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Absaroka Range, Wyoming and Montana, 744, 750, 752, 766

Adams, Mount, Washington, 683; glaciers of, 327

Adenostoma fasciculata, 162–63, 533

Admirality Island, Alaska, 682

agriculture: in Central Valley, 529–30; hard work of, 98–99, 106–8; and natural fertilizers, 97; in Wisconsin, 54–55

Alaska: climate of, 659–60; fjords of, 674–76, 680–81; glaciers of, 326, 327–29, 330, 668–70, 674–79, 682, 683–85; gold rush to, 673–74, 683, 727; midnight sun, 657; Muir explores, 553–71; Muir’s 1881 trip to, 725–26; quality of sunlight in, 657–58; rivers of, 474, 665–68, 670; sunsets of, 658–59; totem poles in, 671–72; and tourism, 790; wilderness of, 724–25, 726, 727

Alaska Ice Company, 675

Alaska Peninsula, 684

Aleutian Islands, 684

Alexander Archipelago, Alaska: glaciation of, 329, 651–52; scenery of, 649–51, 653; sunsets of, 659

Allegheny Mountains, 704

Alps: glaciers of, 326, 626

Alvord, Gen. Benjamin, 259, 260, 261

Amazon River, South America, 403

American River, California, 423; giant sequoias along, 828–29

Amethyst Mountain, Wyoming, 757, 765

Anasazi, ancient cliff dwellings of in Grand Canyon, 804–5

Anderson, Mr., a carpenter, 104–5

animals: accidents of, 66–68; cleanliness of, 91–92, 186, 198; endure cold weather, 92; in forest reserves, 730; in Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 805; hunting of, 714; inherent value of, 756; and mountain passes, 365; Muir’s early fondness for, 47, 56; Muir’s early sympathy with, 8, 44, 75; Muir whistles and sings to, 462–64; taming of, 90–91. See also names of specific animals

Antarctic, icebergs of, 328

Antone, a shepherd, 276–77

ants, 177–79

apples: wild and cultivated compared, 604

Arch Falls (Royal Arch Cascade), California, 588, 589

Arctic, fossil sequoias in, 436

Arctic Ocean, 92, 666, 703

Ashland Reserve, 731

Atchison, Topeka, and Santa Fe Railway: to Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 790–91

Athabasca River, Canada, 498

Audubon, John James, 498; on bighorn sheep, 502; on passenger pigeons, 29–30, 80–81; The Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America, 502

Auke Glacier, Alaska, 682

auroras, 100

avalanches, 280, 338–39

Azalea Occidentalis, 163

badgers, 89

Baird, Spencer F., 500

Baker, Mount, Washington, 327, 683

Bannock Indians, 752, 756

bears, 90, 167–69, 219, 230–31, 372, 738; and ants, 178; and bees, 538–39; kill sheep, 264–65, 275, 276–77; in the Sierra Nevada, 214

beavers, 402

Beehive Geyser, Wyoming, 753

bees, 113–16, 530, 534–547; altitudes found at, 534; and bears, 538–39; bee-culture, 528–29, 535, 536, 540–41, 543–44, 547; behavior of, 537; and drought of 1877, 541–43; in Egypt, 535; in Europe, 535; introduced to the Sierra Nevada, 528; Muir observes, 114–15

Belton, Montana, 730

Bering (“Behring”) Sea, 665

Bering Strait, 501

Big Glacier, Alaska: description of, 668–69

bighorn sheep: description of, 501–3, 507; distribution of, 500, 512; in Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 805; habits of, 503–5; horns of, 501–2, 509; measurements of, 502; predators of, 513; sure-footedness of, 507–10; wool of, 598–602, 605

Big Oak Flat Road, 694, 773, 810

big trees. See sequoias, giant

Billy, a shepherd, 154–55, 157, 188, 308; and bears, 264, 265; description of, 198, 226–27; disinterest in Yosemite Valley, 238; on mutton, 196; sheep herding methods of, 273–74

birches, 451

birds, 256, 497; and accidents, 66–67, 76; in Alaska, 726, 727; cleanliness of, 91; in Florida, 823; at Fountain Lake, 76; in Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 806; hunting of, 714; Muir’s early fondness for, 26, 27; Muir whistles and sings to, 462–64; in New England, 726–27; in the Sierra Nevada, 190–91; in Wisconsin, 69–82; in Yosemite Valley, 488–89

Bitterroot Reserve (National Forest), Montana, 729–30

blackbirds, redwing, 71

Blackfoot Indians, 752

Black Forest, 404

Black Hills, South Dakota, 777; as Reserve (National Forest), 728–29

Black Mountain, California, 331, 332, 333, 619, 620

Black Mountain Glacier, California, 331; description of, 333–35

Bloody Canyon, California, 282, 286, 296, 446, 513, 689, 692–93; description of, 285, 374; glacial origins of, 370; moon over, 283; Muir’s first visit to, 371–72; name, origin of, 279, 366; bluebirds, 69–70

blue grouse, 255

blue jays, 34–35

bobolinks, 70–71

bobwhites, 75–76

bogs, 400

botany: Muir studies, 66, 137–39

Bonaventure, Georgia, 198, 821

Bower Cascade, California: description of, 284, 369

Bower Cave, California, 166, 216, 521; description of, 308–9

Bowers, E. A., 706, 708, 710

Bridalveil Fall, California, 695–96

Bridger, Jim, 752

Bright Angel Creek, Arizona, 799, 801

Bright Angel Hotel, Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 796

Bright Angel trail, Arizona, 790, 796, 801, 802, 803

Bronson’s Meadows, California, 694, 810

Brown, David, 167–69

Brown’s Flat, California, 200; description of, 166–67, 308; Indians of, 169, 183, 186, 188, 308

Brownsville, California. See Knoxville, California

Buena Vista Peak, California, 378

bull-bats, 37–38

Bull Creek, California, 166

Burns, Robert, 337

bush poppies, 173, 175

Butler, Henry, 263

Butler, Prof. James D., 257–61, 263, 264

butterflies, 246–47, 534

cacti, 803, 823

Calaveras County, California, 514, 515

Calaveras Grove of Big Trees, California, 424–25, 434, 435, 520, 630, 828–30; logging of, 828; protection of, 829, 830

California Academy of Sciences, 625

California torreya (“nutmeg”), 451, 786

Canadian geese, 74–75

Canyon (present Walker) Creek, California, 284, 369

Carlo, a St. Bernard dog, 177, 223, 243, 258, 264, 265; and bears, 219, 229–30; herds sheep, 305; as Muir’s companion, 154, 185; nobility of, 187; returns from wanderings, 290

Carson Pass, California, 361

Carson River, California, 377, 441

Cascade Creek, California, 212, 213, 307; lakes of, 378

Cascade Creek basin, 581

Cascade Glacier, California, 577, 581

Cascade Range, 784; destruction of woods in, 715; forest reserves, 733–36; forests of, 731–34, 775; forest glaciers of, 327; tourism in, 736

Cascade Reserve, 731

Cascades waterfall, California, 213, 786

Cassiar gold mines, Alaska, 667, 673

cassiopes, 297, 351

Castle geyser, Wyoming, 754

Castle Peak, California, 356, 694–95, 697

Cathedral Creek, California, 693

Cathedral Peak, California, 238, 243, 244, 250, 270, 289, 298, 299, 305, 356, 596, 687, 689; character of, 278; description of, 269, 296, 301; whitebark (“dwarf”) pines on, 445

Cathedral Range, California, 289, 687, 692

Cathedral Rocks, California, 587, 589, 810, 812

Cathedral Spires, California, 289, 299, 689, 693

Cathedral trail in California, 688

cats, 41, 77–78, 497–98; Muir’s boyhood cruelty toward, 17–18

Cave City, California, 519

Cave City Cave, California, 517, 519–21

Cedar Key, Florida, 818–19, 820, 821, 822–23

cedars:    Alaska-cedars (“yellow cedars”), 661–62; incense-cedars, 163, 418–19, 778;    Western red-cedars (“arbor vitae”), 663. See also junipers

Central Pacific Railroad, 361

Central Park, New York, 719

Central Valley, California, 155, 348, 536; agriculture in, 529–30; bee-culture in, 547; bees, introduced to, 528–29; description of, 315, 316; meadows of, 523; seasons of, 153; wilderness destroyed by cultivation, 723

