

With hanging gardens,

a lama monastery.

Painted battle scenes.

Wall of hopelessness . . .

The doves flutter to and fro.

They have no faces.

Thoughts standing still, like

the colored mosaic stones in

the palace courtyard.

On the balcony

I stand in a cage of sun-

beams—like a rainbow.

Humming in the mist.

A fishing boat far from land

—trophy on the waves.

Glittering cities:

song, stories, mathematics—

but with a difference.


Stag in blazing sun.

The flies sew, sew, fasten that

shadow to the ground.


A chill-to-the-bone

wind flows through the house tonight—

names of the demons.

Gaunt tousled pine trees

on the same tragic moorland.

Always and always.

Borne by the darkness.

I met an immense shadow

in a pair of eyes.

The November sun—

my enormous shadow swims

becomes a mirage.

Those milestones, always

on their way somewhere. Listen

—a stock dove calling.

Death stoops over me.

I’m a problem in chess. He

has the solution.


The sun disappears.

The tugboat looks on with its

face of a bulldog.

On a rocky ledge

the crack in the charmed cliff shows.

The dream an iceberg.

Working up the slopes

in open sunlight—the goats

that foraged on fire.


And blueweed, blueweed

keeps rising from the asphalt.

It’s like a beggar.

The darkening leaves

in autumn are as precious

as the Dead Sea Scrolls.


Sitting on a shelf

in the library of fools

the sermons untouched.

Come out of the swamp!

Sheatfish tremble with laughter

when the pine strikes twelve.

My happiness swelled

in those Pomeranian

swamps and the frogs sang.

He writes, writes, and writes . . .

Glue floated in the canals.

On the Styx, that barge.

Go, quiet as a shower

and meet the whispering leaves.

Hear the Kremlin’s bell!


Perplexing forest

where God lives without money.

The walls were shining.

Encroaching shadows . . .

We are astray in the woods

in the mushroom clan.

Black-and-white magpie

stubbornly running zigzag

right across the fields.

See how I’m sitting

like a punt pulled up on land.

Here I am happy.

The avenues trot

in a harness of sunbeams.

Did someone call out?


The grass is rising—

his face is a runic stone

raised in memory.

Here’s a dark picture.

Poverty painted over,

flowers in prison dress.


When the hour is here

the blind wind will come to rest

against the façades.

I’ve been in that place—

all over a whitewashed wall

the flies crowd and crowd.

Here where the sun burned . . .

a mast holding a black sail

from long long ago.

Hold on, nightingale!

Out of the depths it’s growing—

we are in disguise.


Death leans forward and

writes on the ocean surface.

While the church breathes gold.

Something has happened.

The moon filled the room with light.

God knew about it.

The roof broke apart

and the dead man can see me

can see me. That face.

Hear the swish of rain.

To reach right into it I

whisper a secret.

Station-platform scene.

What unpredictable calm—

it’s the inner voice.


A revelation.

The long-standing apple tree.

The sea is close by.

The sea is a wall.

I can hear the gulls screaming—

they’re waving at us.

God’s wind in the back.

The shot that comes soundlessly—

a much-too-long dream.

Ash-colored silence.

The blue giant passes by.

Cool breeze from the sea.

A wind vast and slow

from the ocean’s library.

Here’s where I can rest.

Birds in human shape.

The apple trees in blossom.

The great enigma.