt text: just title TITLE PAGE =
+ alt text: series, title, author, illustrator DEDICATION =
+ add id="forward" to heading tag, if no heading change "aria-labelledby" to "aria-label" ACKNOWLEDGMENTS =
+ add id="acknowledgments" to heading tag, if no heading change "aria-labelledby" to "aria-label" INTRODUCTION =
+ add id="introduction" to heading tag, if no heading change "aria-labelledby" to "aria-label" PREFACE =
+ add id="preace" to heading tag, if no heading change "aria-labelledby" to "aria-label" PARTS =
+ add id="part#" to heading tag CHAPTERS =
+ add id="chapter#" to heading tag CONCLUSION =
+ add id="conclusion" to heading tag, if no heading change "aria-labelledby" to "aria-label" EPILOGUE =
+ add id="epilogue" to heading tag, if no heading change "aria-labelledby" to "aria-label" NOTE FROM AUTHOR =
+ add id="afterword" to heading tag, if no heading change "aria-labelledby" to "aria-label" TIMELINES =
+ add id="timeline" to heading tag + example:
  1. (date)(text)
+ add id="acknowledgments_(author/illustrator)" to heading tag GLOSSARY =
+ add id="glossary" to heading tag + example:
text (pronounciation)
+ add id="(page title)" to heading tag + example:
  1. (text)
+ add id="readmore" to heading tag + example:
  1. (text)
+ add id="internetsites" to heading tag + example:
  1. (text)
+ add id="bibliography" to heading tag + example:
  1. (text)
+ add id="sourcenote" to heading tag + example:
  1. note#:(text)
+ add id="(page title)" to heading tag, if no heading change "aria-labelledby" to "aria-label" RECIPES/ACTIVITES =
+ add id="(page title)" to heading tag + example: Supplies:
  • (text)
  1. (text)
+ add id="(page title)" to heading tag Q&A =
+ add id="(page title)" to heading tag OTHER BOOKS =
+ be sure that all of this section is in same xhtml page INDEX =
+ add id="index" to heading tag + example:
  • (index entry)
BACK COVER = just use page level semantics TOC =