Chamæbatia foliolosa, 170–71

Chamæcyparis Lawsoniana, 451

chaparral, 158, 160, 531, 533, 540, 545

Charlie (neighbor), 103–5

Chehalis River valley, Washington, 735

chestnut oaks. See tanoaks

Chilcat (Chilkat) River, Alaska, 666, 682, 683

Chilcat Tribe. See Tlingits

Chilcoot (Chilkoot) River, Alaska, 666

Chilkoot (“Chilcat”) Pass, Alaska, 673

Chinese Camp, California, 209

Chukchi (“Tschuckchi”), 501

chipmunks, 94, 253–54

Chisholm, Willie, 26

Choquette, an Indian trader, 669

Christian Philosopher, The (Thomas Dick), 118

Cinder Cone, California, description of, 321

Cinnabar, Wyoming, 752

Clark, Galen, 624, 788

Clark, Mount, Sierra Nevada, 619

Clark, William, 738

Clark Range. See Merced Range

Clark’s Station, California, 787

clocks: invented by Muir, 122–26

“Cloud, The” (Percy Bysshe Shelley), 239

Clouds, 40, 162, 173, 187, 194–95, 196, 237, 238–39, 296–97, 483–84, 518, 587, 590, 640, 799–800

Cloud’s Rest, California, 301, 345, 594, 595, 596, 792; description of, 597

Coast Mountains (“Range”), British Columbia, 666, 667, 670, 681

Coast Ranges, 344, 371, 436, 454, 463, 536, 614, 630, 640, 768; bee-culture in, 547; description of, 315; forests of, 710, 776; meadows of, 524–25, 530–33; and rainstorms, 481; redwoods in, 711; silver firs of, 779

Cochetopa Creek, Colorado, 806

Coconino (“Cocanini”) National Forest, Arizona, 790, 796, 802

Colorado Plateau: glaciers of, 807

Colorado River, 765; course of, 792–93; description of, 742; Powell explores, 806–7; Roaring Fork of, 806; tributaries of, 806

Colter (“Coulter”), John, 752, 756

Colter’s (“Coulter’s”) Hell, Wyoming, 756

Columbia River, 409, 765, 777

Conness, Mount, California, 273, 341, 356, 687, 691, 784

Continental Divide, 752

Converse, Charles, 632

Cook Inlet, Alaska, 684; glaciers of, 327

Copper River, Alaska, 666

cottonwoods, black (“poplar”), 786

Coulterville, California, 162, 209, 521, 592

Coulterville trails, California, 258, 773

Course of Elementary Reading in Science and Literature (J. M. MacCulloch), 29

Cowlitz River valley, Washington, 735

Coyote Creek, California, 515

Crane Flat, California, 204–6, 208–9, 694, 810; description of, 307

cranes, sandhill, 37

Cross Sound, Alaska, 556, 683, 685; glaciers of, 328

“Crown of the Sierra” peaks, 341, 346, 356

Cuvier, Baron Georges Leopold, 501

Dana, Mount, California, 290, 291, 296, 356, 578, 596, 687, 688, 691, 816; description of, 270, 289, 689–90; geology of, 320; plants of, 297; “snow banners” on, 341; views from, 294

Dana Glacier, California, 691

“Dandy Doctors,” 9–10

Darwin, Charles, 501

Davidson Glacier, Alaska, 682

Death Valley, California, 547

deer, 83–85, 234, 290, 512–13, 584–85

Deer Creek, California, 423, 630, 828

Delaney, Patrick (“Don Quixote”), 166, 167, 170, 172, 196, 198, 200, 209, 265–66, 290, 293, 298, 307, 308; on bears, 214; description of, 154, 279; engages Muir as chief shepherd, 153–54; establishes itinerary, 212; herds sheep, 202, 216–17, 273–74; poisons predators, 275; predicts Muir’s fame, 304

deserts, 723–24

Devil’s Cauldron, Wyoming, 756

“devil’s slides,” 240

Dezhneva Cape. See East Cape

Diablo, Mount, California, 618

Diamond Cascade, California, 368

“Digger” Indians, 115; ants as food of, 179; at Brown’s Flat, 169, 183, 186, 308; elusiveness of, 183; fondness for flowers, 497; harvest nuts, 158; visit Muir’s camp, 183, 186

dogs, 41–44, 167–68, 188–89, 264, 274. See also Carlo, Stickeen

dogwoods, Pacific (“Nuttall’s flowering”), 189, 786

Dolores River, Colorado, 806

Dome Creek. See Porcupine Creek

Donner party, 377

Donner Lake, California, 377

Douglas, David, 403; discovers silver firs, 422; discovers sugar pines, 409, 772; and Indians in Oregon, 409–11; journal of, 410–11

Douglas (“Douglass”) Island, Alaska, 673, 682

drought of 1877, 541–43

Drummond, Henry, 498

Dry Creek, California: flood in, 477, 608

Duchesne River, Utah, 806

ducks, 73, 91

Dunbar, Scotland, 818; Davel Brae at, 10, 19; castle at, 7, 14; Muir’s boyhood in, 7–28; Scots Greys (2d Dragoons) visit, 18

Duncan, William, 113

Dutch Boy’s Ranch, Sierra Nevada, 309

Dutton, Clarence, 797

Eagle Cliff (Peak), California, 578, 582

Eagle Glacier, Alaska, 682

Eagle River, Colorado, 806

early-rising machine (Muir’s invention), 123–25, 140

East (present Dezhneva) Cape, Russia, 501

Eaton Canyon, California: bees of, 545–46; bee-culture along Eaton Creek in, 543–44

Edinburgh, Scotland, 9

education and Muir: grammar school, 19–21, 22–23, and corporal punishment at, 20–21, 24; primary school, 8–11; self-education, 117–20; Muir teaches, 136, 137; “University of the Wilderness,” 140, 142; University of Wisconsin, 135–36, 138–40, 142

El Capitan, California, 258, 577, 580, 693, 792, 810, 812

Eleanor, Lake, California, 815

Electric Peak, Wyoming, 757

Elk Ridge, Utah, 806

Emerald Pool, California, 385; description of, 263

Emerson, Mount, California, 506

Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 719; Muir meets, 786–89

Eskimos (Inuits), 92, 726

Excelsior Geyser, Wyoming, 754

“Explorations and Surveys for a Railroad Route from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean” (Baird), 500n.

Fairweather, Mount, Alaska, 498, 684; glaciers of, 327

Fairweather Range, Alaska, 328, 556, 561

Fall River, California, 475

Fanshaw, Cape, Alaska, 675

farming. See agriculture

Fay, Jerome, 638, 641–48

Feather and Yuba divide, California, 475; flood at, 607

Feather River, California, 475, 535;

Feather River basin, 607, 608; and floods, 476

ferns, 175–76

fights, Muir’s boyhood, 19–20, 21–23, 24

fireflies, 38–39

Firehole River, Wyoming, 752, 754

fires: and forests, 163, 204, 272, 408, 431, 437, 438–39, 534–35, 584, 632–33, 717; and lodgepole (“two-leafed,” “tamarack”) pines, 438–39; and oak and hickory openings, 110–11; on prairie, 60–61, 111; schoolhouse, 136–37; and sequoias, 437; and sheepmen, 437, 632; suppression of, 53, 89, 111

firs: Douglas firs, description of, 417–18, 732, 777–78, and David Douglas, 409, distribution of, 732–33, for lumber, 768, Muir climbs, in windstorm, 469–71, 473, and ship-building, 732–33, and windstorms, 468; silver (“California red,” “white”) firs, 208, 234–36, description of, 205–6, 212–13, 247–48, 250–51, 307, 420–22, 778–79, distribution of, 779, and windstorms, 466

Fisher, Walter L., 815

fjords, 674–76, 680–81

Flagstaff, Arizona, 742

Flathead Reserve (National Forest), Montana, 729; description of, 730–31

floods: in Alaska, 558–59; “lessons” of, 615; in the Sierra Nevada, 179–80, 474, 475–82, 607–14; in Yosemite Valley, 477, 588–91

Florida: keys, 822–23; Muir suffers malaria in, 819–21; sea-breezes of, 471–72

flowers: in Fountain Lake Meadow, 61–62; Muir’s early fondness for, 12; of southern California, 540; in the Sierra Nevada, 523–28, 533–34. See also names of specific flowers

forest reserves (national forests), 727–43; animals of, 730; lodgepole pines (Pinus contorta) in, 729; number of, 719; opponents of, 734; in Oregon, 731; proponents of, 709; in South Dakota, 728–29; tourism to, 727–28; in Washington, 731. See also individual forest reserves

forestry: in Asia, 705–6; in Europe, 633, 704, 705; in the United States, 704, 706, 719

forests, 30; of Alaska, 661–64, 703; of Canada, 469, 702; conservation of, 704–6; creation of, 701; destruction of, 707–9, 710–11, 712, 713, 715–17, 719–20; distribution of, 403–6; of Florida, 469; and glaciation, 405; of Hetch Hetchy Valley, 699; legal protection of, 706–8, 717–18, 720, 736n.; logging of, 713; of Maine, 702; of Oregon, 418; preservation of, 629–33; pruning of, by nature, 100; and settlement, 703–4; of the Carolinas, 469; of the Sierra Nevada, 403, 404–53; of Washington, 418; of Yellowstone National Park, 760–61; of Yosemite National Park, 765–87

