10 Mindful Minutes, Goldie Hawn with Wendy Holden (Perigee, 2011)

The 15-Minute Prayer Solution, Gary Jansen (Loyola Press, 2015)

The Alchemist, Paulo Coelho (HarperOne, 1988)

The Art of Happiness, The Dalai Lama (Riverhead, 1998)

Autobiography of a Yogi, Paramahansa Yogananda (Self-Realization Fellowship, 1946)

Become a Better You, Joel Osteen (Howard Books, 2007)

A Beginner’s Guide to Meditation, edited by Rod Meade Sperry (Shambhala, 2014)

Buddhism Plain and Simple: The Practice of Being Aware Right Now, Every Day, Steve Hagan (Broadway, 1997)

Conversations with God (Book 1), Neale Donald Walsch (Putnam, 1995)

Dianetics, L. Ron Hubbard (Bridge Publications, 1950)

Going Clear, Lawrence Wright (Knopf, 2013)

The Great Eight: How to Be Happy (even when you have every reason to be miserable), Scott Hamilton and Ken Baker (Thomas Nelson, 2009)

The Happiness Project, Gretchen Rubin (Harper, 2009)

The Holy Bible, New International Version, (Zondervan, 1973)

How to Know God, Deepak Chopra (Three Rivers Press, 2000)

Jesus Is ____, Judah Smith (Thomas Nelson, 2013)

A Life Worth Breathing, Max Strom (Skyhorse, 2010)

Loving What Is, Byron Katie (Harmony, 2002)

Manual of Zen Buddhism, D. T. Suzuki (Grove Press, 1960)

The Power of Intention, Dr. Wayne W. Dyer (Hay House, 2004)

The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle (New World Library, 1997)

The Return of the Prodigal Son, Henri J. M. Nouwen (Doubleday, 1992)

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Deepak Chopra (Amber-Allen/New World, 1994)

There’s No App for Happiness, Max Strom (Skyhorse, 2013)

Tuesdays with Morrie, Mitch Albom (Broadway, 1997)

The Untethered Soul, Michael Singer (New Harbinger, 2007)

Way of the Peaceful Warrior, Dan Millman (H. J. Kramer, 1980)

When Things Fall Apart, Pema Chodron (Shambhala, 1997)

The Yoga Bible, Christina Brown (Godsfield Press, 2003)

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Robert M. Pirsig (HarperCollins, 1974)

Zen in the Art of Archery, Eugen Herrigel (Pantheon, 1953)