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Note: Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations.
Abbott and Costello Meet Frankenstein (film)
Abel, Tim
Academy Awards
Account of the Principalities of Wallachia and Moldavia, An (Wilkinson)
Acton, William
Actors’ Equity
Actors’ Fund
Addams Family, The (television series)
Adjani, Isabelle
Agathon, Dan Matei
Alice in Wonderland (Carroll)
All About Eve (film)
Allen, Vivien
All Quiet on the Western Front (film)
Almereyda, Michael
Alvarez Rubio, Pablo
American Cinematographer
American Film Institute
American International Pictures (A.I.P.)
American Repertory Ballet
American Society of Dramatists and Composers
Ames, Robert
Andy Warhol’s Dracula (film)
Annals of the New York Stage (Odell)
Arbo, Manuel
Arozamena, Eduardo
Arsenic and Old Lace (play)
Aschenbrenner, John
Asher, E. M. (“Efe”)
Askonas, Paul
Associated Press
Atkins, Christopher
Auerbach, Nina
Aurora Plastics
Awakening from the Dream of Me (Manners)
Ayres, Lew
Badham, John
Balderston, John L.; Bride of Frankenstein script by Hurlbut and; characters’ names changed by; Dracula’s Daughter treatment by; Frankenstein adapted by; Liveright’s financial dealings with; on Lugosi’s limited English; and negotiations for film rights; rewrite of Deane’s Dracula script by
Balderston, Marion
Bang, C. A.
Baldwin, Alec
Barrymore, Ethel
Barrymore, John
Barrymore, Lionel
Bat Whispers, The (film)
Beal, Scott
Beardsley, Aubrey
Beauty and the Beast (film): Cocteau’s; Disney’s
Becket (play)
Belford, Barbara
Bells, The (play)
Bérard, Cyprien
Berkeley Square (Balderston)
Berkshire Theatre Festival
Berne Convention
Brownian, Joseph
Biography of Dracula, A (Ludlam)
Bird, Rose
Black, Don
Black Cat, The (film)
Blacula (film)
Blair, Linda
Blake, Edmund
Blood of the Beasts (film)
Blood Canticle (Rice)
Blood of the Demon (film)
Blood for Dracula (film)
Blood of Dracula (film)
Blood Is My Heritage (film)
Bochner, Hart
Boni and Liveright
Bookman, The
Bordertown (film)
Borland, Carroll
Boston University
Boucicault, Dion
Boudoir Diplomat, The (film)
Bourdet, Edward
Bow, Clara
Brakhage, Stan
Bram Stoker (Belford)
Bram Stoker’s Dracula: film version of; television production of
Brandt, Carl
Brandt and Brandt
Brett, Jeremy
Bride of Corinth, The (Goethe)
Bride of Frankenstein (film)
Bride of the Monster (film)
Brides of Dracula, The (film)
British Board of Film Censors (BBFC)
British Broadcasting Company (BBC)
British Incorporated Society of Authors
British Library
Broadway (film)
Bromfield, Louis
Bronson, Charles
Brooks, Mel
Browne, James
Browning, Tod; casting of Dracula by; Chaney and; and Freund’s cinematography; reviewers on; and Spanish version of Dracula; working methods of
Bryson, James
Bullivant, Laura
Bunnicula (children’s book)
Bunston, Herbert
Burne-Jones, Edward
Burne-Jones, Philip
Burton, Tim
Butler, Gerard
Butler, Ivan
Byrne, Gabriel
Byron, George Gordon, Lord
Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, The (film)
Cable News Network (CNN)
Cage, Nicolas
Caine, Hall
California Supreme Court
California Theatre (Los Angeles)
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick
Candyman (film)
Cansino, Eduardo
Cansino, Volga
Captive, The (Bourdet)
Carfax Gallery (London)
Carmilla (Le Fanue); Deane’s adaptation of; films based on; illustration for
Carpenter, John
Carradine, John
Carroll, Moon
Cassavetes, Nick
Castle of Frankenstein (magazine)
“Castle of the King, The” (Stoker)
Cat and the Canary, The (film)
Cat Creeps, The (film)
Cat People (film)
Cerf, Bennett
Chain of Destiny, The (Stoker)
Chandler, Helen
Chaney, Lon
Chaney, Lon, Jr.