Forth, Firth of, Scotland, 471, 818

Fort Vancouver, British Columbia, 409

Fort Winnebago, Wisconsin, 32

Fort Wrangell (“Wrangel”), Alaska, 553, 554, 571, 653, 654, 685

Fort Yukon, Alaska, 665

Fountain Lake, Wisconsin, 33, 34, 58; birds at, 76; description of, 60; fishing on, 59; freezing of, 101; ice fishing on, 59–60; Mr. McRath’s pet raccoon in, 90; Muir learns to swim in, 63–65; sailing on, 59; woodpecker drowns in, 66–67

Fountain Lake Farm, Wisconsin, 111; crops of, 97; description of, 33–34, 52; farming, 98–99, 106–8; Muir clears land, 41; Muir family leaves, 109; passenger pigeons on, 78–79; settlement of land around, 102

Fountain Lake meadow, Wisconsin, 34, 38–39, 58; ducks on, 73–74; flowers in, 60–62; Muir’s horse sinks in, 51

Fox Den, California: description of, 616

foxes, 89

Fox River, Wisconsin, 46, 62, 84; birds along, 70–71; Indian trail along, 101; rice-marshes along, 73

France: funding of forestry in, 704–5

Frederick (“Prince Frederick”) Sound, Alaska, 674

Fresno (present Nelder) Grove, 423–24, 431, 434, 435, 436, 630, 632; logging of, 460

Fresno River, California, 630; sequoias of, 829

frogs, 39–40, 57, 389

Front Range, Colorado, 806

Fuller (friend), 65

Gallatin Range, Wyoming, 746, 752

Gallatin River, Wyoming, 752

Ganges River, India, 327

Gardner River, Wyoming, 752

Garfield, James A., 815

geese, Canadian, 74–75

General Grant National Park (present section of Kings Canyon National Park), 712, 727; giant sequoias of, 829

geysers: in Iceland, 754–5; in New Zealand, 749, 754–5; in volcanic regions of world, 754; in Yellowstone National Park, 744, 746–49, 753–54

Giant geyser, Wyoming, 754

giant saxifrages, 171–72

Gibbs, Mount, California, 296, 356, 367, 687, 688, 691, 816; description of, 270; geology of, 320; “snow banners” on, 341

Gilrye, David (grandfather), 25, 31; and Muir family emigration, 30; Muir’s walks with, 7–8

Gilrye, Margaret Hay (grandmother), 31

glacial lakes, 284–85, 376–92; “accidental” deaths of, 381–82; aging of, 379–82, 383; lake-line of, 382; ouzels on, 491; on the Merced River, 491; in the Sierra Nevada, 270–71

glacial meadows, 687–89; aging of, 399–400; description of, 206–7, 209, 246, 272–73, 279–80, 288–89, 291, 393–400; on Mount Rainier, 739

glacial moraines, 405–6, 435; and active glaciers, 621, 623; along Mono Pass, 374; at Shadow Lake, 383; on Black Mountain, 334; description of, 50, 267, 269; formation of, 585; in Illilouette Basin, 333; in the Sierra Nevada, 210–11; in Tuolumne River basin, 299; in Wisconsin, 50; in Yosemite Creek basin, 579, 583–84; in Yosemite National Park, 768

glaciation: in the Sierra Nevada, 295, 316, 321–25, 329–30, 349, 365, 382, 405, 434–35; in Yellowstone National Park, 760–61

Glacier Bay, Alaska, 557, 669, 683, 684, 685; fjords of, 329; glaciers of, 328

Glacier Monument, California, 689

Glacier Point, California, 588; falls of, 589

glaciers, 326–35; active, in the Sierra Nevada, 618–28; in Alaska, 327, 674–79, 682, 683–85; in Alexander Archipelago, 651–52; in Alps, 326, 628; in Asia, 323, 326, 626; in British Columbia, 327, 683; characteristics of, 625–26; crevasses of, 560–65; death of, 585—86; in Franz Josef Land, 323, 326; geological history of, 585–86; in Greenland, 323, 326, 626; latitude of, 326; Le Conte on presence of, in the Sierra Nevada, 625; location of, in California, 627; on Mount Ritter, 353–55, 359, 626–27; on Mount Shasta, 635; Muir conducts scientific study of, 344, 624–65; Muir discovers, in the Sierra Nevada, 331–35, 619, 622, 623–24, 628; Muir explores in Alaska, 557, 559–66; Muir trapped on with Stickeen, 564–69; in Norway, 323, 326, 626; in Novaya Zemlya (Nova Zembla), 323, 326; of Oregon, 327, 683; in South America, 326, 626; in Switzerland, 323, 326, 596, 626, 628; of the Colorado Plateau, 806–7; vanished, 582; of Washington, 327, 683; in Yosemite Valley, 577–86

Glenora Peak, British Columbia, 667, 669; climate of, 660–61

goats, Rocky Mountain, 512

Golden Gate, California, 294, 315, 348

Golden Gate Range, Nevada, 448

gold rushes, 184, 212, 279, 362, 366, 673–74, 683, 727

gophers, 94–96

Gordon, J. T., 540

Grand Canyon of the Colorado, Arizona, 790–809; animals of, 805; birds of, 806; cliff dwellings in, 804–5; colors of, 797–99; dawn over, 798; description of, 742–43; geological history of, 807–8; and Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, compared, 790–91, 798; Havasupai Indians in, 805; hiking into, 802–3; Indian Garden Creek at, 802; Indian Gardens at, 802; list of some place names in, 797; sunset at, 798–99; tourism to, 790, 802; vegetation of, 803–4; and Yosemite National Park, compared, 792

Grand (“Big”) Canyon of the Tuolumne, California, 377, 585, 623, 689, 693, 694, 697, 783, 815, 816

Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, Wyoming, 752, 763; description of, 751; and Grand Canyon of the Colorado, compared, 791–92, 798

Grand Canyon Reserve (present National Park), Arizona, 742–43

Grand River, Colorado, 804

Grant, Mount, California, 511

Gray, Alexander, 33

Gray, Asa, 740–41

gray squirrels, 92–93

Great Basin, 348, 366, 416, 446, 447, 690, 771; bighorn sheep in, 504; Douglas firs in, 735; limber pines in, 771; pinyons (“nut pines”) in, 449–50

Great Lakes, 455; forests of, 702, 709; settlement of, 704

Great Northern Railroad, 730

Greeley’s Mill, Sierra Nevada, 162, 163

Green Lake, Wisconsin, 53, 54

Grindelwald, Switzerland: glaciers of, 326

Griswold, Milton, 138–39

grouse, blue, 255–56

Gunnison River, Colorado, 806

Hague, Arnold, 756

Haidah (Haida), 672

Half Dome, Hetch Hetchy Valley, California, 693, 697

Half Dome (“Tissiack,” “South Dome”), Yosemite Valley, California, 278, 301, 341, 596, 597, 697, 792, 812; description of, 220, 222–23, 226, 589, 592, 594; tourism and, 521; waterfalls, 588

Hance, John, 803, 806

Hance trail, Arizona, 802–3

hanging meadows, 400–1

Hare, William, 9

hares, 89

Harriman, Edward: Alaska Expedition of, 35

Harte, Bret, 516

hawks, 36–37; Muir hunts, 87

Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 264

Hayden, Ferdinand Vandiveer, 745

hazel, beaked, 189

Hazel Green, California, 202; description of, 308

Hazel Green Creek, California, 204

Heer, Oswald, 436

Hell Broth Springs, Wyoming, 756

Hell Roaring River, Wyoming, 756

Hemizonia virgata, 527–28

hemlocks, mountain, 242, 783–84

Hetch Hetchy Fall. See Wapama Falls

Hetch Hetchy Valley (now a reservoir), California, 290, 693, 770, 783; dam proposed, 814–17; description of, 693–700, 811; dimensions of, 813; forests of, 699, 813; rarity of, 816–17; Screech discovers, 694, 810; and “temple destroyers,” 817; waterfalls of, 695–96; and Yosemite Valley, compared, 693, 697, 810–12, 816

hickories, 62

Hickory Hill Farm, Wisconsin, 131, 137; description of, 111; honey-bees on, 114; Muir digs well for, 111, 113; Muir family moves to, 109

Hill, Thomas, 589

Himalayas, 39; forests of, 404; glaciers of, 326, 626; wild sheep of, 500

Hitchcock, Ethan Allen, 815

Ho-Chunks. See Winnebagos

Hodgson, Capt., 327, 626

Hodgson, Richard, 819, 820, 821

Hodgson, Sarah, 820

Hoffman, Lake, California, 243

Hoffman, Mount, California, 244, 251, 256, 269, 292, 301, 377, 578, 586, 590, 596, 687; description of, 240–41, 289; junipers on, 249–50; Muir ascends summit, 240; vegetation of, 247

Hoffman Creek, California, 693; lakes of, 378

Hoffman Glacier in California, 577

Hoffman range, California, 250, 270, 577, 580

Holabird, Mr., 74

Holkham (“Sum Dum”) Bay, Alaska, 328, 498, 556

Hollow Lake, California, 377, 442

Holmes, William H., 797

Hood, Mount, Oregon, 327, 683

Hooker, Sir Joseph, 405, 740–41, 830

Hoonas (Hoonahs), 570

Hopeton, California, 592

Hope Valley, California, 441

horses: on Muir farm, 53–54, 55–56; Muir’s pony, 49–53

Horseshoe Bend, Merced River valley, California, 158, 162

Hot Creek Range, Nevada, 448

Hudson’s Bay Company trading post 669; and traders, 727

Humboldt, Baron Alexander von, 129, 830

Humboldt County, California, 532, 710n.

