of Theatrical Terms

Mike Microphone

Float Mike Microphone on the floor at the front of the stage where ‘floats’ (a row of lights) used to be

Head Mike A small microphone taped to the forehead or cheek

Mike Pack The battery, aerial and connecting wire, usually on a belt under the costume but also on the inside or outside of the thigh. Down the back of a corset, under the armpit. In America, in the wig

Stage Left Auditorium Right

Stage Right Auditorium Left

Prompt Side Stage Left

Bastard Prompt Stage Right

OP Opposite Prompt

USC Up Stage Centre. A Nice Place to be

DSC Down Stage Centre. A nice place to be if facing the audience

Centre The best place to be. As long as no one’s USC

Wings The bits either side of the stage where actors wait to come on and leave their throat sweets as they enter. Nothing to do with Red Bull or sanitary wear

Flys / Flies The place the crew go to have a chat during the show. In the roof of the theatre accessible by a vertical ladder

Grid A mesh that forms a floor above the stage. Newcomers are often asked to ‘sweep the grid’. It is a joke

Sightlines The angles from which the audience can see the whole stage. Difficult in a house where the auditorium is wider than the stage. It is thought hilarious to ask newcomers to ‘Paint the sightlines’

Lighting Rig The stage lights (lamps), which hang from bars, the circle, the wings or any available hook, depending on the lighting designer

Brace A bit of wood which holds up a flat

Cleat A bit of metal sticking out of the back of a flat

Cleat Line A bit of string

Set The world inhabited by performers on stage. Minimalist, Surrealist, Drawing-room or Box, invariably littered with actor traps

Flat A painted canvas on a wooden frame which makes up part of the set

Masking Flat Black material on a wooden frame used to prevent the audience seeing into the wings

Stage Weight Square or round lump of metal of some weight. Used to steady braces. Also to prop doors open. Often put by stage management into a prop-suitcase just before an actor picks it up thinking it’s empty. Also often put by actors into furniture the stage management have to move during a scene change. They were often used as ashtrays in the past

Trap Hole in the stage with a lid on it. Used for entrances and exits

Star Trap Small hole with a lid on it through which actors enter very rapidly. Usually in panto

Cyc (Cyclorama) Painted cloth at the back of the stage

Backcloth Cheaper painted cloth at the back of the stage

Skip A large cardboard box, originally basket, for storing and transporting anything except actors

Props Any object used by an actor that’s not nailed down

Talking props / Software Actors

TLC Talentless lazy c***s (usually the actors)

Prop table The table on which props are kept. Can be anywhere depending on the room available backstage. Normally in the wings

Workers Lights used on stage when the show lights are off

Blacks / Drapes / Tabs Various curtains

The Rag The Curtain

The Washing Line The song sheet flown in during panto or the Ring Cycle

Fourth Wall Through which the audience observes the actors in straight plays. Non-existent if the actor plays direct to the audience. This is referred to as ‘breaking the fourth wall’ ‘playing out front’ or an ‘absolute disgrace’ depending on whether you’re doing Brecht, Cooney or Ibsen

Hemp House A theatre where the flying of flats and curtains is done by hand with hemp ropes. It is not a West End theatre where the crew are mainly Rastafarian

Iron The Safety Curtain

Forestage What sticks out beyond the Iron or the pros

Pros / Proscenium Arch The frame round the stage going from floor almost to grid

Pasaralle A semi-circular runway from the stage, often surrounding the band – to keep them out of the pub

Vomitorium A tunnel entrance from the auditorium

Sitzprobe When everyone sits and probes what’s going on just before opening a musical. Very Royal Shakespeare Company term

Treads Stairs on stage

Tallescope Ladder on wheels

Riggers’ Knickers Varies from place to place

Gaffer Tape The DNA of theatre. Without it nothing works

LX Electrics

Sound Irritating people who think the show is all about them. Often to be found under women’s skirts adjusting their mike packs

Prince of Darkness The Lighting Designer

Chorine Chorus member

Lahdy Straight actor

Turn Musical theatre / comedy, non-Shakespearean actor

Twirly see Walloper

Dance Captain The person who makes sure the dancers perform the choreography correctly. Often rehearses new members of cast who have joined after the show has opened

Walloper Dancer (does not include Rudolf Nureyev or Margot Fonteyn)

Swing Dancer who knows the ‘tracks’ of every other dancer. A universal understudy. Can go on for anyone at a moment’s notice. Paid very little extra. Needs psychiatric help

The Band More than one musician

Who’s Carving? Who is tonight’s condutor?

Follow Spot What we all want

Blonde / Basher / Limes Old terms for lights

House Lights Lights in the auditorium

FOH Front of house and its staff, including House Manager, usherettes, bar staff etc

Crew The people (mostly men) who work for the theatre as scene shifters. They build and dismantle the set. Not usually vegetarians

Stage Management Team Consisting of Stage Manager, Company Stage Manager, Deputy Stage Manager, Assistant Stage Manager(s). SM is most senior on stage and backstage after curtain up, outranking all including director. CSM deals with money as well as egos. DSM is on ‘the book’: sits in prompt corner with the script and ‘calls’ the show to lighting and sound operators. Also provides prompts if needed and calls the actors to the stage during the show in time for their entrances. This is a courtesy not an obligation. ASM spends life running round getting props, making tea and doing everything no one else wants to do. Often to be found in tears during the Technical Rehearsal. All but Company Manager wear black

Read-through the first reading, seated round a table, of the script

Technical Rehearsal A nightmare that can last between two days and four weeks. It does what it says on the tin. Everything of a technical nature is rehearsed and the actors are no more than the software

Tannoy / Show Relay Speaker through which the perfomance is heard in the dressing-rooms. Replaced call boys

Interval When the theatre owner makes their money

Entrance Round Applause when a famous actor comes on. Now confined to theatres where the audience is of an age

Exit Round Applause as an actor leaves the stage. Usually to show appreciation of a fine performance or a brilliant exit line. Often started by the actor himself

The Who’s Best The Curtain Call

SADS Severe Acting Deficiency Syndrome

Notes Interminable sessions in the stalls when the director attempts to improve the show by telling the actors where they’re going wrong. Some directors visit the dressing-room and give notes privately. This is often done rather than embarrass leading artists in front of the company. The late great Ken Hill wrote them out in different colours and nailed them to the wall for all to see

Cattle Call / Audition / Meeting Methods of getting work, depending on how high up the tree you are

Offer High enough up the tree not to have to do any of the above