Chaplin, Charlie
Charcot, Jean-Martin
Chioran, Juan
Christie’s auction house
Churchill, Winston
Cinderella (film)
Cinemateca de Cuba
Cinémathèque Française
Claire, Ina
Clift, Montgomery
Cline, Louis
Close, Glenn
Cocteau, Jean
Cohen, Herman
Coleman, Ronald
Collins, Wilkie
Columbia Pictures
Columbia University
Commonweal, The
Constable, Archibald
Cooke, Thomas Porter
Cooper, Gary
Coppola, Francis Ford
Corman, Roger
Count Chocula (breakfast cereal)
Count Dracula (film)
Count Dracula (television miniseries)
Count Dracula (Tiller)
Countess Dracula, The (Borland)
Courtauld Institute (London)
Courtenay, William
Coutts Bank
Craft, Christopher
Craig, Edith
Craven, Wes
Crawford, Joan
Crawford, Michael
Cremer, Robert
Critic, The
Crowley, Aleister
Cuban Film Archives
Curse of Frankenstein, The (film)
Curtis, Dan
Curtiz, Michael
Cushing, Peter
Cymbeline (Shakespeare)
Dade, Frances
Dadoun, Roger
Dafoe, Willem
Daily Worker
Dallesandro, Joe
Dance of the Vampires (musical)
Dante, Joe
Dark Shadows (television series)
Darwin, Charles
Davis, Bette
Davison, William
Day-Lewis, Daniel
Dayton Ballet
Deane, Hamilton; adaptation of Dracula by; Balderston’s rewrite of script by; Carmilla adapted by; Florence Stoker and; Frankenstein staged in England by; London Dracula production of; and negotiations for film rights; Noel Stoker’s contract with
Death of Drakula, The (film)
De Casseres, Benjamin
Degeneration (Nordeau)
DeMille, Agnes
“Demon Lover, The” (ballad)
Depp, Johnny
Deutsch-Amerikanisch Film Union
Devil in the Cheese, The (play)
Dieckmann, Enrico
Dietz, Steven
Dijkstra, Bram
Director’s Guild Theatre (Los Angeles)
Disney Studio
DiVi Award
Dmytry (ship)
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (film)
Dolloff, William
Donaghey, Frederick
Donlevy, Lillian Lugosi
Doubleday & McClure
Dracula (film); advertisements for; Browning assigned to direct; casting of; Chaney and; cinematography for; final negative cost of; grosses of; hardcore adaptation of; homoerotic subtext of; negotiations for rights to produce; premiere of; remakes of; rereleases of; reviews of; score by Glass for; screenplay for; sets designed for; Spanish version of; stills from; synopsis of; on television; visual symbols in
Dracula (Stoker); American copyright of; Balderston’s adaptation of; ballets inspired by; Broadway revival of ; cover illustrations for; Deane’s adaptation of; films based on(see also specific films); final manuscript of; literary antecedents of; Liveright’s production of; Modern Library edition of; Morrell’s adaptation of; musical versions of; one hundredth anniversary of; opera based on; original edition of; publication of; reviews of; sales of; scholarly interpretations of; sequel to; sexual subtext of; source material for; spiritualism in; staged reading of; synopsis of; television productions of; theatrical models for; translations of; Wilde and; working notes for; writing of
Dracula: A Chamber Musical (Ousounian and Norman)
Dracula: Dead and Loving It (film)
Dracula, the Musical (Wildhorn, Black, and Hampton)
Dracula: A Musical Nightmare (Johnson and Aschenbrenner)
Dracula: The Music and Film (performance piece)
Dracula: Pages from a Virgin’s Diary (film)
Dracula: Prince of Darkness (film)
Dracula Has Risen from the Grave (film)
Dracula Park (Romania)
Dracula Revisited (play)
Dracula Rising (film)
Dracula’s Daughter (film)
Dracula’s Guest (Stoker)
Dracula Sucks (film)
Dracula II: Ascension (film)
Dracula 2000 (film)
Drakula (film)
Drakula Instanbul’da (film)
Dramatists’ Guild
Drayton, Leslie
“Dream of Eugene Aram, The” (dramatic monologue)
Dreiser, Theodore
“Dualitists, The” (Stoker)
Dublin Mail
Duffy, Henry
Duke of York’s Theatre (London)
Dukes, David
Dumas, Alexandre, pére
du Maurier, George
Duties of the Clerks of Petty Sessions in Ireland, The (Stoker)
Dvorak, Jeraldine
Dworkin, Andrea
Early Autumn (Bromfield)
Eder, Richard
Edgeworth, Maria
Education of the Senses (Gay)
Ed Wood (film)
Ehrlich, Paul
Eighth Street Cinema (New York)
Einstein, Albert
Eisenstein, Sergei
Elizabeth I, Queen of England
Emperor Jones, The (film)
Empire magazine
Enartung (Nordeau)
English Opera House (London)
Erdmann, Hans
European Film Company
Everett, Rupert
Exorcist, The (film)
Fairbanks, Douglas, Jr.