Humphreys, Mount, Sierra Nevada, 506

hunting: of bears, 90, 167–69; of birds in Wisconsin, 72–75; laws enacted, 83; by Muir 75, 76–77, 85, 86–87; Muir criticizes, 88–89; of passenger pigeons, 79, 81, 83–96

Hutchings, Elvira, 259

Hutli Fjord, Alaska, 674

Hyde’s Sawmill, Kings River, California, 632

Ice Mountain, Alaska, 668–69

ice storms: in Wisconsin, 100–1

Icy Bay, Alaska, 684

Icy Cape, Alaska: icebergs of, 328

Icy Strait, Alaska, 556

Illilouette Creek, California, 263, 597, 692; lakes of, 378

Illilouette Glacier, California, 577, 596

Illilouette Gorge, California, 590

Illilouette River basin, California, 331, 619, 621; glacial moraines of, 333

Illinois River, 762

“Inchcape Rock, The” (Robert Southey), 9

Independence Lake, California, 377–78

India: forest management in, 706

Indian Basin, California, 222

Indian Canyon, California, 219, 223, 258, 360, 381, 578, 580, 589, 590, 694; birds of, 488; snow in, 341; trees of, 262

Indian Creek, California, 275

Indian Garden Creek, Arizona, 802

Indian Gardens, Arizona, 802

Indians (group not specified), 273, 762, 804–5, 807; ancient presence in Sierra Nevada, 184; on Carson River, 449; Daniel Muir’s opinion of, 105–6; dispossession of, by European settlers, 106; ephemeral mark of, on land, 184, 674, 703, 734–35; and farming, 106; feast in autumn, 73; feast on wild fruit, 524; fire, use of, 184; and forests, 703; gather nuts, 407; gather rye, 285, 374; and glaciation, 330; harvest pinyons (“nut pines”), 449, 450–51, 771; on honey-bees, 113–14; and horses, training of, 49; hunt at Shadow Lake, 387; hunt bighorn sheep, 511–12; hunt game, 84; hunt muskrats, 43, 88; hunt squirrels, 193; and junipers, 782; manzanita berries, use of, 204; and mosquitoes, 58; and mountain passes, 364, 366; of Nevada, 511; of Oregon, 409–11; and pets, 91; a shepherd with Muir, 155–57, 172, 202, 204, 308; shoot pigs, 46; steal Muir family horse, 53–54; of the Cascade Range, 738; trails of, 101, 362; uses for snakes, 756; of Utah, 511; on Walker River, 449. See also “Digger” Indians, Pit River Indians

insects, 58, 231–34, 252. See also bees

Inuits. See Eskimos

inventions of Muir’s: clocks, 122–26; early-rising machine, 123–25, 140; list of, 123; public sensation about, 131–32, 140; saw-mill, self-starting, 120–22; schoolhouse-fire starter, 136–37; and Wisconsin State Fair, 129, 133–35; student desk, 139–41; thermometer, 127–129

Inyo Mountains, California: description of, 356

jacksnipes, 39

Japan: forest management in, 705

Jefferson, Mount, Oregon, 683; glaciers of, 327

Joe, a hunter, 557, 570

Johnson, Samuel, 772

Johnson Pass, California, 361

Joliet, Louis, 764

Juan de Fuca, Strait of, Alaska, 329

Juneau, Alaska, 673, 674, 680, 682

junipers (“red cedars”), 440–42, 781–83; Western (“Sierra”), 248–49; and windstorms, 465–66, 467

Kadachan, a guide in Alaska, 670

Kaweah and Kings divide, California, 424

Kaweah River, California, 517, 630, 712; sequoias of, 424, 434, 829; logging of, 632

Kaweah River basin, 423, 434, 632

Kearsarge Pass, California: description of, 362

Keith, William, 816

Kern River, California, 356, 447, 630

Kern River valley, California, 434; ancient glaciers of, 335; and glaciers, 626

kettle moraines, 50

Key West, Florida, 818

King, Clarence, 626

kingbird, 36–37

Kings and Kaweah divide, California, 424

Kings Canyon National Park. See General Grant National Park

Kings River, California, 423, 447, 712; and bighorn sheep, 503; sequoia forests of, 425, 426, 436, 460, 829; South Fork of, 362, 424, 630; sequoias, logging of, 632

Kings River basin: glaciation on, 434

Kingston, Wisconsin, 32, 33, 48, 49

Klamath Lakes, California, 598; 640

Klondike, the, Alaska, 727

Knik River, Alaska, 666

Knox House, 615, 617

Knoxville (present Brownsville), California: description of, 615–17; flood at, 475–76, 607, 608–9

Kolana Rock, California, 695, 810

Kotzebue    (“Kortzebue”)    Sound, Alaska, 664, 666, 725

Kupreanof (“Kuprianoff”)    Island, Alaska, 674

Kuskokwim (“Kuskoquim”) River, Alaska, 666

Lake Eleanor, California, 815

Lake Hollow, California, 377, 442

Lambert, Dr. Aylmer, 411

larches, western, 731

La Salle, Sieur René de, 764

Lassen Peak, California, 444, 639, 640; description of, 320–21

Lauderdale, Lord, gardens of, 7

Lava Beds National Monument. See Modoc Lava Beds

Lawson, Peter, 12–13; sons of, 63–64, 86

Le Conte, Joseph Nisbet, 624; “On Some of the Ancient Glaciers of the Sierra,” 625

Lesquereux, Charles Leo, 436

Lewis and Clark Expedition, 503, 738, 756

Lewis and Clark Reserve (National Forest), Montana, 729

Liberty Cap, California, 259, 260, 418

lightning storms, 48

lilies, 12, 206–7; description of, 161, 172–73, 187, 422–23; twining, 166; Washington lilies, 211; water lilies, 60

Lime Key, Florida, 823

linnets, red-headed, 91

Little Yosemite Valley, California, 385, 389, 507

lizards, 176–77, 190

“Llewellyn’s Dog” (traditional story), 8

locust trees, 138–39

loggers, 412, 738

Lone Pine, California, 446

loons, 76–78

Los Angeles Bee-keepers’ Association, 540

Los Angeles County, California, 542; bee-culture in, 541; bees introduced to, 540

Lower Klamath Lake, California, 598, 640

Lyell, Mount, California, 270, 303, 335, 341, 344, 596, 687, 688, 689, 691, 697, 816; Le Conte on glaciers of, 625

Lyell Canyon, California, 691

Lyell Glacier, California, 625, 628; description of, 624, 626, 692; Le Conte on, 625

Lyell Glacier, South, California, 383, 596

Lynn Canal Inlet, Alaska, 556, 682, 683

Lyon, Mr., a teacher, 20–21, 23

McCloud River, California, 474–75, 517

McCloud River basin, 416

McCormick reaper, 106

McDonald, Lake, Montana, 731

Mackenzie, Alexander, 503

Mackenzie River, Yukon Territory, 666

McLoughlin, Mount. See Pitt, Mount

Maclure (“McClure”), Mount, California, 341, 687, 816

Maclure (“McClure”) Glacier, California: description of, 624; Muir measures movement of, 335, 692

McNeil’s Point, Arizona, 797

McRath, Mr. (neighbor), 90

Madison, Wisconsin: Muir’s life in, 65, 133–36; Muir travels to, 129–33

Mair, George, 105–6

malaria, 823; Muir suffers from, 819–21

Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyoming, 749–50, 752

Mammoth Mountain, California, 296, 356, 691; description of, 280–81, 282

manzanitas, 203–4

maples, 451, 786

Marble Creek, California, 424

Mariposa Grove, California, 424, 434, 435, 712, 773, 829; Emerson and Muir visit, 787–88

