
This book has been in the works for years. From the beginning of my pastoral ministry, I’ve been counseling young men who have been caught in the struggle with pornography. I’ve been preaching on this topic in churches, lecturing on it in classes, and teaching about it at conferences. What I have written here has been simmering for years in the cauldron of church ministry.

The process of writing down my thoughts has been an effort I have not undertaken alone. I have several people to thank.

I am grateful to Al Mohler, Russell Moore, and Dan DeWitt. I serve under these godly men at Southern Seminary and Boyce College and am thankful for their Christian conviction, faithful leadership, and encouragement to pursue writing projects like this one.

I am also thankful for the elders at Crossing Church where I have been privileged to serve as the pastor of biblical living. These gracious, wise, and humble men are faithful colaborers in the kingdom of Christ. It has been a great encouragement to count on their prayers throughout this project.

I must express appreciation for the team at Zondervan. I am so thankful for their support of this project and for the shared commitment to making this book be as good as it can possibly be. Ryan Pazdur, in particular, has become a trusted adviser and faithful friend for whom I am profoundly grateful.

Three people provided helpful comments as I was writing. My research assistant Sean Perron, my assistant Amber Walsh, and fellow pastor Dave Northrup all shared valuable insights that improved the quality and clarity of my work here.

Gunner Gundersen served as my editorial assistant on this book. Gunner is a faithful servant of Christ, and he was invaluable to me on this project. He pored over each chapter and made meticulous edits. Even when I didn’t adopt his recommendations, he always helped me see my writing from a fresh vantage point and greatly improved this book.

I also must express how grateful I am for my wife, Lauren, and my three children, Carson, Chloe, and Connor. Lauren is the most supportive wife in the world. She has prayed for me, encouraged me, provided feedback, and taken care of me during the writing process. My children were also an encouragement. Almost every day they would ask about “Daddy’s book” and tell me they were praying for me. The great honor of my life is to come home every day to my four favorite people in the world.

Finally, I must give praise and glory to God. While writing this book, I have truly experienced the kindness of God in his provision for me. Working on each chapter has reminded me of the amazing God we serve, who is abounding in grace. My prayer is that you encounter his grace in the pages of this book.

Heath Lambert, Louisville, Kentucky
July 2012