In the beginning, God created me.

I went on to live a life of achievements and struggles, joys and pains, successes and failures—both personal and professional.

My journey led me to Hollywood, where I took up a journalism career, at first in magazines, and then television and online, writing and talking about pagan gods and idols known as “celebrities.” I would sometimes pray, sometimes attend church, baptized my first child in a Catholic church in Malibu, and considered myself a believer in God.

Over my time in Hollywood, however, I grew distant from my Creator—and from my spiritual self.

It seemed I had it all: a house near the beach, two SUVs, two amazing kids, a marriage filled with a lifetime of amazing memories, a Daytime Emmy Award, book-writing awards, a celebrity journalism career that had sent me around the world covering the richest, most beautiful, talented, and famous humans on the planet. But these were temporary, material, and external rewards, not eternal, spiritual ones. I felt empty.

So after twenty years spent chasing celebrities, writing books, raising kids, and making countless hours of television, I grew plagued with spiritual self-doubt, existential angst, anxiety, and even depression. Indeed, what began as my Hollywood heaven had become my hell. But like Dante wrote in his Divine Comedy, I would have to go through hell to get back to heaven.

I decided to use my journalism skills to seek answers to my deepest spiritual questions—including whether God exists and, if so, how I might connect with God before my physical time on Earth ends.

My midlife search for meaning—and for God—took place entirely in Hollywood, the very cradle of celebrity civilization where I had grown so lost.

As a seeker, I chased my spiritual truth just as I had always chased stories as a journalist. Tired of being broken, I was determined to break the biggest news of my life…before I lost my mind. And I soon learned that losing my mind was the very thing I needed to do before I could find myself.

And what I learned, the insights I made and the profound transformation that took place in my life after dedicating myself to assembling the puzzle that was my jumbled soul is herein contained in what shall be known forthwith as…

The Ken Commandments.