Marquette, Jacques, 764

marshes, rice, 73

Marysville, California: flood at, 607–14

Marysville Buttes, California, 481, 614

Matterhorn Peak, California, 391

meadows: as “bee-pastures,” 523–47; hanging, 400–1; mountain nests in, 401–2; pot-hole, 402; and seasons, 527; of the Central Valley, 523; of the Coast Range, 524–25, 530–33; of the Sierra Nevada, 533–40; types of, 245–46. See also bogs, glacial meadows

Mendota, Lake, Wisconsin, 65, 142

Menominees, 84

Merced and San Joaquin divide. See San Joaquin and Merced divide

Merced and Tuolumne divide, California, 202, 208, 269, 307, 345, 495, 525, 526, 578, 582, 773; mountains at head of, 341

Merced Canyon (Merced Gorge), California, 211, 213, 385, 582, 770, 815; trees of, 408

Merced Grove, California, 434, 435, 773, 829

Merced Lake. See Shadow Lake

Merced (present Clark) Range, 169, 301, 331, 341, 619, 692

Merced (“Yosemite”) River, California, 153, 161, 206, 208, 220, 240, 250, 263, 296, 298, 303, 357, 380, 383, 444, 491, 810, 818; description of, 262–63, 590; and glaciers, 326, 344; Horseshoe Bend, 158, 162; North Fork of, 163, 165, 166, 170, 216; ouzels along, 492; “song” of, 587; South Fork of, 378, 418; through Nevada and Vernal falls, 385

Merced River basin: description of, 219; forests of, 769; glacial lakes of, 378; glaciation in, 434, 435, 580, 583–84; lakes of, 378

Merced River valley, California, 158; ponderosa pines in, 415

Mexico, Gulf of: Muir’s arrival at, 818; Muir’s walk to, 471–72

Miller, Cincinnatus Hiner (Joaquin), 516

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 108

Minarets, the, California, 356, 362, 692

miners, 515–17, 519

mining: effect of, on landscape, 184, 318; in the Sierra Nevada, 514, 515

mining camps, 514, 519; flood at, 607–9

Mirror Lake, California, 588, 592, 593, 596

Mississippi River, 764

Mississippi River basin: forests of, 702

Mississippi Valley: on Muir’s “thousand-mile” walk, 471; settlement of, 704

Missouri River, 500, 503, 765

Miwoks (“Yosemite tribe,” “Tuolumne Indians”), 250, 695

Modoc Lava Beds (present Lava Beds National Monument), California, 502, 511, 517

Modocs: hunt bighorn sheep, 511

Mohave (Mojave) Desert, California, 547

Monaches (“Mono Indians”), 781; appearance of, 281–82, 372–73; diet, 274; harvest pinyons (“nut pines”), 449; hunt deer, 274; settlement of, 285–86; women gather wild rye, 285, 374

Mono basin, California, 356

Mono desert, California, 279, 283, 285, 771; in bloom, 374–75; description of, 286, 294; view of, 348, 352, 359

Mono Indians. See Monaches

Mono Lake, California, 212, 279, 286, 320, 363, 364, 370, 627, 689, 690, 692, 693, 816; description of, 285, 288, 294, 367; Indians on, 285–86, 372

Mono Pass (“Bloody Canyon Pass”), California, 212, 279, 281, 284, 297, 367, 771; animals on, 365; description of, 362–63, 366; Muir camps along, 373–74; Muir encounters bears along, 372; Muir encounters Indians on, 372–73

Mono trail, California, 212, 215, 219, 267, 307, 346, 581

Mono Valley, California, 364

Monterey, California, 503

Monterey County, California, 542

Moraine (present Walker) Lake, California, 284, 285, 374; description of, 370–71

moraines. See glacial moraines

Moran, Thomas, 797

mountaineering: Muir falls in Tenaya Canyon while, 593; Muir’s early practice at, 14, 15–17; Muir recommends, 363–64

Mount Rainier Reserve (National Park), Washington, 731; and national park proposal, 739–40. See also Rainier, Mount

Muir, Anna (sister), 31

Muir, Ann Gilrye (mother), 8, 11, 13, 15, 19, 28, 31, 51, 118; encourages Muir to travel, 129

Muir, Daniel (brother), 31, 58, 73, 107

Muir, Daniel (father), 11, 19, 33, 58, 60, 117; advice of, on Muir’s leaving home, 130; announces move to America, 30; clears land, 37, 47; immigrates to America, 31; farming, 54, 99; forbids Muir from wandering, 25; gardens of, 11–12; hunts ducks, 73–74; on Indians, 105–6; makes Muir dig well, 111, 113; on Muir’s inventions, 121–22, 124–25, 127, 129; observes auroras, 100; and oxen, 48–49; permits Muir’s early-morning studies, 119–20; punishes Muir, 24, 28, 44–45; as rail-splitter, 107; religious convictions of, 20, 41, 55, 100, 108, 121, 125, 129; teaches Muir to ride pony, 49–50; teaches Muir to swim, 62–63; on vegetarianism, 118–19

Muir, David (brother), 30, 58, 107, 111, 131; kills a deer, 84–85; learns to swim, 63; and Muir, 11, 15–16, 25, 31, 34, 39, 41, 44–45, 50, 56; vaccination of, 11

Muir, Helen (daughter), 550

Muir, Margaret (sister), 31, 124

Muir, Mary (sister), 31

Muir, Sarah (sister), 13, 31, 64

Muir Glacier, Glacier Bay, Alaska, 328, 684–85; description of, 335

Muir’s Lake. See Fountain Lake

Mull, Scotland, 772

Murphy’s Camp, California, 514, 517, 519

muskmelons, 97–98

muskrats: Muir hunts, 87–88

Nanaimo, British Columbia, 653, 659

national forests. See forest reserves

national parks, 719, 727; administration of, 744–45; opposition to, 814–15. See also individual national parks

natural history: Muir’s early interest in, 29

nature: and culture, compared, 598, 599, 601–2, 604; flow of, 292; “immortal truth and beauty” of, 827; inherent value of, 166, 754, 825–26, 827; interrelations of, 245, 472–73, 603, 826; Muir, on improvements to, 602–4; Muir’s childhood recollections of, 7–8, 18, 26, 27, 28; Muir’s observations of, in Wisconsin, 34, 35–40; and tourism, 520–21

Nelder Grove. See Fresno Grove

Nevada Canyon, California, 259, 590

Nevada Creek, California, 378

Nevada Fall, California, 259, 275, 346, 385, 418, 589, 597; description of, 262

Nevada Glacier, California, 577

Niagra Falls, 521

nighthawks, 37–38

North Dome, California, 222, 229, 257, 258; Muir sketches, 227–28

North Ritter Glacier, California, 628

North Sea: Muir’s early recollections of, 7; Muir swims in, 13–14; ships on, 23–24

Norton Sound, Alaska, 666

nuthatches, 72

nutmegs. See California torreya

oak openings, 110–11

oaks: blue oaks, 155; California black (“Kellogg”) oaks, 452, 784–85; canyon (“mountain”) live oaks, 173, 452–53, 785; goldcup oaks, 262, 784–5; Quercus Californica, 160–61. See also tanoaks (“chestnut oaks”)

Ohio River, 764

Old Faithful geyser, Wyoming, 753

Old Hundredth (traditional hymn), 463–64

Olympic Mountains, Washington, 731

Olympic Reserve (National Forest), Washington, 731

“On Some of the Ancient Glaciers of the Sierra” (Le Conte), 625

Orange Lake, California, 387–89

Ord, Mount, California, 356, 687

Orinoco River, forests of, 403

ouzels, 486–99; distribution of, 498; songs of, 486–87, 489–90; and water, 486, 491, 492–95

Owens Lake, California, 364

Owens River, California, 618; glaciers of, 326, 344, 626; tributaries of, 357

Owens Valley, California, 364, 451, 511, 547; ancient glaciers of, 335; description of, 356

oxen, 33; on Muir farm, 47–49, 51

Pacheco Pass, California, 316

Pacific Coast, 409; forest reserves of, 731; forests of, 702–3; ouzels along, 498; volcanic mountains of, 739; wilderness, disappearance of, 723

Pacific madrone (“madrono”), 531–32

Packwauckee Lake, Wisconsin, 46, 101

Pah Utes (Paiutes), 169, 169, 362; hunt bighorn sheep, 503, 511; and mountain passes, 363, 364; women, 364–65

Painted Desert, Arizona, 802

Pardeeville, Wisconsin, 131–32

Park, Mungo, 129

Parkman, Francis, 729

Park Range, Colorado, 806, 807

partridges, 39

Pasadena, California, 543

pasqueflowers, 60–61

passenger pigeons, 44, 80–82, 98; Audubon on, 29–30, 80–81; in Canada, 79; in New England, 79; in Wisconsin, 78–79

passes, mountain: and animals, 365; defined, 361, 363; glacial origins of, 365; and Indians, 363, 364–65; vistas from, 365