Famous Imposters (Stoker)
Famous Monsters of Filmland (magazine)
Farmer’s Wife, The (play)
Farson, Daniel
Fassett, Dorothea
Fatal Attraction (film)
Faust (film)
Fearless Vampire Killers, The (film)
Feeney, Philip
Fejos, Paul
Feola, Louis
Fernandez Cue, B.
Field Rosco and Company
Film Guild Cinema (New York)
Film Society, The
Final Curtain, The (film script)
Finlay, Frank
Firth, Colin
Fisher, Terence
Fitch, Laurence
Flash Gordon serial
Flatow, Wronker
Fletcher, Bramwell
Florescu, Radu R.
Florey, Robert
Ford, Onslow
Fort, Garrett
Four Devils (film)
Fox, William
Fox Films; see also Twentieth Century-Fox
Fox Palace (Los Angeles)
Franju, Georges
Frankenstein (Shelley); films based on
Freaks (film)
Freedman, Harold
Freud, Sigmund
Freud (film)
Freund, Karl
Frith, Albert
Frost, Sadie
Frye, Dwight
Fulton Theatre (New York)
Fulton Theatre (Oakland)
Gabriel, Gilbert
Galeen, Henrik
Gania Drakuluj (devil’s mountain)
Ganz, Bruno
Garbo, Greta
Garcia, Andy
Gasser, Lajos
Gaudell, Marcella
Gaunt, Valerie
Gautier, Theophile
Gay, Peter
Gayracula (film)
Gelsey, Erwin
General Mills
Genius of the System, The (Schatz)
Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Loos)
Gerard, Emily
German expressionism
Gerrard, Charles
Ghosts (Ibsen)
“Giaour, The” (Byron)
Gilbert, W. S.
Gillis, Jamie
Gioia, Dana
Glass, Philip
Glenarvon (Lamb)
Glen or Glenda (film)
Godden, Mark
Godfather Part III, The (film)
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von
Gold Rush, The (film)
Goldwyn, Samuel
Golem, The (film)
Gorey, Edward
Gorky, Maxim
Gorman, Herbert
Gould, Stephen Jay
Gould, Symon
“Graih my Chree” (Caine)
Granach, Alexander
Granat cinema (Mexico City)
Grand Guignol
Grand Theatre (Derby)
Grant, Hugh
Grau, Albin
Great Expectations (film)
Greed (film)
Gregynia Drakuluj (devil’s garden)
Grosset and Dunlap
Guerrero, Carmen
Gulick, Paul
Hall, Bob
Hall, Charles D.
Halperin Brothers
Hamlet (Shakespeare); film of
Hammer Film Productions
Hampden, Walter
Hampton, Christopher
Happy Prince, The (Wilde)
Harder, Anita
Hards, Ira
Harper’s Weekly
Harrigan, Nedda
Harrison, Sandra
Hart, James V.
Haven, Annette
Hayworth, Rita
Heinemann and Balestier publishing house
Henderson, Alva
Henson, Jim
Her Majesty’s Theatre (London)
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn
Herzog, Werner
Hewitt, Tom
Hibbin, Nina
Highgate Cemetery (London)
Hillyer, Lambert
His Majesty’s Theatre (London)
Hitchcock, Alfred
Hitler, Adolf
Hoar, Roger Sherman
Hodgson, Henry Hope
Hoffman, John Ivan
Holden, Gloria
Holloway, W. E.
