
AJNA: sixth chakra; energy centre located between your eyebrows; the “third eye”; the brow chakra

ALVEOLUS (plural: alveoli): microscopic air sacs in your lungs where gaseous exchange takes place

ANAHATA: fourth chakra; energy centre located in the centre of your chest; the heart chakra

APANA: downward/outward-moving manifestation of prana; your cleansing breath

BANDHA: muscular lock applied by yogis during certain breathing and physical exercises

BRONCHIAL TUBES: two branches of the respiratory tube that carry air in and out of each lung

CAPILLARY: the smallest blood vessel in your body, its walls are one cell thick (i.e. microscopic) and porous, thus permitting the exchange of gases and nutrients

CHAKRA: subtle energy centre

DIAPHRAGM: the large muscle that causes you to breathe; separates chest from abdomen

GASEOUS EXCHANGE: when oxygen from the air you inhale passes into a capillary through the thin porous membranes of the alveolus and simultaneously carbon dioxide from your blood moves into the alveolus to be exhaled

HATHA YOGA: path of yoga that begins by working with the physical body, strengthening and purifying it with asana (physical exercises), pranayama (breathing exercises) and kriyas (cleansing exercises). All facilitate purity of mind.

HEMOGLOBIN: protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen from your lungs to your cells

IDA: subtle energy channel, or nadi, located to the left of your spine

INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES: intercostal muscles: the muscles between your ribs; they move your ribs during the breathing process and aid your diaphragm

KRIYA: a yoga cleansing or purification exercise

LARYNX: voice box, located between your pharynx (throat) and trachea (windpipe); the cartridge at the front is referred to as the “Adam’s apple”

MANIPURA: third chakra; energy centre located in your solar plexus region; the solar-plexus chakra yoga exercises to “seal” your subtle energy; hand gestures

MULADHARA: first and lowest chakra; energy centre located at the base of your body; the root chakra

MUDRA: yoga exercises to “seal” your subtle energy; hand gestures

NADI: subtle energy channel; equivalent to a meridian in acupuncture

PHARYNX: throat, the tube at the back of your nose and mouth that divides into the oesophagus (through which food travels) and larynx (through which air travels); it is considered a part of both your digestive and respiratory systems

PINGALA: subtle energy channel, or nadi, located to the right of your spine

PRANA: vital force; life energy; equivalent to the Chinese concept of chi and Japanese ki

PRANAYAMA: control of prana; the yogic science of breath control

RESPIRATORY SYSTEM: your body’s breathing mechanism

SAHASRARA: seventh and highest chakra; energy centre located at the crown of your head; the crown chakra digestive/balancing manifestation of prana; your nourishing breath

SAMANA: digestive/balancing manifestation of prana; your nourishing breath

SINUS: facial cavity located behind your cheekbones and forehead

SUSHUMNA: the central nadi; approximates your spine

TRACHEA: the passageway for air between your larynx and bronchial tubes; your windpipe.

UDANA: the muscles between your ribs; they move your ribs during the breathing process and aid your diaphragm

VISUDDHA: fifth chakra; energy centre located at your throat; the throat chakra

VYANA: the manifestation of prana that distributes energy; your expansive breath