Pat, a janitor, 140

Pelton, Edward, and family, 135

Peril Strait, Alaska, 685

petrified trees: in Yellowstone National Park, 757–60

pickerel, 59–60

Picolo, Father, 503

pikas, 243–44

Pilot Peak, California, 165, 185, 189, 191, 201, 582; sheep camp at foot of, 170

Pinchot, Gifford, 704

pines: Digger (“sabine,” “nut”) pines, 158, 406–7, 769–70; limber (“white”) pines, 446–47, 769; lodgepole (“two-leaved,” “tamarack”) pines, description of, 209, 248, 306, 437–39, 762–63, 780–81, distribution of, 781, in forest reserves, 729, 731; Pinus attenuate, 770; Pinus tuberculata, 407–8; pinyon pines (“nut pines”), singleleaf, 448–51, 770–71; ponderosa (“yellow”) pines, description of, 182–83, 306, 414–17, 728, 775–77, distribution of, 776–77, and windstorms, 466; Rocky Mountain bristlecone (“needle,” fox-tail) pines, 447–48; sugar pines, 203, 409, 440, 441, description of, 161–62, 181–82, 409–14, 773–75, discovery of in Oregon, 409, 774, distribution of, 435, 776–77, and shake-making, 412, 713–15, and windstorms, 466, 468; western white (“mountain”) pines, 242, 439–40, 446, 771–72; whitebark (“dwarf”) pines, 242, 444–46, 465–66, 467, 772

Pino Blanco, California, 158

Pit (“Pitt”) River, California: description of, 475; flora of, 535

Pit River basin: forests of, 416

Pit River Indians (Achumawi or Atsu-gewi): stories of volcanism in Sierra Nevadas, 321

Pitt (present McLoughlin), Mount, Oregon, 320; glaciers of, 327

ploughing by Muir as a boy, 106–7, 109–10

Pohono Creek, California, 378, 588

Pohono Creek basin: lakes of, 378

Pohono Glacier, California, 577

poison ivy, 166

poison oak, 166

Pokagon, Simon, on passenger pigeons, 82

poplar. See cottonwoods, black

poppies, bush, 173, 175

Porcupine (“Dome”) Creek, California, 222, 240, 274–75

Portage, Wisconsin, 46, 48, 55, 101

Portage Railway, 108

Port Simpson, Alaska, 661

Portuguese Joe, a shepherd, 276–77

pot-hole meadows, 402

Powell, Major John Wesley, 793, 797; explores the Colorado River and canyon, 806

prairie chickens, 72–73

Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, 54; Muir gets job in, 135

Priest River Reserve, 729

Prince William Sound, Alaska, 327, 684, 784

Principles of Physiology (Andrew Combe), 92

Prismatic Spring, Wyoming, 754

Pucaway Lake, Wisconsin, 73

Puget Sound, Washington, 649, 680, 732, 735

Pyramid Harbor, Alaska, 682

Pywiack Cascade. See Tenaya Fall

quails, mountain, 255

Queen Charlotte Islands, British Columbia, 672

Quercus Californica, 160–61

rabbits, 89

raccoons, 90

railroads, 108, 361, 500, 730, 790–91; effect on forests, 716–17

rail-splitter: Muir as, 107

Rainier, Mount, Washington, 327, 512, 683, 739. See also Mount Rainier Reserve

rainstorms, 608–9, 614; beauty of, 480–81; in Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 800; on Mount Shasta, 641; and natural history, 224–26, 484–85, 613; and plants, 479; seasons of, 526; structure of, 478–79

Rancheria Creek, California: and Tenaya Creek, compared, 812

rats, wood, 193–94

red cedars. See junipers and cedars, red

red-headed linnets, 91

Red Lake, California, description of, 367–68; glacial origins of, 370

Red Mountain, California, 331, 332, 376, 619, 620

redwing blackbirds, 71

redwoods, 436, 454, 630, 828–31; description of, 712; distribution of, 711–12; forest destruction, 710–11; forests of, 531; and giant sequoias, compared, 712; logging of, 711–13; preservation of, 710n., 712; proposed protection of, 828, 831

Reid, Mr. (neighbor), 103

religion: Muir’s beliefs, 14, 41, 56, 60, 118, 139, 142, 301; Muir’s upbringing in, 7, 11, 20, 41, 55, 61, 65, 85, 108, 117–18, 119, 121, 125

Rhett Lake, California, 640

Ribbon Creek, California, 588

Ribbon Creek basin: glacial moraines in, 580–82

Ribbon Glacier, California, 577

rice-marshes, 73

Richardson, Bob, 26

Ridgway, Robert, 35

Rio Grande, 500

Ritter, Mount, California, 356, 382, 509, 687, 692; glaciers of, 353—55, 359, 626–27, 628; Muir climbs, 347–55; Muir descends, 359–60; “snow banners” on, 341

road-making: in Wisconsin woods, 101–2

Robert I of Scotland, 19

robins, 70, 254–55; robbing of nests of, 18–19

Rocky Mountains, 447, 455, 744; bighorn sheep of, 500, 502; Douglas-firs in, 733; forest fires in, 716–17; and forest protection, 709; forest reserves of, 729; forests of, 702; limber pines in, 446, 771; lodgepole pines in, 781; ouzels in, 498; ponderosa pines in, 776–77; settlement of, 704; wilderness, disappearance of, 723

Rogers, Capt. A. F., 638, 641

Rogue River valley, Oregon, 735

Rowe’s Point, Arizona, 797

Royal Arch Cascade. See Arch Falls, California

Royal Arches, California, 693

Rush Creek, California, 352, 360, 627

Russell, Prof. Israel C., 328

Russia: and protection of forests, 705

rye, wild: Indian women gather, 285, 374

Sacramento River, California, 404, 451, 524; bees along, 529

Sacramento Valley, California, 435, 451, 614, 616, 640; and rainstorms, 481

sage, 540

St. Elias, Mount, Alaska, 666, 684; glaciers of, 327, 328–29

St. Helens, Mount, Washington, 327, 683

salmon, 682–83

San Antonio Peak, California, 545, 546

San Bernardino Mountains, California, 543, 547, 733

San Bernardino Reserve (National Forest), California, 741

sandhill cranes, 37

San Diego, California, 541

San Diego County, California, 541, 542

San Francisco, California, 315, 528, 540; bay of, 348; and proposed Hetch Hetchy reservoir, 814, 815

San Francisco Peaks, Arizona, 742, 797, 807

San Gabriel Mountains, California, 543, 544–45, 733

San Gabriel Reserve, California, 741

San Gabriel River valley, California, 543

San Jacinto Mountains, California, 543, 733

San Jacinto Reserve, California, 741

San Joaquin and Merced divide, California, 692

San Joaquin River, California, 298, 352, 356, 362, 404, 444, 524, 525, 618; bees along, 529; and bighorn sheep, 503; and glaciers, 326, 344, 623; North Fork of, 296, 627; South Fork of, 505–6, 507, 509; tributaries of, 356

San Joaquin River basin: and glaciation, 434

San Joaquin Valley, California, 460, 618, 714, 741

San Jose, California, 528

San Luis Obispo, California, 532

San Luis Obispo County, California, 542

San Rafael Mountains, California, 543

San Rafael River, Utah, 804

Santa Barbara County, California, 542

Santa Clara Valley, California, 528

Santa Cruz, California, 710n., 712, 831

Santa Lucia Range, California, 543

Sawatch Range, Colorado, 806, 807

saw-mill, self-starting (Muir invention), 120–22

saxifrages, giant, 171–72

Schlagintweit, Adolf and Hermann von, 326, 626, 628

Screech, Joseph:    discovers    Hetch Hetchy Valley, 694, 810

Sentinel Dome, California, 594

Sentinel Rock, California, 589

Sentinels, the, California, 381, 588, 693

Sequoia National Park, California, 712, 727, 814, 829

sequoias, giant (“big trees”), 419, 521, 630–33; age of, 829; competition with other species, 431; cones of, 427; description of, 307–8, 423–37; distribution of, 423–24, 434–35, 631, 828–29; historical distribution of, 428–30; Emerson names “Samoset,” 788; endurance of fallen trunks, 429; in Europe, 712; foliage of, 426; fossils of, 436; glaciation and distribution of, 434–35; logging of, 436, 460, 631–32, 712, 829, 830; perpetuation of species, 430–33, 436; preservation of, 436, 437, 629–33, 830; and redwoods, compared, 712; seeds, demand for, 460; sheep effects on, 437; size of, 424–26; threat to, 831; and tourism, 830; tree “skinned alive,” 828; and water, 432–33. See also Calaveras Grove, Fresno Grove, Mariposa Grove, Merced Grove, Tuolumne Grove

Seward, William Henry, 663

Shadow (present Merced) Lake, California, 388; described, 382–87; Muir discovers, 387; seasons of, 385–87