Hollywood blacklists
Hollywood Filmograph
Hollywood Reporter
Holmes, John
Homunculus (film)
Hopkins, Anthony
Horror of Dracula (film)
House of Dracula (film)
House of Frankenstein (film)
House of the Vampire (Viereck)
Houston Ballet
Howe, James Wong
Hugo, Victor
Hunchback of Notre Dame, The (film)
Hunt, Marita
Huntley, Raymond
Hurlbut, John
Huston, John
Huxley, Julian
Ibsen, Henrik
Idols of Perversity (Dijkstra)
I Love Lucy (television series)
Imitation of Life (film)
Incredible Disappearing Man, The (film)
Industrial Revolution
In Search of Dracula (McNally and Florescu)
International Film Arts Guild
Interview with the Vampire (Rice)
Irving, Henry; American tours of; Deane and; death of ; estate of; knighting of; marketing of likeness of; as model for Dracula; Stoker’s book on; Wilde and
Ishioka, Eiko
Island of Dr. Moreau, The (Wells)
I Was a Teenage Frankenstein (film)
I Was a Teenage Werewolf (film)
Jackman, Hugh
Jack the Ripper murders
Januskopf, Der (film)
Japula (film)
Jefferson, Bernard S.
Jekyll and Hyde (musical)
Jewel of Seven Stars, The (Stoker)
Johnson, Douglas
Jones, Ernest
Jones, T. Arthur
Jory, Victor
Jouffroy, Achille
Jourdan, Louis
Journey’s End (film)
Jukes, Bernard
Julia, Raul
Julian, Rupert
Kaptan, Atif
Karloff, Boris
Keith, Ian
Kennedy, John F.
Kerr, Walter
Kier, Udo
Kiesler, Frederick
King, Stephen
King of Jazz, The (film)
King of Life, The (film)
Kinski, Klaus
Kiss of the Spider Woman (Puig)
Kohner, Frederick
Kohner, Pancho
Kohner, Paul
Kohner, Susan
Korda, Alexander
Koznin, Allan
Kronos Quartet
Kudelka, James
Lady of the Shroud, The (Stoker)
Lady Windermere’s Fan (Wilde)
Laemmle, Carl, Jr.; and acquisition of film rights to Dracula; Bromfield and; Chaney and; death of; Kohner and; Lugosi and; and sale of Universal
Laemmle, Carl, Sr.; and acquisition of film rights to Dracula; Chaney and; death of; Kohner and; Universal sold by
Laemmle, Carla
Laemmle, Ernst
Lair of the White Worm, The (Stoker)
La Jolla Playhouse
Lamb, Lady Caroline
Landau, Martin
Land Beyond the Forest, The (Gerard)
Landis, John
Lang, Fritz
Langella, Frank
Last Laugh, The (film)
Last Performance, The (film)
Latham, Philip
Lathjay, Karoly
Laurie, John
Lean, David
Leatherdale, Clive
Leaves of Grass (Whitman)
Le Clerc, Jean
Lederer, Francis
Lee, Christopher
Le Fanue, Joseph Sheridan
Leipziger Volkszeitunger
Leni, Paul
Levy, José
Lewis, Louie
Lewton, Val
Library of Congress
Life magazine
Liliom (Molnar)
Liotta, Ray
Little Theatre (London)
Liveright, Horace; death of; financial problems of; Broadway production of Dracula by; in Hollywood; modern-dress Hamlet produced by; and negotiations for film rights
Lloyd Webber, Andrew
Lochhead, Liz
Logan, Joshua
Lom, Herbert
Lomath, Stuart
Lombroso, Cesare
London Era
London Evening News
London Evening Standard
London Evening Telegraph
London after Midnight (film)
London Play Company
London Library
London Museum
London Observer
London Star
London Telegraph
London Times
Look magazine
Loos, Anita
Lopez, Jennifer
Lord Ruthwen ou les Vampires (Bérard)
Lords, Traci
Lorre, Peter
Los Angeles Times
Love, Dracula (ballet)
Lovecraft, H. P.
Lowensohn, Elina
Lubin, Arthur
Lucan, Arthur
Ludlam, Harry
Lugosi, Bela ; advertisements featuring; billing of; in Broadway production of Dracula; and casting of Universal film; death of; and Dracula’s Daughter; during filming of Dracula ; and negotiations for film rights to Dracula; rights to likeness of; and Spanish Dracula; substance abuse treatment of; in West Coast touring company
Lugosi, Bela, Jr.