Shasta, Mount, California, 347, 451, 458, 466, 504, 510, 511, 512, 517, 598, 640, 740; and bee-culture, 547; bees of, 537–38; bighorn sheep of, 502; botanic zones of, 636–37; coniferous trees of, 637–38; description of, 320, 321; flowers of, 536; geological history of, 536–37, 634; glacial history of, 634–35; glaciers of, 327, 335, 626; hot springs of, 643; Muir caught in snow storm on, 641–48; rainstorm on, 641; volcanic character of, 322, 636; waters of, 474; and Whitney Glacier, 635

Shasta River, California, 474

Shasta River valley, California, 474, 640

sheep: and bears, 264, 305; breeding of, 604–6; counted at summer’s end, 309; destroy forests, 437, 713, 741; destroy meadows, 157, 172, 185, 207, 273, 375, 387, 530, 534; and dogs, compared, 187; domestication of, 501; fear freedom, 185; ford streams, 216–18, 271–72, 304–5; grazing, 166, 202, 209, 213; as “hoofed locusts,” 185, 202, 208, 387, 437, 530, 728, 768; merinos, 599, 600, 604, 605; Muir rescues, 185; sickness of, 164; in the Sierra Nevada, 153, 155, 156–57, 170, 171, 175, 186, 188, 189; wild and domestic, compared, 501, 502, 508–9, 510, 598–600, 602, 604, 605; wild, 500–1. See also bighorn sheep

sheep industry, 164

Sheep Rock, California, 510

Shelton, Mr., a bee-keeper, 528

shepherds: herding sheep, 202, 216–17; life of, 164–65, 198–99; a Chinese-American, 155, 156, 157, 172; an Indian, 155, 156, 157, 172, 202, 308, described, 204; Portuguese, 276–77

shrikes, 95–96

Siddons, Mungo, 10, 12, 19

Sierra lodgepole. See pines, lodgepole

Sierra Nevada, California, 536: beauty of, 291–92; canyons of, 316–17; description of, 315, 316; and Douglas-firs, 733; forests of, 317–18, 319, 403, 404–53, 720, 777; geologic history of, 322, 357–58, 514–15; glacial lakes of, 376–92; glacial meadows of, 393–400; glaciation of, 322–25, 329–30, 349, 382; glaciers of, 327, 353–55, 359, 618–28; landscapes of, 156, 160, 200–1, 219, 325; Muir discovers glaciers in, 331–35, 619, 622, 623–24, 628; Muir’s first summer in, 153–309; passes in, 361–75; picturesque qualities of, 344–47; as “Range of Light,” 291–92, 309, 315, 316; and Scotland, compared, 160; snow in, 319–20, 336–43; tourism in, 505; volcanic origins of, 320, 321–22;

waterfalls of, 368; wilderness losses in, 723; wildlife of, 156, 319

Sierra Reserve (National Forest), 740–41, 830

Silver Mountain, California, 356

singleleaf pinyons. See pines, pinyon

Sioux, 729

Sisson, Mr., a hotel-keeper, 645, 648

Sitka, Alaska, 657, 660, 661, 685

Sitka pine. See spruces, Sitka

skylarks, 26, 27

Smith Ranch, 290

Smith’s Mill, 308

snakes, 56–57

snow: in the Sierra Nevada, 336–43; and “snow banners” 339–343, 472

snowstorms: on Mount Shasta, 641–48, and Muir trapped in, 643–48; in Wisconsin, 100

Snowy Range, Wyoming, 744

Soda Springs, California, 271, 288, 394, 688, 689, 692, 784

Soda Springs Dome, California, 303

sod-busting, 109–10

Sonora Pass, 361

Soto, Hernando de, 764

Souchoi Channel, Alaska, 674

South Dome. See Half Dome, Yosemite Valley

South Lyell Glacier, California, 383, 596

sows, 46

Spencer, Cape, Alaska, 557

Sperry, Mr., 829

spruces: hemlock spruce, 442–44, 662–63; Sitka spruce (“white spruce,” “Sitka pine”), 662; white spruce, 664

squirrels: Douglas squirrels, 162, 207–8, description of, 191–93, 454–64, distribution of, 454, 460, harvest pine cones, 458–60, 460, harvest sequoia cones, 427, “humanity” of, 456–57, 460, life expectancy of, 464, and propagation of conifers, 454, and red squirrels and chickarees, 454–55; flying squirrels, 93–94; gray squirrels, 92–93, 191–93

Stanislaus Canyon, California, 515

Stanislaus River, California, 361

Stanislaus River basin: and glaciation, 434, 435

Starr King, Mount, California, 301, 782

Starr King Lake, California: description of, 389

Stephens Passage, Alaska, 556, 680

Sterling (“Stirling”), Prof. John W., 136

Stickeen, a dog, 553–71; character of, 554–56; description of, 553–54; explores glacier with Muir, 558–71; named, 554; trapped on glacier with Muir, 564–69

Stickeen (Stikine) Indians. See Tahltans

Stikeen (Stikine) River, Alaska, 498, 653, 660, 666, 669, 670, 674; description of, 667–68; icebergs of, 328

storms: in Alaska, 559–60; effects on trees, 235–36. See also ice storms, snowstorms, thunderstorms, windstorms

Strawberry Valley, California, 638, 648

student desk (Muir invention), 139–40

Sum Dum Bay, Sumdum fjord. See Holkham Bay

sunfish, 59

Susitna (Suchitna) River, Alaska, 666

Swainson, William, 498

swamps: in Wisconsin, 101

Swan, James G., 672

swans, 74

swimming: Muir learns, in Fountain Lake, 63–65

Switzerland: protection of forests in, 705

Tahkoo (Taku) Glacier, Alaska, 556

Tahkoo (“Tahkou,” Taku) Inlet, Alaska: glaciers of, 328, 556, 680–81

Tahkoo (“Tahkou,” Taku) River, Alaska, 666; and Tlingits, 681

Tahkou Indians. See Tlingits

Tahltans (“Stickeen,” “Stikeen” Indians), 554, 669; and canoes, 655–56; description of, 655; deserted village of, 670–71; fate of, 673; gather berries, 656; totem poles of, 671–72; at Wrangell, 654

Tahoe, Lake, 361; altitude and depth of, 750; description of, 377

Tamarack Creek, California, 213; description of, 210–11

Tamarack Creek basin, 581, 582

Tamarack Flat, California, 209, 211–12, 307

tamaracks. See pines, lodgepole

Tampa, Florida, 818

tanoaks (“chestnut oaks”), 451–52

Taylor Bay, Alaska, 557

Tenaya, an Ahwahneechee chief, 250

Tenaya Canyon, California, 250, 590; description of, 592–97; Muir falls while climbing in, 593; Yosemite Valley, compared to, 595

Tenaya Creek, California, 240, 244, 594; lakes of, 378; and Rancheria Creek, compared, 812

Tenaya Fall (present Pywiack Cascade), California, 593

Tenaya Glacier, California, 577, 596

Tenaya Lake, California, 244, 250, 270, 301; description of, 243, 267, 269, 305, 595–96; Indians and, 330

Tenaya Peak, California, 782

terminal moraines. See glacial moraines

Teton Range, Wyoming, 744, 745

Teton Reserve (presently part of Yellowstone National Park), Wyoming, 729, 745

thermometer (Muir invention), 127, 129

Thoreau, Henry David, 716, 722; on honey-bees, 113

“thousand-mile walk” to the Gulf of Mexico: Muir arrives at, 818; Muir recalls, 471–72

thrashers, brown, 70–71

Three Brothers, California, 275, 381, 588, 589

Three Sisters, Oregon, 320, 683; glaciers of, 327, 683

thrush, water. See ouzel

Thunder Bay, Alaska, 328, 674

thunderstorms: in the Sierra Nevada, 483–485; in Yosemite Valley, 223, 224–25

Timber and Stone Act, 707, 710

Timber Culture Act, 707

Tissiack. See Half Dome, Yosemite Valley

Tlingits (“Tahkou Indians,” “Chilcat tribe”): condition of, 680; and control of land, 683; hunt seals, 681; and Tahkou River, 681

Tobermory, Scotland, 772

Todleben, Count Frants, 102

“To My Dog Blanco” (J. G. Holland), 551

totem poles, 671–72

tourism: at Grand Canyon of the Colorado, 802; in forest reserves, 727–28; and natural wonders, 520–21; in the Cascade Range, 736, 738; to the sequoia groves, 830; in the Sierra Nevada, 505; in the West, 727–28, 790; on western railroads, 716; in Yellowstone National Park, 745–46, 752–57; in Yosemite Valley, 166, 209, 211, 212, 263, 387, 628

Tower Peak, California, 356

Trabuco Reserve, California, 741

transcendentalism, 788

Truckee River, California, 377

Trumbull, Mount, Arizona, 797

Tschuckchi. See Chukchi

tuberculosis, 103

Tueeulala Falls, California, 695, 810–11; description of, 696–97; and Wapama Falls, compared, 811–12

Tule River, California, 630, 712; giant sequoias of, 829; North Fork of, 424

Tule River basin, 423, 632; and sequoia belt, 434

Tuolumne and Merced divide. See Merced and Tuolumne divide

Tuolumne Glacier, California, 299, 394, 577, 578

Tuolumne Glacier moraine, California, 689, 692

Tuolumne Grove, California, 434, 435, 630, 773, 829

Tuolumne Indians. See Miwoks

Tuolumne (“Big”) Meadows, California, 299, 306, 346, 371, 693, 817; description of, 269–70, 394–95, 687–89, 781, 815–16; seasons of, 397–99

Tuolumne River, California, 153, 155, 208, 240, 243, 269, 289, 290, 296, 298, 299, 303, 345, 346, 357, 360, 444, 618, 687, 693, 694, 810; glaciation in, 434, 435; glaciers of, 326, 344; and Hetch Hetchy Valley, 695; Middle Fork of, 810; North Fork of, 697–99; South Fork of, 694; tributaries of, 348. See also Grand Canyon of the Tuolumne

Tuolumne River basin, 299; forests of, 769

Tuolumne Valley, California, 303; description of, 687–94, 815–16; waterfalls of, 693. See also Hetch Hetchy Valley

Tuolumne Yosemite. See Hetch Hetchy Valley

Turlock, California, 592

turtles, snapping, 42

Tyndall, John, 326

Tyndall, Mount, California, 362

Uinta Mountains, Utah, 806

Umpqua River, California, 409

Uncompahgre River, Colorado, 806

Unicorn Peak, California, 270, 289, 689

U.S. cavalry: in national parks, 745–46

U.S. Congress, 708, 718, 815

U.S. Department of the Interior, 708, 712, 745, 815

U.S. General Land Office, 706, 708

U.S. Geological Survey, 756

U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Public Lands, 698n., 699

Upper Klamath Lake, 640

Vancouver Island, British Columbia, 329, 653, 663

Vanderput (“Vanderpent”), Point, Alaska, 679

Vandever, Gen. William, 698n., 699

vegetarianism: Muir debates father on, 118–19

vegetation: succession of, 53

Ventura County, California, 542

Veratrum alba, 422

Vernal Fall, California, 259, 260, 275, 346, 385; description of, 262, 263

Virginia Creek trail, California, 693

Viviparous Quadrupeds of North America, The (Audubon and Bachman), 502

volcanism: in the Sierra Nevada, 286, 320–22; in Yellowstone National Park, 758–61

Walker Creek. See Canyon Creek

Walker Lake, California. See Moraine Lake

Walker Lake, Nevada, 511

Walker River, California, 361, 363

Wallace, Sir William, 19

Wapama Falls, California: description of, 696–97, 811–12; and Tueeulala Falls, compared, 811–12

Warren, Mount, California, 691

Wasatch (“Wahsatch”) Range, Utah, 446, 500, 733, 806, 807

Washburn, Mount, Wyoming, 751, 761

Washington, George, 828, 830

Washington Column, California, 588, 589

Washington lilies, 211

Washington Reserve, 731

Wassuck Range, Nevada, 511

waterfalls: of Canyon Creek, 284; in Hetch Hetchy Valley, 695–96; and ouzels, 486; of the North Fork of the Tuolumne River, 697–99; in the Sierra Nevada, 368; in Tuolumne Valley, 693; in Yosemite Valley, 588—89

watermelons, 97–98

water thrush. See ouzel

Watkins, Mount, California, 588, 594, 596

Waukesha County, Wisconsin, 138

Wawona, California, 773

whippoorwills, 37

White Pine, Nevada, 447

White Pine mining district, Nevada, 447

White Pine Range, Nevada, 447, 448

Whitney, Josiah Dwight, 597

Whitney, Mount, California, 347; description of, 320; elevation of, 356; glaciers absent on, 335, 626; and snow, 634

Whitney Glacier, California, 626, 635, 639

Wiard, Norman, 134–35

wilderness: abundance of, 722–23, 724–25, 726; and city compared, 738; disappearance of, 723–24; “humanity” of, 293, 304; Muir enters “University of the,” 140, 142; Muir’s early fondness for, 7, 25, 28; necessity of, 721; as temple, 161, 180, 209, 212, 228–29, 237–38, 263, 269, 301, 315, 340, 629, 817; tourism in, 721; in Wisconsin, 34; and Yellowstone National Park, 744

Willamette Valley, Oregon, 410, 735

willow, dwarf, 281

Willow Glen, California, 616

Wilson, Alexander, 29, 498

Wimbledon (“Wimbleton”), Point, Alaska, 557

Wind River Range, Wyoming, 744, 750, 806, 807

windstorms, 465–73; and trees, 465–66

Winnebago, 84

Wisconsin: ice storms in, 100–1; landscape of, 34; Muir family settles in, 32–34, 51; Muir’s life in, 32–142; Muir’s years in, 471; road-making in, 101–2; settlers in, 102–3, 105, 108–9; snowstorms in, 100; wilderness of, 34; winter in, 99–101

Wisconsin, University of: Muir enters, 135–36; Muir leaves, 142; Muir’s life at, 65, 138–40

Wisconsin River, Wisconsin, 762

Wisconsin State Fair: Muir takes inventions to, 129, 133–35

woodchucks, 254

woodpeckers, 36; drown in Fountain Lake, 66–67; Muir hunts, 86–87

Wrangell (“Wrangel”), Alaska, 659, 661, 668, 670, 673, 674; climate of, 660; description of, 653–55; totem pole in, 672

Wrangell (“Wrangel”) Island, Alaska, 653

Wrangell (“Wrangel”) Narrows, Alaska, 674, 675

Yakutat Bay, Alaska: fjords of, 329

Yampa River, Colorado, 806

Yellowstone Lake, Wyoming, 750, 752, 762, 764

Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, 321, 727, 744–66, 814; Amethyst Mountain in, 757; created and expanded, 745; and descriptive place names, 756; Electric Peak in, 757; forests of, 762–66; geological history of, 757–63, 765; geysers in, 744, 746–49, 753–55; glaciation of, 760–61; Indians and pioneers of, 752; Mammoth Hot Springs, 749–50, 752; Mount Washburn, 761; petrified trees in, 757–58, 759; Teton Reserve, 745; Timber Reserve, 729, 745; tourism in, 744, 745, 752–53, 755, 756, 757, 790; volcanism of, 758–61; wilderness of, 744; Yellowstone Lake, 750, 752, 762, 764

Yellowstone Reserve (presently part of Yellowstone National Park), 729, 745

Yellowstone River, Wyoming, 500, 764–65. See also Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone

Yellowstone River basin, 751

Yokuts (“Kings River Indians”), 455

Yosemite Creek, California, 212, 214, 220–22, 240, 243, 298, 306, 694, 810; branch basins of, 577–80; description of, 215, 578, 590; lakes of, 378

Yosemite Creek basin, 214; and glacial moraines, 578–80

Yosemite Creek Glacier, California, 577

Yosemite Falls, California, 221–22, 578, 588, 589, 697; description of, 215, 341

Yosemite National Park, California, 727, 739, 810; act to establish, 698n., 699; Emerson visits, 786–89; features of proposed park, 687–700; forests of, 767–89; glacial moraines in, 768; Hetch Hetchy Valley dam proposed, 814; logging in, 768; struggles over, 815. See also Yosemite Valley

Yosemite Point, California, 577

Yosemite trail, California, 209

Yosemite tribe. See Miwoks

Yosemite Valley, California, 161, 211, 212, 219–29, 223, 240, 250, 261, 275, 325, 331, 339, 340, 344, 345, 360, 362, 372, 375, 376, 378, 382, 487, 495, 521, 597, 687, 697, 712, 769, 815; birds of, 488–89; deer in, 584; depth of, 695; Douglas firs in, 418; earthquake in, 488, 759; floods in, 477, 588–91, 609; formation of, 624; glacial lakes, aging of, 380; glaciers in, 577–86; and Hetch Hetchy Valley, compared, 693, 697, 810–12, 816; landscapes of, 228; Muir’s first view of, 219–22; silver firs in, 421; sublimity of, 317; Tenaya Canyon compared to, 595; thunderstorms in, 484; tourism in, 166, 209, 211, 212, 263, 387, 628, 790

Young, Rev. S. Hall, 553, 557, 558, 570

Yuba and Feather divide. See Feather and Yuba divide

Yuba River, California, 467, 608; flora of, 535; tributaries of, 477

Yuba River basin, 608; and floods, 476

Yuba River valley, California, 614; and rainstorms, 481

yucca, 822

Yukon River, Alaska, 664, 673; description of, 665–66

Yukon River basin, 673, 683