Lugosi, Hope Lininger
Lugosi: The Man Behind the Cape (Cremer)
Luhrman, Baz
Lukas, Paul
Lumière, Louis
Lusk, Norbert
Lussier, Patrick
Lux, Margit
Lyceum Theatre (London); Burne-Jones as designer for; Charcot at; fire in; staged reading of Dracula at; Stoker appointed to managership of
Lyons Mail, The (play)
Macbeth (Shakespeare)
MacCauley, Charles
MacCaw, Ann
MacLachlan, Kyle
MacNichol, Peter
MacQueen, Scott
Mad Love (film)
Madame Sans-Gênes (Sardou and Moreau)
Maddin, Guy
Mahler, Gustav
Malkovich, John
Man, The (Stoker)
Mandylor, Costas
Mank, Gregory
Manners, David
March, Fredric
Man’s a Man, A (play)
Man Who Laughs, The (film)
Man Who Wrote Dracula, The (Farson)
Marcus, Steven
Mark of the Vampire (film)
Marschner, Heinrich August
Marshall, William
Marvel Comics
Matheson, Richard
Matinee Theatre (television series)
McAnuff, Des
McCoy, Horace
McLaughlin, John
McNally, Raymond T.
Medley, C. D.
Melford, George
Melnotte, Violet
Memnoch the Devil (Rice)
Mercury Theatre (radio dramas)
Merhige, M. Elias
Mesmer, Franz Anton
Metro Goldwyn Mayer (MGM)
Metropolis (film)
Moonlight and Pretzels (film)
Midsummer Night’s Dream, A (Shakespeare)
Mr. Skeffington (film)
Modern Library
Modern Screen
Mohr, Hal
Molnar, Ferenc
Monroe, Marilyn
Montagu, Ivor
Monumental cinema (Mexico City)
Moreau, Emile
Morrell, Charles
Morris, Chester
Morrissey, Paul
“Morte amoreuse, La” (Gautier)
Mosk, Justice
Mother Riley Meets the Vampire (play)
Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
Motion Picture Herald
Moulin Rouge (film)
Mulroney, Dermot
Mummy, The (film)
Mundial cinema (Mexico City)
Muni, Paul
Munsters, The (television series)
Murnau, F. W
Murphy, Dudley
Muse Theatre (Ravenna, Ohio)
Museum of Modern Art
My Fair Lady (film)
My Quest for Bram Stoker (Ludlam)
“Mysterious Stranger, The”
Mystery of Edwin Drood, The (film)
Nadja (film)
Nantucket Stage Company
National Broadcasting Company (NBC)
National Endowment for the Arts
National Theatre of Hungary
Nava, Gregory
Neill, Terrence
Nelligan, Kate
Neumann, Kurt
New Yorker, The
New York magazine
New York Post
New York Sun
New York Times, The
New York University
New York World
Nielsen, Leslie
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Nightmare Alley (film)
Nineteen Hundreds, The (Wyndham)
Nixon, Richard M.
Nodier, Charles
No Exit (Sartre)
Nordeau, Max
Norman, Marek
Northern Ballet Theatre
Norton, Barry
Nosferatu (film); Florence Stoker and ; Gould’s print of; Grau’s publicity drawings for; New York screening of; opera based on; Spanish Dracula influenced by; stills from
Nosferatu in Love (Shepard)
Nosferatu the Vamypre (film)
Nouri, Michael
Novarro, Ramon
Oakes, Muriel
Oakland Tribune
Oates, Joyce Carol
Odell, George Clifton
Odeon cinema (Mexico City)
Ohio Theatre (Cleveland)
Oland, Warner
Old Globe Theatre (San Diego)
Oldman, Gary
Olivier, Laurence
O’Neill, Eugene
On the Nightmare (Jones)
Ordo Templi Orientis
Osborne, Walter Frederick
Othello (Shakespeare)
Other Victorians, The (Marcus)
Our Vampires, Ourselves (Auerbach)
Outside the Law (film); talkie version of
Outward Bound (film)
Ouzounian, Richard
Oxford University
Palance, Jack
Palma, Silvestro di
Pamela (Richardson)
Paramount Publix
Partridge, Bernard
Pasadena Playhouse
Pasdar, Adrian
Passion, The (play)
Passion of Dracula, The (Hall and Richmond)
Passmore, Herbert
Pathé Films
Patric, Jason
Patrick, Dora Mary
Peel, David
Peirce, Mildred, see Thaw, Cornelia
Personal Reminiscences of Henry Irving (Stoker); publicity portrait for
Peterson, Dorothy
Phantom, The (Boucicault)
Phantom of the Opera; 1925 film of; 1943 film of; 1962 film of
Philbin, Mary
Phillips, Michael
Philosophical Society
Physioc, Joseph
Picture of Dorian Gray, The (Wilde)
Pierce, Jack
Planché, James Robinson
Plan 9 from Outer Space (film)
Pleasance, Donald
Plowright, Joan
Plummer, Christopher
Poe, Edgar Allan
Polanski, Roman
Polidori, John
Price, Vincent
Prince of Wales Theatre (London)
Production Code
Psychology Today
Puig, Manuel
Pymm, Frederick
Pyott, Keith
Queen of the Damned (Rice)
Questral, Mae “Betty Boop”
Quinn, Aidan
Rafferty, Terrence
Raffles (film)
Rain (play)
Rains Came, The (Bromfield)
Rains of Ranchipur, The (film)
Rampas cinema (Havana)
Rasputin and the Empress (film)
Red Poppy, The (play)
Reeves, Keanu
Reinhardt, Max
Rembrandt (film)
Reptile, The (film)
Return of Dracula, The (film)
Return of the Vampire (film)
Reynolds, Tom
Rice, Ann
Richard III (Shakespeare)
Richardson, Samuel
Richmond, Dennis
Rickman, Alan
Rider, William, and Sons
Robinson, Edward G.
Robinson, George
Rockula (film)
Rocky Horror Picture Show, The (film)
Roemheld, Heinz
Romanian Ministry of Tourism
Room at the Top (film)
Rosa, Dennis
Rosenbach Library and Museum (Philadelphia)
Ross, Robert
Rosse, Hermann
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel
Roxburgh, Richard
Roxy Theatre (New York)
Royal Academy of Arts
Royal Academy of Dramatic Art
Royal Ballets Canadiens, Les
Royal Court Theatre (London)
Royal Lyceum Theatre (London), see Lyceum Theatre
Royal Winnipeg Ballet
Russell, Ken
Ryder, Winona
Rymer, James Malcolm
Salome (Wilde)
Samuel, Gilbert, and Company
San Francisco Chronicle
San Francisco earthquake (1906)
San Jose Teatro Hispano (New York)
Sanders, George
Sangster, Jimmy
Sansom, John, see Sangster, Jimmy
Sardou, Vitorien
Sargent, John Singer
Sargent’s Trust Ltd.
Sartre, Jean-Paul
Saturday Night Fever (film)
Saturday Night Live (television series)
Scars of Dracula (film)
Schatz, Thomas
Scheuer, Philip K.
Schildkraut, Joseph
Schreck, Max
Schroeder-Matray, Greta
Schulberg, Ben
Schweiger (Werfel)
Scream, Blacula, Scream (film)
Screen Gems
Sebastian, Stuart
Selena (film)
Selznick, David O.
Senf, Carol E.
Sesame Street (television series)
Seven Faces (film)
Shadow of a Doubt (film)
Shadow of the Vampire (film)
Shakespeare, William; see also titles of specific plays
Shaw, George Bernard
Sheik, The (film)
Shelley, Carol
Shelley, Mary
Shepard, Jim
Sherriff, R. C.
Sherwood, Mrs. M.E.W.
Shickel, Richard
Shirley, Lillian
Short, Vernon
Shoulder of Shasta, The (Stoker)
Showboat (film)
Siddal, Elizabeth
Sight and Sound
Silent House (play)
Six Characters in Search of an Author (Pirandello)
Skinner, Richard Dana
Skipworth, Alison
Slater, Christian
Snake’s Pass, The (Stoker)
Sommers, Stephen
Son of Dracula (film)
Son of Frankenstein (film)
Spermula (film)
Spider, The (play)
Spiegel, Irwin O.
Spielberg, Steven
Stage, The
Standing, Joan
Stephani, Frederick “Fritz”
Steranko, James
Stevens, Louis
Stevenson, Robert Louis
Stoker, Bram; and American copyright; birth of; burial urn of; Chelsea home of; childhood of; Darwinism and; Deane and; death of; financial pressures on; interview with; Irving and; literary output of (see also Dracula); marriage of; sexual ambivalence of; source material of; staged reading organized by; Wilde and; working notes of; writing process of
Stoker, Florence Balcomb; Balderston and; Chelsea home of; Deane and; death of; Farson on; Liveright and; marriage of; Morrell and ; and Nosferatu ; portraits of; Universal and; Wilde and
Stoker, Noel
Stoker, William Thornley
“Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, The” (Stevenson); films of; musical of
Stratford Festival
Stritch, Elaine
Student of Prague, The (film)
Summers, Montague
Sunrise (film)
Sunset Boulevard (musical)
Superior Court of Los Angeles County
Swinburne, Algernon
Tale of the Body Thief, The (Rice)
Taste the Blood of Dracula (film)
Teatro Gil (Brooklyn)
Telluride Film Festival
Tempest, The (Shakespeare)
Tepes, Vlad “The Impaler”
Teresa cinema (Mexico City)
Terry, Ellen
Thaw, Cornelia
Théâtre Porte-Saint-Martin (Paris)
They Shoot Horses, Don’t They? (McCoy)
Thirteenth Chair, The (film)
This One Klan (play)
Thorndike, Sybil
Thring, G. Herbert
Tieck, Johann Ludwig
Tiller, Ted
Time magazine
Titanic (ship)
Tomb of Dracula (comic book)
Touch of Evil (film)
Tovar Avalos, E.
Tovar, Lupita
“Transylvanian Superstitions” (Gerard)
Travis, Stacey
Treasury Department, U.S.
Tree, Dorothy
Tree, Herbert Beerbohm
Trilby (du Maurier)
Trinity College
Tritschler, Conrad
Twain, Mark
Twelfth Hour, The (film)
Twentieth Century-Fox
Ulmer, Edgar G.
Under the Sunset (Stoker)
United Artists
Universal Studios; acquisition of film rights to Dracula by; Balderston’s suit against; Bromfield at; Browning’s departure from; casting of Dracula by; Chaney and; finances of; Hammer Films and; Home Video; Kohner at; Lugosi’s contract with; Lugosi estate’s suit against; Museum of Modern Art retrospective of; music department of; promotion of Dracula by; and remakes of Dracula; rerelease of Dracula by; sale of
University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA); Film Archive
Upstairs, Downstairs (television series)
Valdez, Tommy
Valentino, Rudolph
Vampire, The (Boucicault)
“Vampire, The” (Burne-Jones)
Vampire, Le (Nodier)
Vampire, or, The Bride of the Isles, The (Planché)
Vampire Lestat, The (Rice)
Vampire over London (play)
Vampire Lovers, The (film)
Vampiri, Il (Palma)
Vampyr, Der (Marschner)
“Vampyre, The” (Polidori)
Vanderdecken (play)
Vane, Sutton
Van Helsing (film)
Van Sloan, Edward
Varney the Vampyre (Rymer)
Vaughn, Robert
Veidt, Conrad
Victoria, Queen of England
Victoria and Albert Museum
Victorianism; sexuality and
Viereck, George Sylvester
Vietnam War
Villarias, Carlos
Virginian, The (Wister)
Visaroff, Michael
Voluntad del Merto, La (film)
von Stroheim, Erich
Waddell, Justine
Wagner, Fritz Arno
Wahlgren, Francis
“Wake Not the Dead” (Tieck)
Wallerstein, Alfred
Wall Street Journal, The
Walston, Ray
Wangenheim, Gustav von
Warburton, Harry L.
Warhol, Andy
Warner, Jack
Warner Bros.
Warren, James
Washington Post, The
Watter’s Mou’, The (Stoker)
Waxworks (film)
Weber, Harry
Webling, Peggy
Wegener, Paul
Weight, Harold
Weil, Joe
Weitz, Chris
Weitz, John
Weitz, Paul
Welles, Orson
Wells, H. G.
Werfel, Hans
Wert, Doug
West, Conrad
West, Roland
Westminster Gazette
Whale, James
What Price Glory (film)
Whistler, James McNeill
Whitby Abbey (Yorkshire)
White, Courtney
White Zombie (film)
Whitman, Walt
Whitmore, Hazel
Wilde, Constance
Wilde, Oscar; death of; Florence and; trial of
Wildhorn, Frank
Wilkinson, William
Williams, Jean D.
Williams, Stoker, Worssam and Holland
Wilson (film)
Wister, Owen
Wlislocki, Heinrich von
Wohlbruck, Wilhelm August
Woman and the Demon (Auerbach)
Woman in White, The (Collins)
Wood, Edward D., Jr.
Woodward, O. D.
Woollcott, Alexander
World War I
World War II
Wray, John
Wyler, William
Wyndham, Horace
Yadu Drakuluj (devil’s hell or abyss)
Yeats, William Butler
Yellow Book, The
Young, Robert
Young Frankenstein (film)
Young Winston (film)
Zhang Wei-Qiang
Ziegfeld Theatre (New York)
Zola, Emile